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- #741
Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
I can't understand it either. We are constantly cleaning, picking up, removing, cutting out something. Winter kind of sets us back, but each spring we start on a new area and clean clean clean. We continue working and cleaning while maintaining what we've already cleaned all summer long into the fall.Farmfresh said:I never have understood the amount of laziness involved in creating a farm like that. It amazes me how many of them there are around.
When my parents come to visit we literally spend days picking up the trash they leave behind...and they might only have been here an hour! They are always carrying drinks of some sort and they can't be bothered to put the cups in the trash, so we either find their styrofoam cups, or pop bottles, etc scattered around outside or in my kitchen.

Anyway, we some progress today. Kind of got rained in, so we had to stop again and it ended up being for the day due to Nascar race the hubby wants to watch.
Here are some photos from after we started clean up. Still doesn't look like much, but we can see the difference.

The white and black thing in back off to the right was a bucket of coal. I moved it out after I took these pics.
We decided to do a quickie coop for now. I have the wire for the run, just not the lumber for the building yet. We've decided to utilize the kids old playhouse again. The play house will serve as a temporary coop for the BLRW. When they start earning their keep (laying eggs) I plan to sell hatching eggs from them. I told DH I can buy the posts I'll need and the lumber from egg sales. We'll save back the $ from egg sales to purchase the necessary supplies. Might take a few months, but it will be worth it!