Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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The Vail Benton's said:
Maybe Blessing will calm down a bit and quit giving you such a hard time.
HA! fat chance LOL She's half black angus and half holstein, but you can't tell that she has any holstein in her at all! She has the look and behaviors of a full blooded black angus. I've been told they're (black angus) are known for being a spirited breed, but they taste yumm-o so that makes it worth putting up with them :lol:

I think we're going to keep her as our breeder, tho, and since she is half holstein, I may be bold and try out milking her, depending on her udder size once she's old enough to calf out.

I think ofg and BR have a conspiracy going on....a goose conspiracy!

I think BR has evil geese-period. Or is that an evil gaggle?? because he surely had a gaggle of geese when we were up there.

So, I thought I was going to name my Embden pair Homer and Marge, but it didn't really fit them, so I was debating about Zeus for my Gander - and yesterday, he proved that name would definitely be suitable!

HE got me!

The ungrateful, hateful, brute GOT ME!

I've never been treated so hatefully by anything in my own barnyard - not even by the big Tom turkeys we used to have that flogged everything in sight! What's worse, I was feeding treats and he attacked me?! Are you kidding me?! You don't like treats?!

I had gone into the duck shed because there were ton and I do mean TONS of white feathers all over the place....I was like, crap! who bit it now?

Well, no one bit it....but I think Zeus and his yet to be named "wife" may be trying to start their first nest...because all of the feathers looked like goose feathers...

So I am checking it out, with treats in my hand, and BAM! He grabs me on the back of my leg - and omg it hurt! what's worse, he didn't let go!

And then he totally went Tonya Harding on me and tried to take out my right knee cap with his wings! Stunned, I dropped to the roosting bench in the duck shed, picked up the plastic feed pan, and beat that ungrateful gander over his head.

He let go after about 4 whaps, backed out of the shed, and I'm screaming the whole time - you ungrateful brute! see if I bring you anymore treats/bread! you little jerk! You'd be mighty tasty for Easter I think! JERK!

E comes waltzing back to see what the commotion is about, and I'm already limping out of the pen at this point, but not turning my back on that back stabbing brute of a gander.

My husband couldn't even ask if I was OK because he was too busy laughing his butt off. :smack


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
Reaction score
Southern California
:hugs Poor Aly!

I can't really relate to an attack gander since I have never had one, but it sounds like it hurt.
I hope that boy learned his lesson.....no biting the woman bearing treats!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
OUCH QA, OK, you have firmly made up my mind...I DO NOT WANT GEESE!! LOL Maybe Conan ( the barbarian) would be a good name for that one! I hope your knee is better!
So sorry, and sorta thankfull for you, that Trouble is gone. Working and trying to save a larger sick animal is very tireing! I couldnt imagine trying to bury one in this frozen tundra! We called a fertilizer company to come pick ours up, at $85 a pop! I HAVE to get some sory of backhoe...or something.
Glad to hear you decided to keep Blessing. I think you are right, she will be worth the work....in the long run! LOL
5th place?? I agree, ya needed some Texan for THAT cookoff. We lived in OK for 11 years...and let me tell ya...Chili from down yonder is WAY hotter than it is up here....and here in IN...they ...oh, I almost can't even say it... the put PASTA in thier chili!! :sick Elbow Macoroni!! :th I tried to explain to several people that what they are makeing is Chili Mac..NOT chili. Oh, that starts an argument every time! Im still trying to adjust to northern living and cooking.


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
yes, Justusnak, that's chili mac! and it's the nastiest crap I've ever had the displeasure of passing through my lips and over my tongue. I love a good ol' chili - one that doesn't burn off my lips or taste buds - but don't stick pasta in my chili! ick! :sick

I think we'll keep his name as Zeus...best part is, he got E this morning :lol: Ok, so not as funny, because if he had really hurt E and E fell, we'd be off to the ER. BUT, he only attacked E because he had gone into the duck shed....I'm telling you, those geese have claimed that duck shed as their nest area, and NO ONE is allowed in it...wowza! Zeus is serious!

The Embden I had before was only really aggressive during breeding season, but he never had the chance to bite me. I think I opened myself up for Zeus to attack. At least I know he's protective! Which will be good is his wife hatches out some babies this spring.

Funnier yet, two days ago I was in that pen and HOLDING Zeus...it's like a switch flipped in his head or something :lol:

We're actually kind of relieved about Trouble. He was down bad the 2nd week in January with the scours, we spent out a ton of money on meds and tube feeding supplies, and did everything we could with the help of our vet to pull him through. E and the vet both agree that he just didn't have the will to help us fight. It's hard to bring anything out of an illness if the animal has given up the will to live. The morning feeding today was sooo much easier.

I think next time, when we do the calf thing again, one bottle baby. It's a lot easier only feeding 1.

But, I don't think Blessing will be on the bottle much longer. She cleaned up all her hay last night plus half her chop. whoot! This morning was her last AM bottle...we're going to be cutting her down to evening bottles only, and gradually cut those down in milk amounts until she is on the hay and chop only.

Once that pasture starts growing, she'll be out on that grass!

Welp, today is M O N D A Y :weee which means we'll be going to auction in a bit...

Even better....we're now officially into F E B R U A R Y!!!!!!!!

28 more days to March 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :weee :ya


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
Dace said:
:hugs Poor Aly!

I can't really relate to an attack gander since I have never had one, but it sounds like it hurt.
I hope that boy learned his lesson.....no biting the woman bearing treats!
Oh no, I don't think he learned anything...he wants US to learn to keep out of the duck shed! :lol: :p


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
Sorry to hear about Job. Probably just as well that Trouble let go.... it didn't sound like he was having a good life. :hugs Good luck at auction!


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Sorry to hear about that ungrateful bird. When we go to the feed store and the geese are out I avoid them like the plague.

I make a Chili Mac recipe and Chili and really the two are very different. I can see how crossing them would not turn out so well.

good to hear blessing is doing well.

have a great day.



Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 3, 2008
Reaction score
east central Ohio
My husband couldn't even ask if I was OK because he was too busy laughing his butt off. smack
I'm sorry, but I probably would have been right with him since just picturing this makes me laugh. :lol::gig But I think you'll have better luck raising up goslings. So far my Embdens are good. Lucy still lets me pet her on occasion. They follow me to see what I'm doing. And they love treats.

here in IN...they ...oh, I almost can't even say it... the put PASTA in thier chili!! sickbyc Elbow Macoroni!! th I tried to explain to several people that what they are makeing is Chili Mac..NOT chili. Oh, that starts an argument every time! Im still trying to adjust to northern living and cooking.
My mom makes hers that way, and it is very good. :tongue

So QA, what are you doing at auction today??? :rolleyes:

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