Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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So, first announcement - I think I'm going to sell all of my Speckled Sussex. Sure, I like them, they are nice and pretty - and they lay OK I guess - but they are not a breed I want to really focus on.

I think I'll get more later, but I've decided to focus on certain breeds for now.

Like my Black Langshans.

And my Blue Laced Red Wyandottes.

And my Marans.

And my Blue Orps.

That's four large fowl breeds - I have 3 coops right now, and a half done hoop house. Plus we're working on some bantam pens for pairs/trios of bantams.

So, while that's a change, that's not the BIG Announcement.

I'm actually scared to post the big announcement, because although I'm not normally one prone to believe in jinxing, I'm really afraid I might jinx this.

I know that I've been doing a lot of praying, and so have my friends, that this will work out, because, you know, 9 years is a looong time to not have water.....

Few weeks ago we had a well drilling guy out - and he gave us a quote of $29 a foot. So, just to have a well drilled, capped, and cased - no pump or holding tank and not piped into the house - at the very low side we were looking at $2900 and that's only if he stops at 100ft. If he has to go beyond 100ft, he wants $29 for each additional foot.

We just thought that was outrageously high per foot, but hey, when you need a well.....

So ya'll remember that car wreck we were in last March???? We had been advised to get an attorney, so we did. About two weeks ago our attorney called and said the insurance made a very low offer, they felt it was too low, we were to the point of let's just settle. Our attorney told us to just wait - don't give authorization yet to accept offers, let me see what they come back with if I demand a high offer.

The next week she called back, and the offer was more. After fees and medical - we were looking at the exact amount needed to drill the well in pocket - exactly what the well guy said 100 ft well would be.

We told her to take it. We emailed authorization.

Today she called back. They settled for more than what she told us last week.

It's not a ton more, we won't be set for life or anything - but enough to get the well drilled and capped. Maybe.

So, we called another well guy. He told us $2800 for the first 100 feet, and then anything over 100ft is $10 a foot - OMG that's a way better price!

He's coming tomorrow to check things over.

The last guy that was out witched for water and said he'd probably hit water at 55 ft, but would suggest going 110 ft to be safe - to make sure it doesn't bale dry.

Our neighbors have 160 foot well. The guy behind us only has a 35 ft well and my FIL 500 ft up the road has a 140 ft well. None of them have problems with their wells drying up, all have good water flow.

The spot they chose on our property - assuming this new guy thinks it's a good spot, too - supposedly has 5 underground springs running into and through the same spot.

I'm excited - but at the same time holding my breath. This will be our third attempt to get a well, and they say third times the charm...and I'm doing a lot of praying.

Scripture says, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His Righteousness...and all of these things shall be added unto you.."

another scripture says "delight yourself in the Lord and He shall give you the desire of your heart.."

Don't ask me where they are, I can never remember the references, but I know they're in there, and I'm telling you, we've been doing our best, but even trying to live a Christain walk has it's ups and downs, and we've found our human side taking over.

But I'm still praying, and I'm holding on to the promise of "the desires of my heart" I mean, if God found a way to give me the short time of owning my beautiful Alpaca - who wasn't a necessity, was just a pet and not a need - then surely God would see this need and desire of water atleast accessible in my own back yard!

I mean, I'm happy if I have to walk out my door and lift a pump handle! at least it would be in my own yard!

I'm hoping that wanting/praying for this well is not being greedy.

So, folks, if you're the praying kind, please pray with us, that this all works out, and that we'll have the money in the promised 4-6 weeks to get our well drilled (or rather, hammered in).

I think 2010 is a year of Promise, and God's promised to care for us. I think I've had to learn to be patient and wait for His timing, and I feel strongly that now is the time.

I will not lie, my biggest worry about living here has been if TSHTF and we couldn't get anywhere, how would we get water?? we're set up for everything else, the water on our own property is the last necessity.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
Oh QA, thats WONDERFULL news!!!! On the well! :weee I will definately send up a little prayer, that this all works out for you.


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Thank you for the encouragement, prayers, and wonderful thoughts!

WZ, I hope it's not too much to ask for. :) Because we've learned to live without it for so long, I've stopped thinking of plumbed water as a necessity, it just feels like a want now.

Is it Tuesday already?!

Why is it that if there's 6 ft of snow on the ground, and cold, the days drag by....but when the snow is mostly melted and it's warmed up to nearly 60, the days pass in a blink?

Ya'll realize yesterday was Monday?! :lol: Yes, we went to the auction. Met the kids' 4H director there because she had candy bars for the kids to sell.

She had picked up 11 cases of candy. A family that's just joining our 4H group took two cases for their kids last week. My oldest three kids sold 3 cases yesterday from 11:30 am to 1 pm at the auction.


The profit they make from the sales will cover their yearly club fees of $15 per child and pay to order their project books.

