Savingdogs-Saving the chickens


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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Well she isn't due until March 28th so I was a little surprised, but the breeder told me that she likes to be "prepared". What a good mommy!


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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Just more rain here! We have ominous black clouds and thunderstorms going on today and supposed to continue into tomorrow. My broody duck stayed on her nest, my pregnant bunnies are nesting and of course the goats are darling. I cut off the heat lamp as it has warmed up and they are fighting less about who gets the warm spot.

Warming up did not do much for my indoor seedlings. I think I have lost some of them, at least half. The room was being heated by the woodstove. Now it is too warm in there for the stove, but it is a good deal colder for the plants. It is my only room with excellent southern exposure for light so I don't have much option. I think I'll just try again and keep the temperature more consistent. Poor plants went from July to March in the space of a week, the way I had the temps change by stopping using the woodstove. Sigh. At least it isn't too late!

Yesterday I managed to do some gardening outside during a break between storms. The chickens have decided my iris and some bulbs whose name I don't know don't belong in their free ranging area. They have been doing their best to dig them out for me. So I rescued them and planted them in my non-livestock part of the fancier front yard. I know it isn't the right time of year for transplanting but I'm still crossing my fingers. Even if they do not bloom this year if the plants survive it will be good. I'm planting clover and other plants there instead so that when I let the chickens back out there will be something holding the soil in place and for them to eat too. And the bulbs whose name I do not know are really stunning red flowers which draw hummingbirds like mad, very worth saving. I also planted peas out front and a few other things that according to my chart I made can be started now.

I haven't had vertigo for three whole days. I don't think I have had that happen for over six months. I also have a slight improvement in hearing currently and have been listening to the radio and music with headphones. I know it is temporary but still a nice relief from the silence. Maybe the raw goats milk is helpful. I have been having a goat milk latte every morning thanks to dear little Molly. I freeze the rest but save enough for my breakfast the next day.

Speaking of her, today when we milked Molly, the neighbor boys were here helping Trouble with his chores. One is familiar with cow milking and wanted to try goats. He is about 11 so his hands are small. He managed to get a lot out of her "bad" side, with each of us taking one side. I noticed as well after I emtied my side, that if I massaged her udder up high, near her tummy as he milked, MUCH more milk came out as he went. It is like it has a harder time dropping out over there? Unfortunately I will not always have a second person to help but I am hoping the more we milk that side the more likely it will become like the "good" side.

Watching the news from Japan, I cannot help but feel my problems are small, my home is snug and I have plenty of what I need. I can even stock my fridge with milk, eggs and meat without going to the store! I hope that soon we will be able to add "and eating from our garden."

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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SD, so glad you haven't had the spins lately. Neither have I. In fact, I'm not sure when I had my last attack, and we've had several major storms move thru the area. I've been meaning to share this w/you, but wanted to wait a bit, especially since this is normally a bad time of the year for me. I wanted to see if this really does anything b4 sharing it w/you.

Recently, my chiropractor got someone in part time. And, this guy is there on my day to go. Because I have MD, he was quite interested. Why? Because he's done something I've never seen nor heard of being done b4. He adjusts ears! Shortly after he did the first adjustment, my sinuses drained big time. I didn't think anything of it. Then, the next time he did the adjustment, later that day, they drained. And, they've been draining pretty regularly since then. For the first time in years, I'm breathing thru my nose. While my right ear still feels full, I'm not getting that pressure on my sinuses that I normally get when a system moves thru, and no vertigo attack! (It's raining right now.) He's also doing more work on my neck, and having me do some simple exercises. I do not know if this is something that would help you or not, but if it really does help me, and is not just a coincidence, it may be worth looking in to. :hugs


Almost Self-Reliant
May 28, 2009
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Deb, that's really interesting about the chiro! Who knew your ears could be adjusted? For a long time I thought I had a couple teeth going bad - went to the dentist a few times and had my bite adjusted, teeth checked for cracks, etc. Turns out when my chiro adjusted my neck, it took care of the tooth pain. My C1 is a trouble spot.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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I have horrible neck hurts to swallow food sometimes, it hurts the back of my neck and into my upper shoulders. Maybe I need to check out the chiro too!


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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Yes, I am familiar with chiropractic having a positive effect on Meniere's disease. While I was doing medical transcription, I noted an increase in hearing on my DEAF side after some adjustments, especially one certain chiropractor. He told me that some of the very first chiropractic successes were with ear patients. I know that he could get a certain crack right at C1. Sometimes I can get it to crack there myself. It seems to be helpful when I can. If I tip my chin up and turn my neck sharply to the left I can get the same crack he got, the same way.

I never had my sinuses drain from it, though. Interesting. My husband has a chiropractic vibrator for his back, and I sometimes use it on my forehead and find it clears out my sinuses when I have a migraine. I do find that if I can get my sinuses to drain I feel much better. That is why I was interested in that sinus rinse, but not with sodium.

I'm really hoping for some sunshine today, at least a break in the weather, so I can work on putting more seeds out, especially while there is all this rain to keep everything moist for me. I'm starting to worry this much mud is not healthful for any of my livestock. It is almost impossible to truly clean their stalls and such.

So I hear the MOON is going to be the closest to the earth in the next few days that it has been for the last 18 years and will be FULL. I hope I get to see it and that it doesn't cause any EARTHQUAKES around here.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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lorihadams said:
I have horrible neck hurts to swallow food sometimes, it hurts the back of my neck and into my upper shoulders. Maybe I need to check out the chiro too!
I have had really good luck with chiropractic for this kind of thing. The one I go to now does massage first and the whole thing is very relaxing and helpful. I like to be referred to my chiropractor by satisfied customers in the area, they are not created equal.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
The closest that the moon has ever been was 221,441 miles from the Earth which happened on Jan. 4, 1912.
On March 19, 2011 the Moon will pass by Earth at a distance of 356,577 kilometers (221,567 miles) the closest pass in 18 years. The moon this time will finish about 126 miles further away that at it's closest.

The phase the moon is in at the time of "lunar perigee" shouldn't make any differences.

We may all still blow up - but this moon cycle won't be doing it. ;) :lol:

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