Savingdogs-Saving the chickens


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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hey baby!

careful on the ladder and great work getting it all fixed up! my house was paper with sheep - i'm not even kidding. a lot of sheep. and yes there should be a LOT of filking!


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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Had a weird dream last night that I thought y'all would think is funny.

You know how strange things happen in your dreams that could not really happen? Well I dreamed a friend of mine (who lives rather distant) was suddenly living real close at her old house again and we were visiting. Right as we were getting ready to go, she tells me she wants to sell me two GOATS :love (this person does not have goats, she lives in a city currently) and they were full sized and they didn't want them anymore. Hubby and I say Great! :weee (I can always hear in my dreams). So we are getting the goats all loaded up, they both look exactly like Ginger but huge, like cow-sized :ep , and I was wondering how much they eat. For some reason we suddenly had a horse trailer with us, hitched up to my little subaru :lol: and as we are shutting the door, my friend says, "Oh by the way, they can't be bred, it would kill them!" :duc Hubby and I are just saying Huh? Why? :rant What is wrong with them? and suddenly we hear something in the trailer. And lo and behold, my little Buckley I sold last spring was in the trailer suddenly (you know how strange things appear in dreams) and he was mating with one of the does! :barnie This despite Buckley being a tiny little creature, and of course in the dream he still wasn't any bigger than last spring. :gig

I never got to the rest as Hubby was waking me up to milk the goats.

I'm not painting after all today, instead we have been invited to visit Bud and the granddaughter, that sounds lovely! I need a good strong dose of granddaughter, that is always good for me.

framing fowl

On a mission
Oct 30, 2009
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savingdogs said:
(I can always hear in my dreams).
MyT Man can always run in his dreams even though his accident was when he was 11. Maybe we need more dreaming and less reality in our lives! :weee

savingdogs said:
For some reason we suddenly had a horse trailer with us, hitched up to my little subaru
:lol: I've hitched trailers up to my subaru before, just not horse trailers! :gig


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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I have just a forester, with the smaller engine! We would have to have goats trot along behind! :lol:

My mom always says she gets to FLY in her dreams. I sure wish I'd have a dream like that.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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ohiofarmgirl said:
hey baby!

careful on the ladder and great work getting it all fixed up! my house was paper with sheep - i'm not even kidding. a lot of sheep. and yes there should be a LOT of filking!
Yea, well when I first moved in, my entryway looked like Country Peddlar threw up in there, with the birds nests and what not. I can go with a northwest theme fine but even country chic is too country for me. I love French impressionists and walls of bright contrasting colors, lots of really bright art on but everything else solid colored is my style, so Country Peddlar had to skedaddle before I could even hang my pictures. Course they are all cheap copies, but I love Van Gogh and Monet especially and have lots of copies of their stuff among my knick-knacks. Van Gogh was believed to also have Meniere's disease like me, that is supposedly why he cut off his ear, and also why he was in a mental institution. :ep But also supposedly why he perceived things kind of blurry like that (our eyes go back and forth rapidly, called nystagmus causing a weird blurriness sometimes).

framing fowl

On a mission
Oct 30, 2009
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I sometimes fly in my dreams. I love those. But I have them rarely, and only when everything is at peace in my world.

Back to your chickens, I can totally get why they were hard to sex. I would guess that EE's are some of the hardest to sex. I've had the same troubles this year with mine. I got 14 that were 8 weeks old and the man swore they were pullets except for 2 that he threw in. They were supposed to be white rock crosses. Well, some of them ended up being red sex links, some look light light brahmas but with clean legs, a couple have got white leghorn in them, and one just looks muddy and has a pea comb. I swore up until 3 weeks ago that I only had two hens out of the bunch until they started laying eggs and none of them are crowing (yet...). I'm getting 2 pullet eggs a day consistently and it looks like I've ended up with 8 pullets. Then out of another bunch, two of the barred rocks turned out to be roosters, the buff orp is a roo, and I ended up with a roo and pullet on the silver laced Wyandottes. So it looks like out of 19, I'll end up with 9 hens this year... Good thing they're foraging so much because they're not really burning through the feed this summer so I haven't minded feeding everyone until I could figure it out.

I love your mixed flock of EE's. I agree, having a mixed flock is so pretty!


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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So here is just the basic framework started on my blog, I don't have everything up there, I'll eventually have permanent categories and a section designed specially for the foster dogs in particular.

I have one blog post up there so far and my intro is all.


What a cute little bunny! That was Herbert Hoover, "a chicken in every pot, a car in every garage" I thought about starting a blog, but then i thought, 'naw, i'll just keep posting on different forums as "Sunsaver", until the thought control police figure out who i really am, and come haul me off to a secret prison in Virginia.'


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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I actually wrote that essay a long time ago and put it on BYC, but there is no reason I can't put previously written stuff up there. I was going to move over my foster stories eventually as well. I have a few adoptees helping me and want to get a question and answer thing going as well regarding mainly fostering topics, but I'm more informed about fostering than anything else, but I thought I'd just blog about the farm in general like I do here, but shorter and with more pictures.

That bunny is Daughter, the one I kept from Sister's first kindling. She is almost full sized now. Aren't the Creme's beautiful! They all look exactly alike practically and you have to "know" them to even tell them apart. I need to learn how to do bunny tatoos soon. I'm very happy with my rabbitry even though Nana never kindled, I'm thinking of keeping a female from this group as well if I can arrange cages, that would give me two to breed to Junior and keep him busy. Sister and Gramps I intend to keep breeding to one another for awhile, they need a little wedding or something, they have been livin' in sin for awhile now. :lol:

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