Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 11, 2010
Reaction score
North Central Florida
Quail_Antwerp said:
A part of me doesn't care, because she killed Jett and those little brats of hers mean more predators.
The other part of me, the mommy me, thinks those poor babies are going to suffer and die from hunger. :(

It's really a no win.
Try not to feel bad for the babies. It could very easily have been another larger predator that could take down mama raccoon. Mother nature is harsh and a large percentage of wild babies of any species never make it.

My daughter does wildlife rehab. Most of the animals they rehab I can understand. But squirrels? They are so numerous and such a pain in the you-know-what.


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
Went grocery shopping today - FIL drove me in his Jeep and I never want to do that again. He's got a big mouth.

Tried to stock up on plenty of canned foods, meats for the freezer, etc. I don't like to have to go to the store again if I don't have to.


I think I over did it. My back has been killing me since we got back and I put everything away and I've had a couple braxton hicks, and now I'm feeling a lot of pressure.

Tried to lay down, but that didn't help. Was going to soak in the tub, but decided against that, too.

And it's sooo hot.

My FIL was going to run me back over to get Bee stuff, but now I don't feel like going.

Oh, and I also got a call from the Dollar Store locally here - the manager called me personally this afternoon after I sent a long, angry, threatened to take my business elsewhere email to the corporate office. The last 3 times we've shopped there, prices WERE NOT right, and I was upset that they'd tell me that something was more at check out than what the shelf was marked at.

I'm embarrassed now, because this manager that called was super nice to us at the grand opening, even sending home 2 dozen cream sticks for our kids. :hide We've spent a small chunk of change at that store already, because it saves us in gas $ to not have to go to a bigger town for diapers, cleaning supplies, etc.

The manager told me not to be embarrassed, that he's embarrassed his employees were rude to us about pricing, and that next time we're in, he'd like for me to personally say hi and allow him to apologize in person. :hide yikes.

Here I thought I'd send off my mouthy email, and never step foot in the store again. :hide


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 11, 2010
Reaction score
Texas Hill Country
Lay down and drink some iced peppermint tea. Or eat peppermint ice cream. Anything peppermint, really, it is a smooth muscle relaxant.

Also make sure you fuel up good. Get some protein in you, and some good fresh veggies. If you are low on energy, your body is more likely to react like it is in crisis mode.

You were right to complain about the pricing.

Nice score on the ice cream for the kids. *hee hee*


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
I'm feeling much better. Back is sore but more like when you need to see the chiropractor and have an adjustment kind of sore.
Don't have anything peppermint in the house, but I'm going to pick up some peppermint tea next time I'm at the store. Thanks for that tip! :)

Had BBQ beef ribs for dinner. It was yumm-o.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Glad you're feeling better! :) I know alllll about those ranty emails and never gonna set foot in that darn store again. :lol: You will shop there, they DEMAND it, and they'll even be NICE to you so that you will feel comfortable shopping there...whether you WANT to or not!!! :gig The local Walgreens did me that way :p It was funny, and sad and pathetic at the same time. The fact is, they WANT your business, and in this economy, it is very likely they NEED it as well. Chalk it up, just another day in retail ;) If it wasn't you it woulda been someone else :hu LET them be nice to you :D


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
Wannabefree said:
Glad you're feeling better! :) I know alllll about those ranty emails and never gonna set foot in that darn store again. :lol: You will shop there, they DEMAND it, and they'll even be NICE to you so that you will feel comfortable shopping there...whether you WANT to or not!!! :gig The local Walgreens did me that way :p It was funny, and sad and pathetic at the same time. The fact is, they WANT your business, and in this economy, it is very likely they NEED it as well. Chalk it up, just another day in retail ;) If it wasn't you it woulda been someone else :hu LET them be nice to you :D
Hi! I'm happy to see you talking to me :lol: Seriously thought I might be a little burr in your butt :hide

Yea, I feel bad about my ranty email, but this store manager has been so nice to us, and told me he's going to corner the guy who gave us a hard time over price descrepancies. :)

i'll probably go in there tomorrow, so I'll let ya'll know how it goes :D


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
Quail_Antwerp said:
Wannabefree said:
Glad you're feeling better! :) I know alllll about those ranty emails and never gonna set foot in that darn store again. :lol: You will shop there, they DEMAND it, and they'll even be NICE to you so that you will feel comfortable shopping there...whether you WANT to or not!!! :gig The local Walgreens did me that way :p It was funny, and sad and pathetic at the same time. The fact is, they WANT your business, and in this economy, it is very likely they NEED it as well. Chalk it up, just another day in retail ;) If it wasn't you it woulda been someone else :hu LET them be nice to you :D
Hi! I'm happy to see you talking to me :lol: Seriously thought I might be a little burr in your butt :hide

Yea, I feel bad about my ranty email, but this store manager has been so nice to us, and told me he's going to corner the guy who gave us a hard time over price descrepancies. :)

i'll probably go in there tomorrow, so I'll let ya'll know how it goes :D
That's my job. :p

I used to work at a grocery store 9 out of 10 dissatisfied customers never say anything and never come back. Yeah, they will work hard to win you back... new workers he can get easily, customers, he'll fight for. :D


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
HEHE You ARE a burr in my butt!! :gig JK :p :lol:

Yeah lemme know how it goes :D I made the manager of Walgreens give me $3 out of his wallet...talk about awkward moment :lol: The thing was he had called about my email and they hadn't given me the sale price, so the store owed me $3. Well...in order to do it right, I figured I had to go to THAT Walgreens to get it straightened out. For the next several weeks I did my shopping at a Walgreens in another town :hu So WHEN I did finally get back to THAT store, he had "misplaced" some paper or something and just took my word for it :th So he digs 3 bucks out of his wallet...like hush money or something :lol: I was SO weirded out...I haven't gone back to that store. I avoid it like the friggin plague now :lol:

ETA: And yes Jamie, you are a burr in my butt too! :gig