Only my oldest 2 kiddos are old enough to show in the fair. They said the kids have to have their birds for the fair in hand by May 15 - thankfully, we already have that taken care of. :D DD has her pair of ducklings that we hatched last night and DS has a pair of Non-beared Booted Bantams in Mille Fleur color - but we're not sure if he'll get to use them because they are very flighty! and the judges expect to table top judge, I guess, from what our 4H director says.

We have a new family joining 4H tonight, and they want to show ducks, too. Our 4H director told them that I have some ducklings that I hatched out, and that I may be hatching more, and to talk to me before they decide to order from a Hatchery! whoot! We'll meet tonight at the 4H meeting!

anyway - back to the auction -

I took 2 extra roos into sell and two rabbits. The roos never bring much, but I'm looking at it as two less mouths I have to feed! the rabbits sold for a fair price, so I was pleased.

Now, the Non-Beared Booted Bantams did come from the auction yesterday. Since I had given them a copy of my NPIP number, they do not have to test my birds, but they do test all of the other birds. I spoke with the guy who does the NPIP testing, and I asked him, "If I get some of the Mille Fleur bantams, will that nullify my NPIP if I take them home?"

He asked what we wanted them for, and I told him my DS wanted them for 4H. He said, "We NPIP test them before we sell them, so you will not nullify your NPIP certification."

So, while that's true, they are NOT tested for AI, and my flock is NPIP and AI monitored.

We did bring a trio home - turns out the younger hen is a mille fleur d'uccle, not a booted bantam - but I've still got them in an outdoor hutch/pen away from my other pens just to be safe. AND, I explained to my son that after the fair, the pair will most likely be sold.

We're going to try to have private sales of DD's pair of ducks and DS's bantam pair just so we reduce the risk of bringing home something to our flocks.

On another note, I'm probably going to sell more of my rabbits. I have 3 does I want to keep and 1 male that are just "rabbits". No special breeding or pedigrees, just rabbits. The remaining three rabbits are mini rex does and I think I'll let Becca take first choice if she wants any of them and send whomever she doesn't want to auction next Monday.

I've thought about selling all of my rabbits, because each of those hutches would make nice pens to hold pairs or trios of bantams.......

I definitely made the decision to sell the Speckled Sussex, and already have someone interested in them. I might be letting my Buff Brahma Bantams go, too. I'm still thinking on those.

I have a pair of Heritage Dominiques that came from eggs I got in a swap from NatsDoms on BYC. He has very nice Dom stock, none of which come from hatcheries, and the two I have are very very nice! E really likes them, but I've considered selling the pair. The only thing holding me back is it is very difficult to find a good Heritage Dominiques around here, and I know locally Dom's sell well. I'm not sure what the APA standard is on them, but I want to do a little more digging into that before I just sell them off - because if I have what people would consider nice specimens, it might behoove my chicken venture to keep them and get them their own pen.

One of the roos I sold yesterday was a blue orp. I had 4 blue orps: 1 splash pullet, 1 blue hen, and 2 blue roos. I kept the roo with better type and size - tho I'm not sure his comb is that great. The other roos comb was worse, but he had a prettier tail. He was also smaller and didn't have a good orp type. So, a trio of Orps for my chicken venture. They shouldn't need a huge pen, so that's doable.

I think my biggest two chicken breeds I have right now are my Welsummers and my Black Langshans. With the Langshans, I have 5 hens/pullets and 1 roo. Second roo was sold yesterday because he was blind in one eye, and I didn't want to use him for breeding. Becca has a HUGE Langshan roo who's in extra in her pen, so I think I'm getting him.

I'm not even sure how many Welsummers I have right now. I know I have Kellogg - the only roo for now - and at least 7 hens - maybe more...I had started with I think 11 hens, but I really need to do a head count, because I gave one to Becca and another one kicked it over the winter. Then I hatched some, and of those 1 pullet I still have....so somewhere between 7-9 hens, I think.

I'm ready for all this snow to be gone so I can really get out there and get these pens all fixed up for spring and ready for the breeding season.

I also have a very selfish wish/want - I'd like to save back enough to buy the Chick-n-Barn that Meyer Hatchery sells...I'd like to buy one to use as a pattern to build a couple more in my back yard - not build and sell, because that's probably illegal - but build more of my own to put my small breeding groups in.

I still have this half done hoop house to finish. I'm thinking of putting The First Ladies in it, with Quincy and Polk for company, so I can move them around the yard to get fresh grass, etc. That way they can still get their "free ranging" while not free ranging. E has said that I absolutely have to have every chicken penned during planting season, or he'll sell any chicken he sees in the garden this year. :rolleyes: (he says this every year - and it hasn't happened yet - )

I couldn't find one of my blue fawn call ducks this morning - I couldn't figure out where she was - the other 7 calls were in their run...I found her in the house part on a small nest! :woot Unfortunately I spooked her and she jumped up - no egg - but I think she was getting ready!! :woot

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