Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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I'm too pooped to poop!!

We literally switched the house around today. My computer desk and computer are now in my bedroom, and DH who hates my computer and anything to do with the internet (unless I'm finding something the farm could use FREE...:p )helped me get it all moved and hooked up. He's liking the idea of it being in the bedroom, and I am, too. It kind of feels like I have an "office" area. Mostly it's so I can keep an eye on my computer and have some privacy online since we have the inlaws moving in tomorrow.

Yep, that's right..Tomorrow is the big day! Five extra bodies packed into my small home. They should already be on their way here, and we expect them in the wee hours of the morning.

I also moved my ferrets into my bedroom. I'm not comfortable having them in the livingroom area when there is going to be an extra child in the house, and one of my ferrets is a cage biter. This way, in my room, no one is getting bit because no one but DH and me should be in our bedroom.

Tomorrow I am getting up early and heading to the Cadiz Feedstore. They are getting in 300 chicks, 6 breeds and only 50 of each breed, all pullets. DH really wants some BJG, and so I am getting 4 of them for him, 1 BO, and 1 Black Australorp. My mom wants some barred rocks, so I am picking those up for her with a couple BJG, a BA, and I think she said NHR...not sure, but I know she gave me a list! lol

I don't really *need* more chicks, but DH has always wanted BJG, so I'll fill that want, and keep him happy! I'm planning on getting some BJG from PamsPride, too! Hopefully we'll get DH a roo from her chicks, and then I can make him build a pen for his chickens :gig Think it will work????

The feedstore opens at 8 am and she said the chicks will be in around 8:30 am, but people have told her they will be there when the doors open. So, I'm planning to be there early, and taking my own box, so that I can be sure to get the chicks I want. I bet she'll be all sold out by 10 am. Next Tuesday she is getting in SLW, Speckled Sussex, and Light Brahmas. I plan to pick up 6 of the SS to add to my current six hens, giving me six hens per roo.

Mom brought my two buff doe rabbits today, and six ducklings!!! Only 2 or 3 of the ducklings she brought are mine, as she picked up 2 white pekins for me. I have one white pekin male, but I'm hoping at least one of these two will turn out to be a girl. The other 4 ducklings are 3 mallards and I think 1 black swedish. It's undecided yet as to if the possible Swedish is mine. Mom said she picked it out for me, but I can tell she really likes him/her, so I'm only planning on keeping the two white Pekins and letting her take the little oddball duckling back with her when she picks up her mallard ducklings. They are here with me until they are ready to move outside as she doesn't have a brooder set up yet.

We have a duck order in with Metzer farms, we being my mom, a friend and her neighbor, and me. The ducklings will be arriving on April 22! I cannot wait! I have one blue swedish coming, a female mallard (for Gary the attack mallard! placed this order before I had seen the ducklings at TSC!) and a trio of Welsh Harlequin ducks.

I am so happy that I chose Welsh Harlequins! I read in a duck magazine today that WH's are on the critical list as an endangered duck breed. Ok, so I am not a die hard animal rights activist, or a tree hugger, but I don't mind the thought of doing my part to help preserve a breed. That's one of the reasons why I have the Speckled Sussex, as they are listed as threatened on the chicken list.

As much as I would love to have stock in all the threatened and critical breeds, I just don't have the space, but I'm happy that I have chosen one duck and one chick breed to work with, and am looking forward to helping in preserving the breeds! I think it would be great if every chicken person who had the ability/space to do this would choose one breed to help with.

I am hoping to hatch some of my own Sussex this year and prepare one or two for the table. I've read that they dress out nicely and are easy to clean. I'd really like to put that to the test. My friend and her neighbor are ordering meaties, and asked if I would like to get some, too. I'm not fond of the idea of trying to raise something to butcher in 6-8 weeks, as I have enough other things going on, but she offered to let my meaties stay with hers, and then we'll get together for one big processing party. Almost like people used to do when they would get together for a hog butchering and lard rendering. In this case, my friend and I will both be learning how to process and clean a chicken.

I only ordered 4 meaties, as I don't have a deep freezer, and I figured 4 I could cook up PDQ and with my family of 7 plus the 5 extra people, we could probably eat 4 whole birds for dinner! I'm just thankful for the chance to learn. I plan to keep all the feathers that I can for the homemade feather pillow I am hoping to make for DH.

