starts with a Dr. appointment. Then I need to pick up another quit claim deed to staples because - and brace yourselves - both FIL and BIL said they WILL SIGN the quit claims this week! So want to get it done before they have a chance to change their minds! (call me paranoid!)
I also need to pick up more pie pans for my pies (I only have 2 left!) and lard (ran out!) and butter (again out!) and I think if I want to make Monster cookies, I need more peanut butter. And chocolate chips and m&m's.....hmmm I better right my list down....
Not sure how yesterdays pies went. I was told that the pies USUALLY sell for $5-$7 at the auction - but we all know my pies would be better than anything they are used to coming in there, right? LOL
Showered this morning, waiting for hair to finish drying so I can comb it out, and drinking my morning coffee.
Today is the day I plan to talk to my doc - we'll see if I chicken out or not.
" Then I need to pick up another quit claim deed to staples because - and brace yourselves - both FIL and BIL said they WILL SIGN the quit claims this week! So want to get it done before they have a chance to change their minds! lol (call me paranoid!) "
I bet your pies did great too. Wish I could have grabbed a pumpkin pie.
Had a nice afternoon with Becca's mom and even wandered around Khol's for a bit and looked at their baby department. REALLY cute but super pricey baby clothing! lol
We ate lunch at a chinese restaraunt in the mall - i ate broccoli and chicken with vegetables and rice YUMMO!
Then we went to get Becca's mom's tires rotated on her car.
Then we came home and E changed the oil and swept out Becca's mom's car. She was pleased, I think.
I did get everything I needed to make my baked goods this week - just waiting for my step dad to say that yes we are for sure going to Rogers on Friday!
And if we are, I'll be baking cookies tomorrow and pies on Thursday.
Ok, so it rained a bit this morning, and the turkey hen had escaped her pen and we had to catch her - and Layla won't shut up because she's lonely - and the kids have been in rare form this morning - but IT'S STILL A BEAUTIFUL DAY!!!!!!!!
E went on out to pick berries this morning - because he said the grass is too wet to mow!
Yesterday we picked enough berries for me to bake 6 and a half pies!! YAY! and I have an order for a pie for Monday! YAY!
I washed and measured out the berries last night, and packaged them in freezer containers so when I'm ready to bake a pie, each container fills 1 pie! YAY Figured it would make it easier.
Hate to freeze the berries, would rather just bake them fresh into the pies - but I can't bake them as fast as they're ripening! and a friend said if I freeze them for baking later, it will stretch the berry pies out for me for the summer.
Tonight - at 7:45 we go for another ultrasound! YAY and going to double check and make sure our little princess didn't grow bits and turn into a little prince! (yes, a little paranoid!) lol
Hope ya'll are having a happy and b-e-a-utiful day!!!!!!!!
OH, and I almost forgot, my check came yesterday for the pies I had auctioned on Monday - they sold for a lot more than I thought they would, and I put it in the bank to cover the phone bill! How cool is that?!
Ok wait a minute, back up. You have an auction where your allowed to take baked goods from home and get paid??? No commercial certified kitchen necessary???
yes, gina, we can sell baked goods without being a commercial kitchen. We have to put ingredient labels on the baked goods so people who have allergies will know whether or not they can eat them.
I'm also signed up to have a permanent Vendor's spot at the Carrollton Farmer's Market next spring/summer to sell baked goods - and I asked her I needed any special permit or anything and she said no, just put ingredient labels on my stuff.
But we do practice good handwashing and keep all hair pulled back from the face during baking!