Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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We had a fairly scary afternoon!

Kids were outside playing tag. DD was running backwards, and she said usually she "has the yard mapped out" :rolleyes: but there was a bike where it doesn't belong and she tripped over it, falling into a tree. Scraped her back up fairly good.

I had just walked out onto the front porch, and saw her pull her shirt up so her brother could look at her back. I said, "K, we don't pull our shirts up for boys, even just the back, if you need something looked at, ask Mom." She said Ok and told me about running into the tree.

So I sat down in a chair on the porch, and next thing I know DD walks up and asks, "Mom, can I come in and lay down because every time I stand up everything gets black and I feel dizzy."

I asked her if she hit her head when she ran into the tree and she said no and then she went stiff, her eyes rolled back into her head, and she fell straight back stiff as a board!

I leaped off the porch screaming her name and screaming for E to call 911. My 10 yo DS sees me flying off the porch and pretty much freaking out. He comes running crying and screaming his sister's name with his arms outstretched like he wanted to scoop her up.

I tried to calm down enough to tell him it's Ok just go back with your brothers.

I was afraid to move DD but I had my hand under her head calling to her - her eyes were wide open, rolled back into her head, and then her body started to slowly curl up almost like when someone is about to convulse or go into a seizure. So I freak out again and start screaming her name and E at that moment hands me the phone that is connected to 911.

I'm sure that 911 operator is now permanently deaf.

I didn't give much details, just my daughter passed out I need an ambulance and spat out my address. He asked "What's the name" so I gave DD's name, and then said, wait, my name or hers? He said the name to the address so I blurted out both mine and E's name.

Hang up to wait, and DD finally comes to, looks up at me, then sits up, wraps her arms around my waist and starts bawling. I just held her and let her cry. I mean, heck, I wanted to cry, too!

Meanwhile, back in the kitchen, E had caught the pan of bacon he was frying on fire. He was cooking on a shallow square pan, and the grease ran over the edge. Thankfully he got it out quick - and didn't tell me until well after we knew DD was OK.

I call mom and asked her to come be with the boys while we took DD to the ER. Told her E Squad was on the way.

And that's no joke!

The hospital Ambulance showed up first. Followed by BOTH local small towns beside us and while the Hospital paramedic was taking DD's vitals a FOURTH E-Squad shows up, from the Village about 12 miles or so from us.

Uh, yea. And two of our neighbors were driving by just as they all came up our driveway.

I didn't know whether to be embarrassed by all the attention, or thankful that so many people showed up. E said the one guy must have been in bed when he got the call because his shorts were on inside out :lol:

So they checked all her vitals here, and everything was normal. No high blood pressure, sugar was good, pulse was normal, they listened to her heart and lungs, etc etc.

The paramedic said it was our call, but he felt she was fine and he said that if we took her to the ER that they were just going to do all the same things he had just done, and he couldn't find anything that warranted an emergency.

The kids' pediatrician is out until Tuesday, but I plan to be calling as early as I can and finding out how soon we can get her in for some testing. If I ask him to, I know their pediatrician will do bloodwork, a fasting glucose, and c-scan/mri or even send her to a specialist if necessary.

So, I was originally planning to go to a baby shower this afternoon and leave kiddos with E. Instead, I went but I took Dd with me. She enjoyed herself, and even though I've been asking a gazillion times, she keeps telling me she feels fine.

Mom did show up, but made a snide comment about couldn't understand why E and I both wanted to go to the ER with DD. She said my Stepdad felt E should stay home if it's an emergency. E was livid, said she's his DD, too and he wanted to be there if we took her in.

He's now decided that we're not going to the family cookout tomorrow because he's too angry to see my parents right now. :( I can't blame him. The comment really hurt his feelings.

So now if something like this happens again, the plan is we'll either all go (kids and all) together for whichever kid has the emergency, or if another E-Squad is called one parent will go with the child and the other parent will meet up at the ER with the rest of the kids.

E's just really hurt by mom's comments because he's not one of these dad's that just sits back and waits on mom's report on how the kids are - I mean, even goes to check ups and stuff. He said he wants to be there and see what's going on with his kids, too.

Anyway, cooking spaghetti for dinner, and maybe going to go to the lake tomorrow (BiG Maybe) since we're not going to our family cookout. (I really don't mind if we skip to go to the lake!!!!)

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I don't blame you one bit for being upset. Normally, my hubby didn't go w/me if I had to take one of the kids to the ER, but then again, they didn't pass out. He'd stay home w/the other child. But if we had had a situation like that, you'd better believe he would have gone.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
Scary! I am glad that help got to you fast. I would want my hubby with me in a situation like that! :hugs


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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If this had been a one time occurance, he may not have felt that he needed to go, too, and been OK to stay home. But she has a history of this, and so far, no one's been able to find out why.

That's why he was mostly upset about their comment, because this has happened before and we've yet to learn why.

Anyway, it's over and done with for now. Mom called a bit ago to see if DD was OK (she said step dad told her to) and my DH said, "good thing YOU answered it."



Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
WOW! I would have freaked out too! This has happened before? My Niece is 16, and has fainting spells too. The DR's can not find a thing wrong with her! :he She has been through so many tests...MRI, bloodwork, you name it..she has had it done. I feel so bad for her. I hope you can find out what might be causing it.....It would sure make me go gray! As for your moms comment....yeah, I would say your DH has a right to be mad...jeesh! So insensitive! Go to the lake.....have a great family day together!!!!!!


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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QA - glad she's feeling better. I hope she checks out okay. :fl


Lovin' The Homestead
Mar 16, 2010
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Santa Barbara
Does she do this after playing hard or on hot days? My grandmother and I both have histories of fainting when we get heated up.

Glad she's ok!!

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