Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
Awww QA. :hugs I have not been on in a while and was hoping that when I came on today, I would see that your little one finally made her appearance. OK, let me "meditate" I am seeing.....the 12th. :hide I know, you said after the 14th...sorry LOL Come on little one!!


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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As a deaf person, I love Facebook, it keeps me in touch, but I do get awful tired of the "repost" if you believe in THIS or repost of you are against cancer or whatever. I don't think changing my status on their has THAT much effect. I also usually steer clear of heavily political stuff (despite being opinionated) because I know I have dear friends who have differing views and I don't want to cause fights. One of our longest and dearest friends has political opinions that are my polar opposite and I try to think about how she would feel seeing things I might post about the "other" politicians. When things are FUNNY, I repost sometimes however. Sharing a laugh is always good. I also pruned my friend list.....some people just post a lot of stupid stuff.

I guess you didn't try my idea for encouraging the baby? :D


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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savingdogs said:
I guess you didn't try my idea for encouraging the baby? :D
Honestly, no, because a few days ago when he tried your idea, I threw up all over him. Just the idea of him - uh - you know - I just don't want him touching me right now...seriously. It makes me physically ill. :(


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
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I probably shouldn't laugh, QA, but *giggles*

No puking on hubby!


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 18, 2010
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Eastern Kansas
Quail_Antwerp said:
savingdogs said:
I guess you didn't try my idea for encouraging the baby? :D
Honestly, no, because a few days ago when he tried your idea, I threw up all over him. Just the idea of him - uh - you know - I just don't want him touching me right now...seriously. It makes me physically ill. :(
wait what?!!? why would that make you ill? I don't understand! there are all those "training videos" out there that showcase how enjoyable that is :rolleyes: :gig :hide

you know, when my stepsister was preggers with her first daughter, and getting close to the delivery time we took her to DQ and she ordered the spiciest things they had. Then, while we were waiting for our food she went to the bathroom, and when she came out we had to take our food to go because the combination of walking and spicy food smells caused her water to break. you could try that? :D


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Turned into an extremely interrupted day today. Didn't get NEAR as much cleaning done as I wanted - correction, didn't get ANY of the cleaning done I wanted. Washed two loads of laundry, and that's it so far.

Kids are home now and I told them we're doing laundry for the rest of this evening! HA! They're not liking it AT ALL. But, at least we'll have most if not all the laundry washed, dried, and put away today.

I don't feel like cooking, so it's lunch meat sandwiches and salads for dinner. :p

E wants me to take Baby Boy out of headstart. :/

He's had 7 days of school, has already missed 2 days due to having to be in town with us for my Dr. appts, attended 5, but 2 of those 5 we had to pick him up early due to they didn't get him to the potty fast enough when he said he had to go. Both days they used up his extra change of clothes. 3 of the five days (counting the 2 we picked him up - one of which was today) he has had an accident and had to be changed/cleaned up at school. So he's only had 2 days where he didn't have an accident, and we didn't have to go to the school.

Not a good start to the year.

Then I told them today that E asked me to tell them that when Baby Girl arrives, Baby Boy may not be in school that week because E wants to come to the hospital during the day after the oldest 4 kids get on the bus. One of the admins at the school said, "Tell your husband that he needs to try to get him here as many days as possible that week. " I replied, "He's planning to be at the hospital all day with me and Baby Boy to visit me and the Baby."

SHE replies, "They don't need to come to the hospital everyday. You'll want that time to rest, besides with gas being so high it's smarter and more cost effective for your husband to stay home until you and the baby are ready to come home."

EXCUSE ME??? Since when does she have the right to decide whether or not my husband should come to the hospital to see me???

So E's just livid, thinks Baby Boy is probably too young to be in school anyway, based on the number and frequency of accidents compared to he doesn't have accidents here and he just goes to the potty without having to tell us. He HAS to ask to go to the potty at school, because the potty is through two big heavy glass doors and the kids can't open the doors by themselves.

So I dunno what to do. It sure has felt like a long day.


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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Sounds like the head start people are insensitive jerks. Kids do not have that great of control when they are that age. By the time they realize they have to go, THEY HAVE TO FREAKING GO!!


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Wifezilla said:
Sounds like the head start people are insensitive jerks. Kids do not have that great of control when they are that age. By the time they realize they have to go, THEY HAVE TO FREAKING GO!!
That! Here, we keep a small potty next to the big potty. He'll pee in the big potty, but thinks he needs the little potty to poo. And he almost (I won't say never) never has an accident at home. ONCE he did pee on our floor ON PURPOSE because he thought it was funny. At home, too, we cheer for him when he makes it to the potty. I'm not so sure they do that there. It's a big accomplishment here, using the potty, and we make a big deal of it.

And he was by far the easiest of ALL my kids to potty train! We're in week 2 of underwear only - even at night!

Anyway, on a brighter note, a neighbor just stopped by and gave us some things for Baby Girl and she had purchased a new shirt for my oldest DD for school! Very pretty t-shirt with butterflies on it for school! She then asked DD if she'd like a nice pair of boots or jacket for Christmas. lol

In the bag of baby stuff is an infant tub. Never had one before, never used on, so not sure if I will use it or not??? Do those come in handy?


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 18, 2010
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Eastern Kansas
Quail_Antwerp said:
Wifezilla said:
Sounds like the head start people are insensitive jerks. Kids do not have that great of control when they are that age. By the time they realize they have to go, THEY HAVE TO FREAKING GO!!
That! Here, we keep a small potty next to the big potty. He'll pee in the big potty, but thinks he needs the little potty to poo. And he almost (I won't say never) never has an accident at home. ONCE he did pee on our floor ON PURPOSE because he thought it was funny. At home, too, we cheer for him when he makes it to the potty. I'm not so sure they do that there. It's a big accomplishment here, using the potty, and we make a big deal of it.

And he was by far the easiest of ALL my kids to potty train! We're in week 2 of underwear only - even at night!

Anyway, on a brighter note, a neighbor just stopped by and gave us some things for Baby Girl and she had purchased a new shirt for my oldest DD for school! Very pretty t-shirt with butterflies on it for school! She then asked DD if she'd like a nice pair of boots or jacket for Christmas. lol

In the bag of baby stuff is an infant tub. Never had one before, never used on, so not sure if I will use it or not??? Do those come in handy?
you can always drill some holes in the bottom and use it as a kitchy planter? :D


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Sounds like a long day. I'd take the kid out of school myself. But that is MY opinion. I feel like that age NEEDS closer to one on one time, and he is apparently somewhat ignored there. Poor kid. What will that do to his self esteem in the long run? Again, just MY opinion. It's a tough decision to make, and totally up to the parents. Sounds like the teachers want to run the show :smack

I would probably use a baby bathtub :hu They're so small...I'd be afriad of losing them in anything bigger :lol: My aunt swore she'd never be without one after her 3rd of 4 children :hu Guess it depends on the person, but sounds worth a shot.

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