Savingdogs-Saving the chickens


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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ThisOldCabin, thank you for your thoughtful post. I'm flattered you read the whole long old thingy.
We somehow have always ended up with dogs. They appear in front of our car. Our doorstep. Our path. Perhaps it is a little like that for you, too. This started a long time ago, when we had never even knew there were people who rescued dogs. We had gotten a thing for strays and had placed them with our friends when our house was full. Then we decided we wanted to do this more purposefully. But we always did this. Even as a small child I bottle fed kittens and such.

But I have joked that there is a sign on my forehead identifying to the dogs who is a sucker for them. Later, I hoped it was a sign that guided them to me, because I would know what to do for them. What I have probably not mentioned in this forum is how many strays I have helped get back to their homes. I never even kept count like I have the fosters. Up here in the country so many people let their dogs run free, I have had to restrain myself though and don't pick up strays anymore. I used to pick up dogs from busy highways and such. Now I like to recieve dogs from official rescue sources because I can help more that way, faster, with less effort on my part and without being able to hear or even function every day, I need their support.

I used to think I had a very interesting life, but now I'm mostly writing about what I USED to do when I tell you my rescue stories. My husband and I feel priveledged to be able to do this fostering still. We are not rich, but we are rich in dogs. We get to have a PACK of our favorite breed live here currently, and food, medical expenses and whatever they need is provided. It is temporary, but we get to enjoy them and become an important cog in the wheel of their life, love them, train them, learn from them. It has been an incredibly useful tool with my children as well. It has given my family focus, purpose and a feeling of being a part of the community. I think anyone who has done extensive volunteer work can say that the more you give the more you get. We have been incredibly blessed because of animal rescue. Yes, we gave up years of our private life. But I'd give anything to have those years back, to be living them again. I'd do it again. And again.

Guess you guys know what I would build here if I won the lotto.....if you guessed build an animal shelter you are right.

We try to apply what we have learned to the new "job" of our farm, with varying degrees of success! This has been a great group of people for helping to make me feel that our current goals are not so strange and that the people here can also understand the drive and ....addiction....really, that I have to saving dogs. We have given up a lot of small luxuries and made a lot of choices in order to be able to do this, but we are not one bit sorry. The whole reason we moved up here was because of them. The rest of this has just unfolded from there. I truly feel God shaped and created me as a dog rescuer and my early life and experiences created a person who thinks this is very important and has the tools to accomplish it. Not many people are so lucky as to know their purpose, and I know mine. Of course, I have more than one. But I mean beyond being a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, etc. I'm not a dog trainer, or a dog whisperer or even an animal rights advocate. I just take em from a bad place and give them to a good place. I cannot tell you what knowing this tremendous group of dogs has been like, they are all so awesome, and we loved them all so much. I would never have missed it for the world.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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I have so many outdoor projects I want to do. :weee But not in a downpour. This is the kind of rain where you cannot do anything if you wanted to. I feel like I'm living in a mud sea. I am really itching to start doing some gardening projects, both with my veggies and just to work on my yard.

I have not really talked about the yard here. We are on five acres, but the house and yard and animals all sit on about one acre of it and the rest is left pretty much as it was, forest regrowing after logging 16 years ago. We have some trails and interesting outbuildings but we are essentially using only one section. But the area in front of the house was landscaped very nicely by the prior owner. During the almost three years now that we have lived here, it has sadly become neglected. Between working full time and not feeling well, using all my energy to try to work, I really have not been enjoying this garden like I should have. But I know there is a little gem under these brambles and weeds and would like to work on restoring it this year. I think I can tuck a lot of edible plants into the landscaping as well, because the animals are not allowed in that section and it is fenced off from wildlife. I just have to take it in little projects though.

Hubby wants to fence off a large section of the "wild" area as a goat field. That way they would have a pasture of sorts, and the area really needs to be cleared out. They will probably ruin some trees, but there are too many alders in there, way, way too many. So they will just be choosing our firewood for us. hee hee. It is currently difficult to thin the trees because the underbrush is so thick and makes this area fairly useless. If the goats could create a shady pasture type area out of it, it would be a great improvement for us. A few more trees would have to be removed before I could grow much grass there, but we have to start somewhere with it.

I also want to MOVE a whole lot of plants. As we have developed the area behind our home as the animal quarters, the landscape plants placed there by the prior owner are getting ruined. I have a row of gorgeous peonies the GOATS ate to the ground last year that I hope recover. Also some lovely bulbs that attracted hummingbirds the first summer we were here. So I"d like to move those things out of harms way before it warms up too much.

But not in the pouring rain. It isn't even good for me to work outside and get all drenched. I keep looking out the window and pouting. I have indoor projects I should work on but I'm just itching for a little blue sky and sunshine I guess.


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2009
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North Central Ohio
You know, we all have to decide what makes us rich. And quite frankly, it ain't money. Relationships, helping others (including animals) and doing things really makes you feel much richer than having a big bank account. I feel so much better for a longer period of time helping someone or something than purchasing a new "something." The wealth of helping others far outweighs and outlasts money wealth.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
I just wanted to chime in on the rescue thing. I TOTALLY get it. We do Farm animal rescue here. We work closely with a rescue out of Indianapolis. We are currently overun with Pot belly pigs!! No, we dont butcher them...LOL It is a very satisfying feeling knowing that the animals we get are now safe, in forever homes. It is a lot of work, we dont get vacations...and we dont have extra money for...stuff. However...we DO have a LOT of love, and I feel it every day from the animals we take in. Yes, even from pigs and can see it in thier eyes..and thier actions. Like you, I am where I am meant to be...I just know it. Like you, if I win the will go to fencing the woods..3 acres...for the animals.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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It is nice when you know your niche.

It actually isn't raining! I need to finish my coffee quick before that

Well I don't think the duck is feeling broody now. I've left the eggs in there but it is a little wasteful, that I left her so many. I guess she was just feeling a LITTLE broody.


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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i just made your laundry soap - i cant believe it was that EASY.


thanks for saving us a ton of money! wheee! i cant wait to use it



Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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Ohhhhhhhh, was it fun gishing it between your fingers? If it gets too clumpy, just put it directly on the clothes not your system to dump the soap in. Or stir it some more. I've had it take out stains and smells, but if you want the laundry to have a fresh scent you might want to use laundry dryer sheets.

I really love how it works. I found that recipe at BYC....on the Soapmakers Help thread I showed you. I guess it isn't very active right now, but that thread reads like an education in soap and includes many recipes.

Heh, I think my duck is broody after all. She has pulled out a bunch of feathers! All tucked in all sweet and fluffy around those eggs. She still isn't sitting on them but I think this must be where the expression "feathering the nest" comes from.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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Well, Nana (my show bunny) has made herself a tidy little nest with all her rabbit fur! I was so excited to see it. So I had two very encouraging signs of spring today. Looks like the duck will be broody after all and at least one of my bunnys is pregnant!

:bun :weee :bun :weee


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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My rabbit doesnt pull hair till the day of some do it before. Cant wait!! :D


Enjoys Recycling
Feb 23, 2011
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Thats great news!Ducklings and bunnies.It has to be spring.My rabbits pulled hair the day before or sometimes the night they gave birth.I'll be waiting for pics.:D

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