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- #571
Almost Self-Reliant
Well the last two days have been cool 85 degrees and rainy. A nice relief from the 105 temps we saw a couple of days ago. We trimmed goat hooves, dewormed, put up the pool. I didn't want to do that one, but overnight the ground gave way or something in the yard and the whole pool went downhill with one side overrunning and the othe only half full. So we had to drain it and take it down. 
We also worked in the garden. I don't think it is going to produce enough to can, so this weekend I'm going to go to the farmers market and see if I can get enough of something to can. I would really like to try tomatoes and greenbeans. We also started milking the goat. I have been separating the baby at night and milking her in the morning. The first time I got about 3/4 of a quart and this morning I got just less than that. She hadn't been being milked before I got her, so I am hoping that by milking her that she will start to give more. Dh refuses for us to drink it raw. He drank raw milk as a kid, but threw a fit when I mentioned it. So I guess pasteurized it will be. Now on to the rant. It finally happened. Ex-sil had her son call dh and ask if we would loan her money! $600 for their rent. She said that if they didn't have it today then they would be thrown out. My first reaction was to let them be thrown out and her kids could stay with us. Dh wouldn't let them be homeless and she knew that. She said she could get 300 of it if we would loan her the other 300. Dh agreed. Not that there is any hope of her ever paying us back. So then he brings ME the money to give her when she came and he hauls rear to go " check on work". Now I am feeling a little less than generous. I'm ticked he is giving her the money, but I am one of those people that can't be mean if someone is being nice. I just can't make myself do it.
. She was trying to be nice and even though I know it is just for show I couldn't be as mean especially since she had brought her dad with her. I had no problem being rude though! Her dad came in and gave me a hug and asked if I was going to give him money too. To which I replied heck no I don't willingly have money for her. I also made sure to bring up our stuff that she stole right in front of him. They both were quiet and looked down. They both knew the stuff she had done. Dh got back home before they had left. He talked to nephew, but refused to acknowledge her or her dad. Maybe it was un Christian, but I don't think it was. At least not compared to what I wanted to do!
We also worked in the garden. I don't think it is going to produce enough to can, so this weekend I'm going to go to the farmers market and see if I can get enough of something to can. I would really like to try tomatoes and greenbeans. We also started milking the goat. I have been separating the baby at night and milking her in the morning. The first time I got about 3/4 of a quart and this morning I got just less than that. She hadn't been being milked before I got her, so I am hoping that by milking her that she will start to give more. Dh refuses for us to drink it raw. He drank raw milk as a kid, but threw a fit when I mentioned it. So I guess pasteurized it will be. Now on to the rant. It finally happened. Ex-sil had her son call dh and ask if we would loan her money! $600 for their rent. She said that if they didn't have it today then they would be thrown out. My first reaction was to let them be thrown out and her kids could stay with us. Dh wouldn't let them be homeless and she knew that. She said she could get 300 of it if we would loan her the other 300. Dh agreed. Not that there is any hope of her ever paying us back. So then he brings ME the money to give her when she came and he hauls rear to go " check on work". Now I am feeling a little less than generous. I'm ticked he is giving her the money, but I am one of those people that can't be mean if someone is being nice. I just can't make myself do it.