DH is allergice to foam/latex. He has to have a feather pillow, and his last one has pretty much died. I've started gathering the feathers my chickens are shedding and putting them back for a feather pillow. He likes his pillows big and soft, so for the pillow material I am using an old flannel pillow cover. I'm going to stuff it with the feathers from my own flock (will be a mix of goose, duck, chicken, and turkey!) and sew the end shut. The flannel is nice and thick, and soft from washing, so it should help add to the softness of the pillow once I've stuffed it with the feathers. I'm really excited over this project. Will probably take me several weeks to collect enough feathers, though!

I'm hoping that during this upcoming week, even though they are calling for cold weather and snow (it's snowing NOW!) that DH and I will still be able to get some breeding pens done this week.

Both of my Royal Palm turkey hens have made nests and are laying regularly. Tried offering some of the eggs on BYC, but they didn't sell, so DH wants me to put them in my own 'bators! He said we should hatch them ourselves and to keep some for our own flock and sell some. He might have a good idea there! Right now, I have a total of 26 Royal Palm Turkey eggs to go into the 'bator and 2 Narragansset Royal Palm crossed eggs. The Narragansset has moved and hid her nest since we collected her two eggs.

We thought that the one RP was setting, but she must have just laid another egg. We were going to let her hatch her own, but with it getting so cold this week we felt it might be better if we collected the eggs so they don't freeze and break tonight, since she wasn't on the nest but roosting in a tree. I'm hoping she'll continue to lay through the cold weather and go setting once the warmer weather is here for good.

My Emden Geese have a huge nest! All three geese took turns laying their eggs in the nest, and now the matriarch goose is setting them. My Gander stands guard over her, and so do the other two gals. She has approximately two dozen eggs under her!! I've no idea how many of those will actually hatch, but I'm excited with the idea of goslings being hatched the natural way!

My Silkie hen, Emmy, is still doggedly setting her 6 eggs. I still need to move her to a broody box, as she's been setting a whole week now! We've been so busy getting the house in order, that I've not had time to get outside and fix up a broody box. I'm hoping that after tomorrow, things will settle down so I can get the much needed outside stuff done.

We've already told SIL that when they get here, they best be ready to work work work! And I didn't mean jobs outside of the home! We have been very upfront that if they are going to be here, they are going to earn their keep! Since my nephew and neice are coming, and she's bringing her boyfriend, DH has plans to make them haul his fenceposts out of our woods across the road. :gig He says since they are young, and strong, they can surely do that for him since he can't haul them out with his back all messed up. Then he plans to get them out digging the post holes and planting the posts that they haul out of the woods. He's gearing up to have them put up the fence for expanding the pasture.

I told SIL I'm going to put her to helping build breeding coops and separating out chickens. She's excited about it, though, says she can't wait to be up here and help us with the farm. Says she always liked to do the farm stuff, but her ex didn't. When I talked to her the other day about collecting eggs and the feeding/watering, and plans for coops we had, she kept saying she couldn't wait to be here so she could help us.

I'm excited to have a few extra hands around the place, I just hope we are able to all get along and work together for a common goal without getting on eachother's nerves. :/


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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Wow, your house is going to be packed to the gills with people tomorrow!!

Yep, I definetly have a BJG roo for ya!!
That is a LOT of turkey eggs!! I will have to time my trip to your place so I can get some poults!!!


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
DH is allergice to foam/latex. He has to have a feather pillow, and his last one has pretty much died. I've started gathering the feathers my chickens are shedding and putting them back for a feather pillow. He likes his pillows big and soft, so for the pillow material I am using an old flannel pillow cover. I'm going to stuff it with the feathers from my own flock (will be a mix of goose, duck, chicken, and turkey!) and sew the end shut. The flannel is nice and thick, and soft from washing, so it should help add to the softness of the pillow once I've stuffed it with the feathers. I'm really excited over this project. Will probably take me several weeks to collect enough feathers, though!
This might help you.... ;)

Cleaning Chicken Feathers

They can be washed with dishwashing liquid or in Borax & water solution, rinsed VERY well, and then dried. That will remove any bugs that are currently on them. Make sure they are completely dry before using them.

