City Biddy
I think we are experiencing, to some degree, a weather pattern that scientists call the snow effect. They think just this type of effect, but to a greater extent, may have been responsible for some of the mini ice ages in the past.
Basically you get a freakish storm with lots of snow. Check. Then the white snow cover tends to reflect the sunshine away from the ground causing basil ground temperatures to become colder. Check. Which causes the air to become colder. Check. Which causes more snow... and so on...
Sound a little familiar? I am not suggesting an ice age at this point, but you CAN begin to see how one would occur. Especially if we experienced left over ash from a major earthquake that further blocked the sun's rays like happened in 1816. Called "eighteen hundred and froze to death" by the common folks it was an interesting time in our world.
OK that is enough of a Hi Jack for your climatology lesson!
Aly are you feeding your bunnies hay? That was the main thing I fed mine unless they were bred or being fattened for the table. Also how are you sterilizing the calf's bottles?
To disinfect feeding equipment use 3 cups bleach in 5 gallons of HOT water (165 degrees or greater) & soak pre-cleaned equipment for a minimum of 5 minutes. Following this method will greatly reduce the incidence of scours in your young livestock.
When my sis was trying to push solids on her orphaned foal the vet suggested that she cook up a gruel with oatmeal to start and then add some alfalfa pellets with that in a warm mush and served with milk replacer. Start off with oatmeal only and very runny.
Basically you get a freakish storm with lots of snow. Check. Then the white snow cover tends to reflect the sunshine away from the ground causing basil ground temperatures to become colder. Check. Which causes the air to become colder. Check. Which causes more snow... and so on...
Sound a little familiar? I am not suggesting an ice age at this point, but you CAN begin to see how one would occur. Especially if we experienced left over ash from a major earthquake that further blocked the sun's rays like happened in 1816. Called "eighteen hundred and froze to death" by the common folks it was an interesting time in our world.
OK that is enough of a Hi Jack for your climatology lesson!

Aly are you feeding your bunnies hay? That was the main thing I fed mine unless they were bred or being fattened for the table. Also how are you sterilizing the calf's bottles?
To disinfect feeding equipment use 3 cups bleach in 5 gallons of HOT water (165 degrees or greater) & soak pre-cleaned equipment for a minimum of 5 minutes. Following this method will greatly reduce the incidence of scours in your young livestock.
When my sis was trying to push solids on her orphaned foal the vet suggested that she cook up a gruel with oatmeal to start and then add some alfalfa pellets with that in a warm mush and served with milk replacer. Start off with oatmeal only and very runny.