I'm in my 40's, but wasn't paying much attention to the world before about 1990. I rememer how my parents reacted to the economy in the 70's - we had a humongous vegetable garden, bought bulk meat locally, got a wood stove, and went out on special trips to fill up the gas tank when it was our day to do it. But I don't remember if we were so politically divided in the 70's and 80's. What was it like in the 50's and 60's? How prevalent was the Vietnam protest? You would see it on tv, but was it affecting everyday lives? Or do these things come in waves?
I have been reading some of the SS books recommended here. A large portion of them were written in the 70's. Their concern about the economy seems similar to the current environment.
I have been reading some of the SS books recommended here. A large portion of them were written in the 70's. Their concern about the economy seems similar to the current environment.