How many trailers did you have to pull to get all those animals there? I know you couldn't get them all in a truck?
So sorry your move didn't work out for you and so glad you had a home to move back to.
i just wanted to let you all know that we made it home okay and that everything is going good.
I would have posted sooner, but our computer was left in Louisiana and we dont intend to replace it. Dh's job is really great. He actually could afford a new phone that I am posting this with. On the bad side we came home to everthing that could be carried off gone, down to even the hanging baskets in the green house. Nothing was left in the house other than the large appliances and furniture. Anyway the trip here was good. It took nearly 12 hours to travel 500 miles here. We only brought our clothes and what we had to have along with the critters who rode in our 4 horse trailer. With careful planning and some luck we made everything ride pretty comfortably and nothing got sick from the trip and temp change or the intermittent rain we met along the way. Dh is building a new barn for the goats and minis!! It is so nice to be home!!
At least you are finally back home. Staying in their place, and still going through that stress- might have drove you crazy. Or crazier, dependin"
Sorry to hear about the thieves. You might consider getting a good dog. They warn bad guys away pretty well. I've seen some on Craig's list that would be great farm dogs. Even Great Pyrs and similar farm breeds.
I got my computer back! Mil came to visit and brought it with her even though I told her to use it as long as she wanted. Well we know who the theives were. People we know. Several of them. The girl we let stay at our place and a bunch of other people we know. Fortunately everything they took was replaceable. I have found that I kinda like living with less stuff and don't really want to replace most of it. The only really important things that were stolen were some of dh's tools and the tools for the backhoe. Like dh said- we had too much "stuff" anyway. I'll admit I was pretty angry for a while about it all. Replacing our stuff after the tornado and 3 years later have it all stolen. But what really got to me is that one of the people was trying to play our friend and offered to give it all back and then asked if they could borrow our camper to go out of state. The reason we even knew these people is though step fil who asked dh if he would shoe their horse for them. And dh did-for free of course. The only reason they knew we were gone is step fil took them to our place after we were had left to help him get our lawn mower. When we came back, the aligator dh had carved me with a chainsaw out of cedar was sitting in their front yard in the flower bed and one of our coolers was in the back of his truck. The didn't know we had returned apparently.
Glad you're getting settled in again. At least you know who not to trust in your area. That's always worth something.
I hope you got the alligator back. That sounds pretty cool.