Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 2, 2011
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Have they done an EEG to rule out epilepsy?

I would have been just as scared. Who cares what anyone else thinks? Take care of your babies. And you and your DH work out who's going to be where to take care of all your babies - it's not MIL's business.

Hope you get it figured out. :hugs


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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I did this exact same thing when I was young. We were running late for a boat ride and I was running down the steps and I slipped and hit my back. It was a good couple minutes later that I looked at the girl that was with me and said I feel sick and BAM! I passed out! They took me to the ER because I was with the girl scouts and my mom was not there. My guess is that she has a week vagus nerve and she had a vasovagal response.
When it looks like a seizure that is the syncope part.
I have a mildly weak vagus nerve. My 6 yo DD has a very weak vagus nerve! Sigh! We have been to the ER with her when she was around 12 months old. The ER did not even run any tests on her. Don't even ask me how many times she has passed out!! WAY to many to count!!!


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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PamsPride said:
I did this exact same thing when I was young. We were running late for a boat ride and I was running down the steps and I slipped and hit my back. It was a good couple minutes later that I looked at the girl that was with me and said I feel sick and BAM! I passed out! They took me to the ER because I was with the girl scouts and my mom was not there. My guess is that she has a week vagus nerve and she had a vasovagal response.
When it looks like a seizure that is the syncope part.
I have a mildly weak vagus nerve. My 6 yo DD has a very weak vagus nerve! Sigh! We have been to the ER with her when she was around 12 months old. The ER did not even run any tests on her. Don't even ask me how many times she has passed out!! WAY to many to count!!!
Omigosh, Pam! I'm going to ask her pediatrician about this when we talk, because she's passed out 4 times, and each time her body has either been stressed, or she's been exherting herself.

First time she passed out, she had just got off the bus from school. She wsa 6 yrs old. When she got home, she told me her teacher wrote me a note because she had a rash. She didn't JUST have a rash, she was red from head to toe, was so hot I could barely touch her, and had scratched until she bled. I had stripped her down to see where the rash was while E went to get the thermometer. He wasn't out of the room for 30 seconds when she passed out, hitting her head on our rocking chair as she went down.

We called 911 and while I was on the phone with them, she starts projectile vomiting, still unconcious. They talked me through holding her up so she didn't aspirate her own vomit. We managed to get her dressed, and a few minutes later she came too.

I think E cleaned up the mess while I got ready to go in the ambulance with her. The ambulance that picked us up didn't have a licensed paramedic, so we met another ambulance en-route to the ER. They switched her to that ambulance, and the paramedic kept trying to get an IV in her, but couldn't. They ended up having to put one in her leg at the hospital.

Here she had that rash all day at school. Her teacher had sent her to the nurse 3 times, and each time the nurse sent her back to class and NEVER called me (Maybe because of my ripping the school a new one that's why they call me when they kids have a sideways f@rt now.) So she rode the bus home so itchy she was jittery, and the rash was little head to toe, her body was fire engine red, and she had a fever of 104.

The doctors really felt that she had passed out that time because her little body was under more stress than she could handle. Never did find out what caused the rash and fever, because all her tests came back normal, and they couldn't find allergies to anything (she had just ate Trix cereal that day for the first time). Later it was learned that the school had black mold in the walls from constant flooding.

Second Time she passed out,she was 8 and she was in school and they were coming in from recess after lunch. She told the recess moniter that she didn't feel good. They were standing in line, and she slumped against the moniter and slid to the ground. They called an e-squad and we met them at the hospital. The school then called CPS on us for "malnutrition" and again, I went off on the school because DD told us they didn't let her finish her lunch before making her go out to play. (they have x amount of time to eat and then they have to go play.) We told the school she could miss playtime, but she MUST be allowed to finish her lunch.

That time they tested her sugar, and it came back normal.

Third time she passed out she was 9 , in 3rd grade, and we were visiting a friend up the road. The kids were running through the house and she caught her hand against the wall, bending her thumb completely backwards. She said, "Mom it hurts so bad I can hardly stand it" so we were going to take her in for x-rays, but she passed out! Called e-squad again...got the x-rays and checked her sugar, blood pressure, etc. Nothing was broken, but the Dr told us he thought her passing out was her way of escaping the pain, because her thumb was sprained.

And then yesterday, being the 4th time she has passed out.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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goodness, that must be so stressful! I'd make sure the doctors get to the bottom of it!


Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Wonder if that's why my Dad has passed out a few times and if it's hereditary. I know I was there once when he did, and it scared me half to death!

My sister passed out after getting stitches out when she was a kid. It was a super hot day, and the stitches were in her eyebrow.

I've passed out 1x. It was after visiting my brother in a trauma center. He was in a coma, and they were trying to wake him up. I started to feel really sick, told my Dad I needed to leave, walked out of the room, sat on the floor, he insisted we try to go downstairs first, I got up, and past out.


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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Yep, from your other stories I would agree that it is definitely vasovagal!
DD used to pass out so many times that we told her teachers at church "Whatever you do DO NOT call 911!!" LOL! We did not want a bill for them to do NOTHING!
I have passed out twice giving speeches in school. Once in high school...nearly gave the teacher a heart attack! Once in college...I got notes on my grade for suggestions of books to read to get over my fear! ERRR! LOL!
I have passed out going to the bathroom in the middle of the night....over tired and then major stomach cramps. BTDT several times. One time I passed out and fell on the bowl I was throwing up in and put a nice gash in my knee. I passed out a couple months ago while sitting in bed in the middle of the night because my shoulder had froze up and the pain became to much. DH went out of the room to get me something and he came running back when he heard me hit my head on the night stand! I had a nice bruise on my noggin for a few days! :( When I was a teenager I passed out from stomach cramps while in my uncle's out house!! My youth leader made me an outhouse to put my cards in when I graduated! LOL!
For the most part now I can kind of feel it coming on...when in the bathroom...so I can holler for DH to come catch me! Once I was pregnant and I was able to wake him up in time to catch me.

When 6 yo DD was younger we would walk into a room and find her passed out. We have seen her trip over toys right in front of us and pass out!! Just like that! She has passed out to many times to recount. Seriously! She would pass out sometimes 3 times a day! On her 1st birthday she passed out at least 3 times! The whole family used to hold our breath and come to a complete stop when she started crying just to make sure that she was not going to pass out!! She even used to start to fake it!! OHHH!! That used to make me so mad! She would cry out then stop and would bury her head in my DH's shoulder. Then she would look up and be fine. ERRR!!

Thankfully baby girl does not...or has not...passed out. She just has a WEAK gag reflex. So she would choke VERY easily when she was younger. She also throws up if she cries to much! Oh the joys of parenthood!! LOL!

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