Random Acts of Kindness


Survival Chef
Jul 21, 2009
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Ditto that icon....

Just went to Winco and the guy in front of me was paying for his few groceries with a "WIC" check, which is a healthy kids program in California. They denied his two jugs of 100% juice! He was ready to leave it behind because he didn't have the cash. I was appalled. So, because of this thread which I believe God is using in a lot of good ways, I just went ahead and paid for the juice.

This time of year ought to last all year long.

Oh, and afterwards, the checker looked at me with an odd look, and I expected him to comment. well, he sorta did. He said "Last week two exchange students came in and tried to get me to be a mail order bride."


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
Two summers ago I was at the feed store on 4 corners somewhat outside the city, picking up the usual chicken chow, when a young couple pulled into the parking lot, their engine blowing steam. The owner of the feed store helped them get water in the radiator and asked where they were going. They still had a ways to go to their destination and not much money. They were hoping to limp along with their overheating car in 100 degree weather. I had a bottle of water in my car, it wasn't very large, but it was what I had. I gave it to them so they could put the water in the car along the way. This gave the feed store owner an idea. He opened up the coin operated soda machine, and pulled out several more water bottles and gave them to the couple.

I was at a gas station and only had 2 bucks and an empty tank, when someone paid for me to get $10.00 of gas, so I could go to work.
I have paid that one back many times since. There's nothing like limping to a gas station only to find you have no money to get gas :( and then to have a stranger pay for some for you :) just makes your day :weee

When my husband left my daughter and me many years ago my earnings paid for my mortage and not much else. I chose to let the power be shut off and heated my house with the fireplace, a cooler for refridgeration and used candles for light. My neighbor found out and put an extension cord through the fence so we could plug in the refridgerator, a radio and some lights. (he is now my SO). Then a wealthy co-worker found out. He went down to the power company and paid to have my power turned back on and payed my bill for almost a year. He remained my guarantor until the day he died. I didn't know about that part, until I received a notice from the power company after his death, that I had to pay a deposit, because he was no longer guaranteeing payment of my bill.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
When my husband left my daughter and me many years ago my earnings paid for my mortage and not much else. I chose to let the power be shut off and heated my house with the fireplace, a cooler for refridgeration and used candles for light. My neighbor found out and put an extension cord through the fence so we could plug in the refridgerator, a radio and some lights. (he is now my SO). Then a wealthy co-worker found out. He went down to the power company and paid to have my power turned back on and payed my bill for almost a year. He remained my guarantor until the day he died. I didn't know about that part, until I received a notice from the power company after his death, that I had to pay a deposit, because he was no longer guaranteeing payment of my bill.
Now, this one made me cry!!!! :hit What a blessing!

So, because of this thread which I believe God is using in a lot of good ways, I just went ahead and paid for the juice.

This time of year ought to last all year long.
This is a blessing to hear also! :love I hope everyone who reads this, myself included, gets a chance to make a gift of kindness to some stranger this holiday season....and then does it as often as they can throughout the year! What a wonderful tradition to start..... :)


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 14, 2009
Reaction score
oh great, now I'm going to go chase down an old lady and yell "hey, you BETTER let me help you across the street!!!!" :plbb


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
We have a radio station that does random acts of kindness and really promotes the community to do the same.

They will get a caller to volunteer. Then they give the caller $50. and tell them to go to a gas station and look for someone to fill a huge gas tank. lets say like a big rv. The caller then has to go to the person and give them the $50 and say: "just a random act of kindness" and walk away.
Or the caller gets to follow the ice cream man to a park on a hot day. Then pay for the ice creams for all the kids with the $50.00

They also started a "Secret Santa" program, where they read letters from people on the air. These letters are sent in by friends or neighbors or the people themselves asking for help. Then the listeners get to do what they can to help. It is amazing how much they are able to do. And it is also amazing how pitifully in need so many people are. I have always donated both money and a gift, but I think this year I will volunteer my time, since I don't have any money.
I make my donation to this particular event in memory of my niece Marissa. She jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge 8 years ago on Dec 17. She was 14. It is my gift to her. I hope that by doing so, I will stop someone from feeling as she did and give them hope and faith.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
I wish our local station did this! What a great concept! :)

FD, I think that is a wonderful thing, to do that in memory of your niece. There are definitely two ways of looking at things, aren't there? One can learn and hope that others will learn or one can get angry and live angry over something that tragic. :hugs


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
I just got home from a random act of kindness. My D1 wanted me to go to (shudder) Walmart with her tonight. It was real important to her so I went.

What she was there to buy was a gift for the little 10 year old girl she was "adopting" for Christmas. She ended up with TWO pairs of jeans, two cute shirts, a hoodie sweater in pink (the girl's favorite color), a big pack of undies, a big pack of socks, a pack of undershirts/tank tops AND three nice chapter books (one was Treasure Island).

Instead of picking FROM the list she pretty much BOUGHT the list! I am proud of her. She learned the giving lesson well. :love


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
You must of did something right along the way, Farm! :)

I asked my mom about if she wanted to adopt a kid in much the same way and she was puzzled about how this was done! I explained and she still didn't seem sure about it......I might have to teach my ma a thing or two! ;) She might really get to like it! :D

It is such a nice thought that a kid will have some nice, new clothing for Christmas, isn't it? :love


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
What impressed me even more was that while others were buying a bunch of toys and stuff for their "adopted" child my D1 was buying nice practical gifts and books. Another co-worker had already bought this child a nice toy. D1 remembers what it is like to be a poor kid and how nice new undies and socks can be and how fun a bright new sweater will be to wear to school.

She does seem to have her head screwed on straight! Perhaps that head thing is adjusted from the bottom! :lol: