Dittomiss_thenorth said:Great!! I hope you get some takers.![]()
Dittomiss_thenorth said:Great!! I hope you get some takers.![]()
Indeed.savingdogs said:Why should you feel like a whiner? Preggers ladies need help, it is up to the community and family to pitch in during time of need. If you don't ask, they won't know you need help.
It is good sometimes to sort through the "givers" and "takers" amongst the folks you know, as well. Sometimes the "givers" are folks you didn't even KNOW. I'm not saying you have to treat the "takers" any differently, but it is good to know who is whom.
That.savingdogs said:Why should you feel like a whiner? Preggers ladies need help, it is up to the community and family to pitch in during time of need. If you don't ask, they won't know you need help.
Boy do I know that feeling all to well. Seems like as soon as we voice a complaint about anything...BAM, it's all smoothed over in short orderQuail_Antwerp said:WHOOT!! We've been blessed!!!
Several different ways! One I can't tell, but just know a HUGE need (on my list) is now met! PRAISE GOD. AND, we have several people volunteering (family) to come help with the yard!
AND Becca's goat lady borrowed cages today and said she's willing to come help AFTER baby girl arrives
PRAISE GOD just praise Him Praise Him!!
(i feel like such a whiner now! LOL)