If storing them for future use, store in a sealed container with a few moth balls and they will keep for years. Wash and dry before using.

edited for spelling


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
I would AVOID mothballs at all costs!

Several years ago we had several children from the same family at the Alternative School I used to work at, they were all diagnosed with mental disorders. One was even deaf. After a very excellent family liaison smelled moth ball scent on all of the children - he went to work and found out a tragic reality. Mother, who also had problems, was using mothballs in her home (as her mother had) to protect from insects and "keep it smelling fresh". The active ingredient in a moth ball is a neurotoxin. That is why it works to repel things. By using mothballs in her home this mother had accidentally poisoned all of her children - doing permanent nerve damage, as probably her mother had poisoned her!

It is BAD stuff. You just never hear the stories.


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
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Southwick, MA
Quail_Antwerp said:

DH is allergice to foam/latex. He has to have a feather pillow, and his last one has pretty much died. I've started gathering the feathers my chickens are shedding and putting them back for a feather pillow. He likes his pillows big and soft, so for the pillow material I am using an old flannel pillow cover. I'm going to stuff it with the feathers from my own flock (will be a mix of goose, duck, chicken, and turkey!) and sew the end shut. The flannel is nice and thick, and soft from washing, so it should help add to the softness of the pillow once I've stuffed it with the feathers. I'm really excited over this project. Will probably take me several weeks to collect enough feathers, though!
I wouldn't use the flannel, I would get some pillow ticking. I think you can still get it. It is heavier and very tightly woven. The feathers will start to poke out through the flannel, as it is not very tightly woven.

My grandmother made her own feather pillows, and one day, on one of our visits, (I was maybe 6 years old) I was sleeping on the floor next to one of the beds. I discovered the tiny quills poking through a corner of my pillow, and I was one of those kids who was fascinated with EVERYTHING I found and saved these treasures......so I spent much time pulling feathers out of the pillow and hiding them under the bed to sneak home with me. I had quite a large pile after a couple of days. Boy, did I get in trouble (Mom....Grandma was amused!)

I love the idea of making your own pillows!! My Grandma also made wonderful quilts with wool from old sweaters and mittens that she spent hours carding and making into quilt batting. Those were WARM quilts!


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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So the inlaws arrived safe and sound this morning. I was at the feed store arguing with the kid working that black chicks do not grow up into Buff Orpingtons when they arrived. :rolleyes: No matter what I told that kid, he kept insisting that the black chicks would grow golden feathers. Uh, I think not. I chose nine chicks, and left quite disgusted.

I hurried home as I knew our family was supposed to be arriving soon, and they were here when I got back. We were happy to see them, as it has been 4 years!! My Nephew just got out of the army and I am surprised at how much he has changed! He has grown into a nice young man, and he is very very kind and considerate.....and right now he's letting me type to ya'll on his fancy smancy laptop :lol: It's like a whole new toy!!

We spent most of today helping them settle in and unpack and making plans. Then we sat down for dinner and caught up with each other, laughed and joked, and had a good time.

Not sure what the plans are for tomorrow....sleep maybe?? LOL

I was a bit disappointed to wake up to SNOW this morning. That's a four lettered word in my house.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Aly, I hope this turns out to be a joyous time for you and work out to where you have someone to share dreams and projects with...all the while helping another family. You are truly a sweetie! :) Kudos also to your good man for sharing your generous heart!


Goat Whisperer
Mar 28, 2009
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Your Royal Palm eggs didn't sell?! I'm pretty amazed at that, but hey, more for you!!
I hope your inlaws get settled in good and are ready to work!


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
Sounds like they have some interesting chickens there....black that change to buff! :lol:

Seriously, I used to always be amazed at what employees at feed stores didn't know about animals. Now, I am delighted when I find a feed store employee that actually knows something!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
Glad to hear the family made it safe and sound. It sounds like there will be plenty help around there. You are a wonderfull person, to take in so many mouths to feed. Not sure I could handle it!;) Just remember these words in the weeks to come..... YOU LOVE THEM! :lol:

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