framing fowl
On a mission
Man, I miss huckleberries... lucky duck
. Yes, you can use about any berry with that recipe.
Do you have chokecherries around there? You can make some really good syrup and jelly out of that too. I remember one time my mom got some of her friends together and they did a big batch of both on the same day. They must have been having too much fun because the stuff that ended up in the syrup bottles gelled and was really hard to get out and the syrup ended up in the jelly jars!

Do you have chokecherries around there? You can make some really good syrup and jelly out of that too. I remember one time my mom got some of her friends together and they did a big batch of both on the same day. They must have been having too much fun because the stuff that ended up in the syrup bottles gelled and was really hard to get out and the syrup ended up in the jelly jars!