I had to look at the bottom of the freezer case to get the good cool whip at Kings tonightWifezilla said:I know!!! I have to drive to Vitamin Cottage to get good yogurt and cottage cheese. I live 2 minutes away from Hellmart, but all they sell is low fat, reduced fat, non-fat GARBAGE!
I used to use Cool Whip!colowyo0809 said:I had to look at the bottom of the freezer case to get the good cool whip at Kings tonightWifezilla said:I know!!! I have to drive to Vitamin Cottage to get good yogurt and cottage cheese. I live 2 minutes away from Hellmart, but all they sell is low fat, reduced fat, non-fat GARBAGE!![]()
SO made chocolate pie with chocolate gluten free crust. It was midnight by time I left work. I went for easyFarmfresh said:I used to use Cool Whip!colowyo0809 said:I had to look at the bottom of the freezer case to get the good cool whip at Kings tonightWifezilla said:I know!!! I have to drive to Vitamin Cottage to get good yogurt and cottage cheese. I live 2 minutes away from Hellmart, but all they sell is low fat, reduced fat, non-fat GARBAGE!![]()
Then I discovered whipping cream, sugar and real vanilla extract ... I ain't going back!![]()
CAn you post the reciupe for the crust in a separate thread, pretty please??SO made chocolate pie with chocolate gluten free crust. It was midnight by time I left work. I went for easy
Yougo to a church right?? Is there anyone at the church who could help out with things like this? I know our church has this type of minitry. Just throwing ideas out there. My hear tgoes out to you--that stuff does need to be done before the first frost.Quail_Antwerp said:I dunno where to even start with this, so I hope ya'll will bear with me if there's a lot of just rambling.
First, I am officially lodging a complaint.
Ya'll remember (maybe?) 2 years ago - crazy inlaws living with us and the BIL & his wife moved up from Florida and that same year ex-con BIL got out of prison? It was a total influx of inlaw madness.
So I hemhawed around about meeting ex-con BIL, because I was totally freaked out about meeting him - especially with what he was in for. Well, he came down to see E's dad for Father's Day back in June and E and I happened up to FIL's house - and there he was. So I met him. It was OK, and he let me ask a million questions, and I flat out told him he'll never be alone with my kids. He said he was OK with that.
Ernie encouraged me to play it cool & be nice, etc. because this was the BIL we needed to sign OFF the land. (And he did! last month!) So that first day we grilled outside, and let Ex-C BIL (CBIL) eat with us. I was even nice and took a Father's Day Pic of Dad with his two oldest sons (Fil was crying because two of his boys were "finally getting a long and that's all he's ever wanted"). CBIL also helped E finish putting the tin on the room addition that day - without being asked to help.
CBIL has been back 3 times since. Once he brought his girlfriend, and we didn't like her at all. Once he signed the quit claims and we also made him help bring in firewood from the woods before we'd feed him (haha), and then the last time he came down he said he could fix E's smaller chain saw because he "has a certificate in small engine repair". (I'm not sure what was wrong with the saw) So E said he'd take a chance, and flat out told him that this was a test of trust - if he fixed and returned the saw then E would know he could trust him.
He never came back. He keeps calling with an excuse for why he can't come down. His latest excuse, his boss took his truck away.
So E and FIL decided they would go to him to get the truck. Then we found out that CBIL and his GF have BEDBUGS. um, yea, we're not going. So FIL went, and he got the saw this past weekend. He brings the saw to E and FIL is LIVID. CBIL not only DIDN'T fix the saw, but he tore it up!! The chain was hanging off the bar, and there's a huge knick out of the bar. E started it a little bit ago and he said it won't stay running, either. So now he's mad, and I'm upset because it means we have to at the very least buy a new bar and chain, and it's not in the budget to purchase EITHER.
So that's on our mind, and not only that, but we have a mountain of things to complete before winter, and I'm not sure how we'll get it accomplished because I won't be much help after Monday.
Mowing/weedeating - our yard is a wreck. E is only able to mow a small bit at a time before his back hurts, and he can't use the weed eater at all because it strains his back. He used to keep the place looking like a golf course - no more. I've asked my mom if my 16 yr old brother could come over 1x or 2x a week to help with yard work, but right now we couldn't pay him, and I never got an answer. E has forbid me to use mower or weed eater temporarily.
skirting -we never got the skirting all the way around the trailer. We have all the stuff to do it, but again, it's one of those things that E can only work on for a short time because of his back.
insulation & drywall- both room additions need insulated before winter, at least the ceilings, or we'll lose a lot of heat out of the house this winter. E is hoping we can get the insulation and drywall up on the ceilings and the wall behind the woodburner at least, and work on the rest of the walls as we can through the winter. Not worried about spackling and sanding until spring. THIS one I know I can help with, it's just a matter of getting the materials.
Firewood - E and the kids work on this one several times a week. We're hoping to have 4 more cords of wood stacked, but E twisted his back wrong the other day working on cutting wood so he hasn't gone back out in 2 days. Again, something I was hoping my brother would come help with, but no answer from my parents.
fence - needs mended, because deer have broke it down in a couple places and so has our in heat heifer.
water lines - still need buried! another small job that I had hoped my brother could help with - but I guess not, so I will see if my older two kids can help me get 'er done.
electric line - needs buried. I'm not sure what this entails, because E says he can't bury it until something else is done, and he doesn't want me or the kids near it.
old trailer frame - still needs cut apart and hauled out for scrap, and that whole area of the yard needs extensive cleaning.
pump house - was supposed to be cement blocked up this year, but it's something I'm not sure how to do, and E isn't supposed to be lifting cement blocks period.
I also need to get my bees ready for winter, but have to go get my entrance reducer and a bottom cover thing first.
I'm sure I'm missing something, these are just the things that pop in my head right now. Oh, and E wants to get a pipe for the wood stove pipe that has a clean out??? I'm not sure what that is actually called, but it's so you can clean ash etc out of the pipe without taking the whole pipe down. He said it makes it easier to clean.
So I'm racking my brain to figure out how to get help, as in people to put in the labor, for some of these projects. Apparantly asking family is out, because we've done that before and no one offers. Even when food is involved - meaning I provide the food.
There used to be a time in this country when neighbors, family, and friends gathered together for "work days" and worked together to complete the chores each household needed. It was viewed as a grand gathering and there was lots of food prepared by the women. It was a time for coming together, socializing, and yet getting something accomplished. It wasn't looked at as a hand out, as begging, or even as someone less fortunate than you - it was being neighborly. It was about community. It was about knowing you did what you could to help your fellow man, and knowing he'd do the same for you.
I think I was born 150-200 years to late.