Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
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Northern California
Sorry to hear about all your problems. Wish I could send some of our sunshine your way. Well we didn't really have sunshine today, but it was warm enough to work outside in just a long sleeved sweatshirt. Hope Trouble improves real soon. I love calves.


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Trouble is still hanging on. Not sure if I'd say he's any better, but he doesn't seem to be worse.

We stayed up till midnight since that was when he was due for his round of meds. I almost went to bed, because the vet said we could just skip the midnight dose, but E and I both had this feeling that if we did skip it, we'd regret that decision.

So, out at midnight, dosed him, then to bed and up again at 5 am to prep bottles and get his meds together for his 6 am dose.

He was laying under his heat lamp when we got out there, and as soon as he saw us, he scrambled to his feet! We were happy to see that.

Blessing has earned another nickname-Miss Piggie.

We have to feed her first, and then lock her out of the barn so we can work with Trouble. She's just all over us all the time, and nosing into everyting. We did give her one dose of the scours meds last night, because one of her stools looked a little iffy, so we dosed her just once as a precaution. That silly gal thought the meds were a treat!!!! She comes running when she sees the pill gun!!

Ugh. LOL

So, she eats and goes out of the barn while we take care of Trouble.

I did a quick check of my ducks early this AM, too, and thankfully, I didn't lose anymore over night. Whew. :)

anyhoo...it's not quite 7:30 am yet, and i'm barely awake...i need about 3 more cups of coffee ontop of the one i've had and then it's outside to chorin'.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Lordy girl, I hope things settle down for you soon. Sorry about your ducks, I have been lucky and haven't lost any so far...knock on wood. This morning I got up and went to let the chickens out of the coop and was greeted by my rooster and 3 hens. WTF??? They were supposed to be IN the coop. Geesh. Next time I lock up the girls I take a flashlight and I definitely do my "one little, two little, three little chick-eeees" song.

Hope you guys don't lose power in all that snow headed your way. I watched the news last night and thought of all of you guys up in Ohio....this looks like one nasty storm system. We are supposed to get about an inch tonight but our temps are supposed to take a dive down into the teens. Hope it isn't too bad!


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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I was going to post in my journal last night, but I was just so tired, I just decided to skip it and go to bed....at like 8:30 pm!

It's only 9* here this morning. Plus, we have wind.

Last night when we fed Trouble he stood up immediately upon us coming in the barn. That was a good sign to us. We were happy to see it. Still had to tube feed him, but he did try to suck the bottle before we went to the tube feeding.

This morning when we went out to feed him, he was standing up waiting for us! Still doesn't have the strength to suck the bottle, but again he tried before we tube fed him. AND this morning he was being nosey about the stuff in our hands, where before he wasn't making any effort at being curious. Today, he was very curious, and even put up a little fight with the pill gun. We take all that as signs of improvement. :)

Yesterday I was worried about getting my critters taken care of with all the cold weather coming in. I stuffed more straw in everyone's beds, and completely banked the run of the call duck pen with straw. Then I tarped the run of the call duck pen to keep the snow and yuck from getting it. It's cut down on the wind in the pen quite a bit!

I'm warming up my cold feet from being out there this morning, and then it's back out to rotate poultry waterers and make sure everyone has feed for the day.


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 3, 2008
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east central Ohio
Good news on Trouble.

Thanks for the straw delivery. Put more out for the big ducks this morning. Four were actually using the small shelter. First time I've seen them use it other than to lay their eggs. :D

Oh, and I had a turkey sleep outside on the garage roof last night. She survived - the nut! :rolleyes:


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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I went out last night to shut up the birds and check for eggs.....nothing. I was so pissed, then when I got up this morning I found chicken eggs in the duck house (all my chickens lay brown eggs and my runners will lay white ones if they ever decide to lay me an egg) :th At least the ducks kept them warm enough to keep from freezing! Silly birds :p

Glad to hear that trouble is starting to be trouble in the feeding dept, in a good way, that is! Him nosing around in your hands sounds like a good sign and I'm sure that he'll start taking the bottle soon if he keeps on like he is. We got snow last night and the wind is howling here too. All my chickens are huddled together and my ducks are looking at them like they're crazy!


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Trouble-who is now named Lasarus-didn't need to be tube fed this morning. :ya He drank his bottle by himself! He is also off the medicines per the vet, and walking sooo much better.

Blessing-whom my husband is still insisting on calling Miss Piggie- is in her own pen now, and has also started eating hay and nibbles at grain during the day. She's still getting her milk, but I think we could probably encourage her to drink it from a bucket.

Yesterday Becca and I attended our church committee meeting-I still have to type up the notes from the meeting and email them to Pastor-and then we ran into town to pick up a few things.

First stop was TSC-to get feed and they have their 1 gallon waterers on sale for $5 so we each picked up one. Then off to Big Satan for the only bacon E likes, coffee, and our special so fattening and probably clogs your arteries coffee creamers (I've a new addiction to Belgium Chocolate Truffle, and we only left 1 bottle of it in the coolers...).

Then it was to Lowe's to pick up 2x4's and nails for the calf pen that Blessing is now occupying.

Becca was kind enough to help me put the 2x4's up to block the bigger cattle's access to Blessing's side of the barn. She has her own stall and small outdoor access. Just until she gets a bit bigger and can go out with the bigger cattle. E stood out there with us and "supervised" while Becca and I pounded nails.

Then I fixed spaghetti for dinner.

Today at church we presented the Baskets of Hope to the congregation. We've set a goal of hopefully giving a basket out to at least 2 families a month. We have a basket already made up and ready to be given to a family. I think our Pastor's wife has a family in mind to recieve it already. Only item we have to put in the basket is a bottle of dish soap, and I have that here so I'll take it over hopefully this week before next week's services.

It was a well recieved idea and we're super excited. :ya

2010 may have come in snowy and cold, but I think it's going to be a great year. I can't wait to see what experiences and trials are going to come our way this year. I'm ready to take whatever comes head on, because I know that with God, all things are possible, and He's going to see us through everything. And if I think I need it, and He decides I don't, He'll show us the reason why and get us through it.

So, bring it 2010! I'm ready for you!! :D


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
So glad to hear the news about Lasarus! And great name change by the way! :cool:

It looks like things are finally starting to look up. You are right 2010 is going to be a great new year! :weee :ya

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