I was in a similar position back when I was pregnant with my DD (now 11) I was in charge of the money at work - squirreled it away so no one could find it and left for the night.
Well, somebody found it. It was only 200, but sure made a dent when I had to pay it back.
I hope the bank bag turns up with the money still in it I am sending you not only my best wishes but the good karma I earned today... I ran a COD delivery and my customer paid me in cash - or should I say OVERPAID me, by $100. I returned the money to him. He was flabbergasted. It made me smile. So I shall pay my good karma forward to you! I hope it works!!!
Thanks everyone! But my dh has to pay it back. They also found where someone had been to the yard where the tanks are kept and stripped the copper off of them and turned off the gas to the shop where the trucks are kept and tried to take that copper. The only thing he can figure is that whoever did that also took the money. he knew he had the money when he got off work, but he had broken a wisdom tooth and was in pain so he left early so he could go to the dentist and can't remember if he had left it in the truck or the shop. The truck itself doesn't lock, but is kept in a locked high chainlink yard with barbed wire over the top. The tanks themselves are out in the open where anyone can get to them, so the copper was no suprise, but someone definately had to climb the fence to get to the truck and find the money. Maybe they had planned into breaking into the shop and quit when they found the money? It just doesn't make sense but either way he is responsible
I wish there were more honest people around. That was great of you VB! Anyway here are some pics of riding Sunday.
Magic and Shorty. Shorty is staying back. He knows what is coming! The dread saddle! Magic is happy for the attention and oats waiting on her.
Horsey Butts!!!! DD and DS leading them before getting on. Unfortunately my camera went dead right after that. Just my luck!
ANd here is one of the trampoline frame we were going to turn into a greenhouse.
You can see it wouldn't take much work to turn it into a greenhouse. Like it is it is over my head and about 5 ft. wide. My dh was goint to remove the bottom bars and put straight bars in their place either that or cut off the part that is normally on the ground and add a bar to connect the two ends and weld them and weld the seams. The one we are building now is 20 wide x 30 long x 10 tall.
People are breaking into peoples homes and stealing their wiring for the copper around here. I heard of one instance where they actually CUT through a HIGH voltage main wire in order to steal the wiring out of a business.
It is amazing to me how people will risk their lives to steal copper.
Kinda sad today. I was looking through a seed catalog-alone. That was always my favorite thing to do with my mom. We would both be so excited to get one in the mail and would spend hours making out our wish lists and wishing for spring. She has been gone for 5 years now in Jan. My dad passed last Spring at the end of May. My DH's dysfunctional family served as a substitute. They moved back to Louisiana right after Easter last year. And it dawned on me that I am alone with my dh and kids. I still think I am too young to be raising a family and a husband alone with no one to rely on and with our history of bad things happening when we least expect it. I keep wondering-how come us? Maybe it is to make us stronger for things to come? I guess I am just feeling sorry for myself. We are not homeless-although we have been. We have 3 healthy, good kids and land and by all means are better off than some. Oh well, I guess I had better quit feeling sorry for myself and check for eggs and baby bunnies and clean the house. Dang it. I was feeling better until I typed the last part!