Wow QA, im so sorry for your losses. I hope you get that varmit....because of course you KNOW he will be that he knows where the food supply is.
I think by the time we came back in from the chase, it was 9:45 pm
We've been going to bed around 9 almost every night because there's nothing on tv - unless you want to watch the Olympics, and frankly, I don't because right now we've got their snow
We did get out and surveyed the damage...and I found one of the MIA bunnies! My little grey and white doe, who's the daughter of my buck that the coyote killed. :bun
AND it is because the rabbits were burrowing OUT, not that the coyote got in, because this morning that worthless rex doe that wants nothing to do with a male is now OUT and running around somewhere.
Which means, there is a chance I'll find my lionhead/lop cross doe sometime, and means there is a chance she's OK.
Sorry about the bunny. Mine burrowed out as well, through chicken wire. That's how the dog got her.
You know with my unfortunate experiences with Coyotes, they don't usually travel alone. Be careful with this one, if it is alone it might be sick and more on the prowl for food.
So, my neighbor's buddy was over plowing their driveway. We don't really know this guy, but I used to work for the same company as his wife, so I do know the wife.
Anyway, when he finished the neighbors drive, he came over and did ours!
It was the most wonderful thing! We asked if he wanted anything for his time, and he said "Nope, just if you see me or my wife stuck somewhere...." We were like Sure thing!
I'm just so happy that the driveway is shoveled out!
Got the gun ready and waiting for the wannabe dog. Hope we kill 'im tonight.
In other news, the chick count is now 17 and 1 duckling I'll start taking chicks to sale on March 1. End of this week, I'll be cleaning the 'bator and filling it back up for hatchinglings due in March for April Auction sales.
You have coyotes and we have freaking bobcats. Im still waiting for our friendly neighborhood bobcat to come back and finish off my ducks. With this weather and this deep snow the wild animals have nothing to eat. The deer has been in our yard everyday eating what leftover corn they can find and getting in our birdfeeders,...I feel sorry for them. We have been trying to feed them some,..but feeding 12 head of deer can get expensive. This is a hard winter for everything apparently.
How 'bouts some pics of my only duckling to have hatced - so far that is! we do have four more duck eggs with pips! whoot!
His (or her) name is Pip. (I know, real original, right?!)
I love this shot, isn't this adorable?! i'd make it my avatar, if I knew how to do the avatar thingamabob.
this has been my first experience with incubating and hatching ducks. I got one duckling, and he thinks I'm mom, so I'm good. Any that hatch now are just icing on the cake.