Savingdogs-Saving the chickens


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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Thanks Deb, She seems to be getting around a little better today than yesterday, so hopefully it isn't serious.

*SD crosses not only fingers, but toes.*


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
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Don't feel guilty about being mad about it :hugs

Hopefully he'll remember that not listening can hurt others than himself. It's easier to not listen if you think only you will be effected.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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I guess I am hoping that is what Trouble got out of this. When he came home today (he left again to go to a birthday party) I made sure to hug him and tell him he was more important than any rabbit.

He also told us he saw Emilee jump down from a fridge she has been jumping onto. So that injury would be her own darn fault, but I'll have to find a way to keep her from getting back up there. It is like goats are the opposite of water, seeking the lowest level, goats seem to seek the highest level in any environment! :lol:


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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Time for an update!

We are having 65-68 degree temps today, breezy and light rain. Can those of your basking in the heat feel a momentary breath of cold air? I'm sure as heck TRYING to send it your way. I have on flannel pants, slippers and a sweater. No sun.

Bunny is in the crock pot, becoming panang. Thai bunny. :drool :bun The boys won't eat Thai food, so oh DARN, all that will be for us. Plenty of chili left for them. :tongue

The animals all seem fine, nothing to note today, the duck is still sitting on her four eggs so that is one bit of nice progress, and the four baby bunnies are popping around like little popcorn now. Cute little fluffballs. The goats are giving less milk and soon I think I'll go to once a day, I'm thinking of starting that with Molly tomorrow possibly. The little kitten is still nameless but getting fat and sassy now like we like.

The garden is getting big, especially the potatoes and pumpkins. A slug has been getting the zucchini.

My blog is coming along slowly, I need a lesson on how to work the dang thing. Everything is going to the wrong places. :he

I wrote to border collie rescue today. We haven't had a foster in awhile. I was reading on their website how they cannot possibly find foster homes for them all, that 150 a year or more (in my state alone) are turned away and go to shelters currently. :hit Gulp. Wrong thing to say to savingdogs. My own dear-to-my-heart Anika who is the Best Dog In The World is a border collie, and once you fall in love with that white stripe down the face, you always love those white-stripe faced hyper little smart maniac dogs. So I've written them to see if it is feasible for us to help. Some groups require a financial investment such as providing medical care and we would not be a match with that, but I have a current interest in dog-herding that I'd like to explore but don't have the right dog. So it occurred to me I know exactly how to find the right dogs to practice with at no cost whatsoever, the same way I've always educated myself with dogs. I've been talking about heelers but I have much more experience to offer a border collie rescue, we already fostered a bunch so I know what I'm getting into. Actually, I like them.

Hubby doesn't know I did this.....but I actually wanted to see how their program works before bringing it up to him. At this point I think he wants to do whatever he can to keep me happy, I think my overall sadness lately has HIM down and I won't have to twist his arm too badly to go pick me up a little dog for me to save or two. :lol:


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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150 a YEAR!?!?!!? holy cow! i'm guessing they are mostly from folks who live in city and who work all day and wonder why their dog is nuts? but wow. thats crazy.

but yay on the panang! whoot!

We are having 65-68 degree temps today, breezy and light rain.
you're slain' me... our heat index just jumped to 103*

actually my seattle friends are all saying the same thing - then they hear how hot it is here and then they dont feel so bad about it. i just went outside and my glasses fogged up from the heat/humidity. sheesh!



Give a big mental push, SD. I'm burning alive down here.
I love Thai food! If you cook what you love, and others won't eat eat, you're absolved from any selfishness!
Border Collies are brilliant dogs. I saw a doc film about a border collie that knew the names of 1000 different toys. When told to find the new name, the collie "inferred" the researcher must mean the new toy. Even chimps and young human children can't make this mental leap. Smart dogs. But they need room to run, or work to do. These are work dogs, not lap dogs.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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Yea, Hubby was complaining last night that we "haven't had summer" in a whiney voice and I reminded him just how much he HATES it when we get anything over 90 degrees. It does get real humid here when it finally warms up, but in our experience, that only happens every couple of years, we have gotten a true hot summer. Sometimes it is warmer in September. August is the best month for no rain, but.........

Yea, 150 a year sounded too high. We used to get them from people who thought the size was nice, and that size dog WOULD be nice for a city family if it had a different personality. Some of them had to be rehomed to a farm. I had one that we gave to this dude that used them for finding golf balls at a golf course. That only worked if they had a thing for balls so I only placed one that way. I also had a couple which were pretty difficult dogs due to mishandling, and because they can be whip-smart but without a lick of sense sometimes.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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sunsaver said:
Give a big mental push, SD. I'm burning alive down here.
I love Thai food! If you cook what you love, and others won't eat eat, you're absolved from any selfishness!
Border Collies are brilliant dogs. I saw a doc film about a border collie that knew the names of 1000 different toys. When told to find the new name, the collie "inferred" the researcher must mean the new toy. Even chimps and young human children can't make this mental leap. Smart dogs. But they need room to run, or work to do. These are work dogs, not lap dogs.
So true, and true of more breeds than border collies. I found that some people could keep border collies in the city, it depends on the personality of the owner. People who spend a lot of attention on their dogs and teach it a lot, they do okay with them sometimes especially if they work from home or don't leave the dog alone. Our border collie had a "job" which was training the fosters, but we kept her busy when she was little with learning dog tricks. She does a real elaborate play dead that always slays an audience. Her signal for "bang" is the hand motion for a gun shooting, and then her signal for getting up is when we blow on our finger like the end of the gun is hot. She usually wags her tail while "dead" which the audience always enjoys. We have won a couple of dog trick contests we have entered with that one, she is so theatrical. Course she would be doing the :bow at OFG's Ti, but she is smart in her own silly little way. This dog will not allow my sons to wrestle with each other, she bites and holds the arm of the perp, and knows who is the "mad" one, every time. When they were little and I didn't know which one to punish, I would see who the dog was mad at !


A dog detective! I like that! Yeah, intensive training and human interaction with a focused person is a good substitute for herding sheep. That and lots of love, which im sure you have.

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