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- #11
Lovin' The Homestead
Let me ramble just a little bit...
Why the SS / off-grid living
I know it won't be easy, but we all know, and all of you admit, that there are literally HUGE lists of little projects to make your life easier that needs to be done, but they get pushed further down the list, due to money issues, time issues things that emerge and need being done NOW. I do have that luxury that someone on this forum was mentioning, of being independently wealthy, couse there is some serious money around my family... And sometimes I feel like I am trapped in that bubble of a wealthy world, like I can't breathe, like the whole world is just closing down on me... everyone around is expecting me to get a degree, which I agree is a very useful thing ( hence the 3,5 years limit), but more importantly I promised it once to a person I truly valued so I do intend to get one, but then everybody and I mean friends, family, everybody expect me, pressures me to get that degree, to get a monkey suit job, lead a monkey suit life, and be a happy, nine to five, white collar worker. I sure as h**l can't do that, I mean I am a computer geek so I can do some odd jobs for some additional income such as making web pages, or even writing some computer applications from time to time but just as a additional job.
Why thinking of moving?
I mean when you think about it... it is a complete nonsense, we don't have quakes, tornadoes, the climate is pretty much perfect for farming ( hot enough, rare droughts, land in most cases is quite fertile) it would actually be also as it turns out a lot cheaper to start a farm around here or even buy one with buildings on site , you may want to have a look... why not feel free to ask any questions ( private message) if any translating is needed:
1 acre = 4064 m2
1 $ = around 3 PLN ( zloty)
But the gov makes loads of trouble when you're trying to go off-grid. Waiting, bureaucracy, and again waiting asking pleading, for a permit or certificate of any kind is just complete nonsense.
Besides there's also envy of people around, I mean maybe it is wrong,but from my own perspective I see that in U.S. if you succeed people sure do envy you, but think of how to earn on that idea, how to become a subcontractor a partner whatever to earn of it too. I mean I know it is wrong to say that, that I should be more of a patriot but it really eats me that the envy overwhelms people, that when they see on the telly, that someone did succeed and earn a lot of money, when that somebody is a foreigner " oh yeaeeeh... he worked hard, he earned it" when it is a fellow Pole "Hyyyh... hes probably a thief and a corrupt SOB" and they start diging dirt on him, start telling some crazy as* stupid bul**og just to make his life miserable. Ok... I vented, you sure do understand that is a bit of overstatement, but you get my drift I guess. Besides I have to admit that I do have some skeletons in my closet so to speak back from my gambling days, they're not anything really relevant especially now, but I do want them to stay in the closet. That might not be possible if I start trying to do my thing, building eco-domes, starting mandala gardens, creating a fully organic, permaculture farm. That would draw a lot of attention from the media, you have to remember that Poland is a lot smaller then US and that nearly nothing goes by unnoticed, and I just want a quiet life, leaving my past behind and moving on.
the rest of the rambling will come some other time.
Why the SS / off-grid living
I know it won't be easy, but we all know, and all of you admit, that there are literally HUGE lists of little projects to make your life easier that needs to be done, but they get pushed further down the list, due to money issues, time issues things that emerge and need being done NOW. I do have that luxury that someone on this forum was mentioning, of being independently wealthy, couse there is some serious money around my family... And sometimes I feel like I am trapped in that bubble of a wealthy world, like I can't breathe, like the whole world is just closing down on me... everyone around is expecting me to get a degree, which I agree is a very useful thing ( hence the 3,5 years limit), but more importantly I promised it once to a person I truly valued so I do intend to get one, but then everybody and I mean friends, family, everybody expect me, pressures me to get that degree, to get a monkey suit job, lead a monkey suit life, and be a happy, nine to five, white collar worker. I sure as h**l can't do that, I mean I am a computer geek so I can do some odd jobs for some additional income such as making web pages, or even writing some computer applications from time to time but just as a additional job.
Why thinking of moving?
I mean when you think about it... it is a complete nonsense, we don't have quakes, tornadoes, the climate is pretty much perfect for farming ( hot enough, rare droughts, land in most cases is quite fertile) it would actually be also as it turns out a lot cheaper to start a farm around here or even buy one with buildings on site , you may want to have a look... why not feel free to ask any questions ( private message) if any translating is needed:
1 acre = 4064 m2
1 $ = around 3 PLN ( zloty)
But the gov makes loads of trouble when you're trying to go off-grid. Waiting, bureaucracy, and again waiting asking pleading, for a permit or certificate of any kind is just complete nonsense.
Besides there's also envy of people around, I mean maybe it is wrong,but from my own perspective I see that in U.S. if you succeed people sure do envy you, but think of how to earn on that idea, how to become a subcontractor a partner whatever to earn of it too. I mean I know it is wrong to say that, that I should be more of a patriot but it really eats me that the envy overwhelms people, that when they see on the telly, that someone did succeed and earn a lot of money, when that somebody is a foreigner " oh yeaeeeh... he worked hard, he earned it" when it is a fellow Pole "Hyyyh... hes probably a thief and a corrupt SOB" and they start diging dirt on him, start telling some crazy as* stupid bul**og just to make his life miserable. Ok... I vented, you sure do understand that is a bit of overstatement, but you get my drift I guess. Besides I have to admit that I do have some skeletons in my closet so to speak back from my gambling days, they're not anything really relevant especially now, but I do want them to stay in the closet. That might not be possible if I start trying to do my thing, building eco-domes, starting mandala gardens, creating a fully organic, permaculture farm. That would draw a lot of attention from the media, you have to remember that Poland is a lot smaller then US and that nearly nothing goes by unnoticed, and I just want a quiet life, leaving my past behind and moving on.
the rest of the rambling will come some other time.