Congratulations on all the new baby chicks!!!! I love the pictures. Can you get one of the size difference between the bantam and the others? I have never seen a bantam chick before.
Bantam chick with Black Australorp chick Just for Gina!
We just had chick number 12 hatch, and it was another Welsummer! I'm thinking I'll keep the Welsummer chicks (only 2 so far) and the Splash Langshan chick. The rest of the chicks will be sold in a couple weeks.
QA, you will LOVE the wellies! I have a small flock, and just hatched 3, with 2 more to go. I am definately going to increase my flock...I just love em! I have 3 wellies, and 3 silkies hatched so far..... next are the Khaki Kambels. I have a dozen eggs to go in. I cant waite to have baby ducks.
Just, you slay me! I have Wellies! The two Wellie chicks that just hatched are from my own small flock I have one roo and 6 hens. IF I had to choose one breed of chickens to keep - it would be the Welsummers!
I cannot imagine NOT having Welsummers now that I've had them.
Oh, Duh me!! Of course you do, you are hatching them! LOL I have snow in my brain....its slow thinking here! LOL
I love mine too....I will ALWAYS have them, and Barred Rocks.
I've been trying to tell myself it won't kill me to only keep 3 chicken breeds - instead of 15....but I just cannot make that leap...ya know? It's've already got them, they each have their own endearments....and they're heritage breeds, so not just chickens....