Seriously, this helps how??


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 1, 2008
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I'm in my 40's, but wasn't paying much attention to the world before about 1990. I rememer how my parents reacted to the economy in the 70's - we had a humongous vegetable garden, bought bulk meat locally, got a wood stove, and went out on special trips to fill up the gas tank when it was our day to do it. But I don't remember if we were so politically divided in the 70's and 80's. What was it like in the 50's and 60's? How prevalent was the Vietnam protest? You would see it on tv, but was it affecting everyday lives? Or do these things come in waves?

I have been reading some of the SS books recommended here. A large portion of them were written in the 70's. Their concern about the economy seems similar to the current environment.

TTs Chicks

Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 12, 2008
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inchworm said:
I'd like to hear from older people if the US has always been this divided. Maybe it's just the nature of the political system.

In the news recently - I must admit that I am very uncomfortable with the 90% tax the House just passed on AIG bonuses. I think this whole AIG bailout has been a huge mess, but I'm really uncomfortable picking out a group in society and giving them a hefty tax. Is it even legal? Can Congress decided they don't like lawyers, so all lawyers should pay a higher tax? Or maybe Catholics make too much money so next there will be a tax on Catholics??

That is what scares me - if they are able to create and enforce a tax like this. I understand why they are doing it, but had the ability to pay those bonuses not been added in the first place they wouldn't have to try to fix it.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 9, 2009
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I used to work for a big corporation and as I understand it the way things worked was if the company had a really good year the stockholders would okay the issuing of bonuses to those in charge who were in some way responsible for the good year. So, I don't know if all corporations work that way but where were the stockholders who voted for these guys to have bonuses in a year when the business was so bad they had to get a bailout from the government? Seeing as how WE'RE now the major stockholders in this company I would guess that we should get a vote. That being the case, I vote that their bonuses be returned or taxed at 90%. You're right, it is a conundrum when the government gets involved in what CEOs are paid or given as bonuses but we ARE involved for a little while at least and the company main objective should be to pay off the government and get us off their backs as soon as possible which ISN'T possible as long as they continue to throw big parties and give themselves luxurious bonuses. Let's make life a little uncomfortable for them, as it is for some of us, so they feel compelled to get rid of our influence.


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 1, 2008
Reaction score
I saw Barney Frank on TV saying we now own AIG. Huh??

Did we give them funds in exchange for stock? Did I miss something? (it's possible)

Unless we own the stock in AIG, we own zippo.


Frugal Homesteader
Sep 11, 2008
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Big Daddy said:
Obama meant change as in closing Gitmo, restoring liberties, national health care, education assistance, less greenhouse emissions. He is doing all those things. So no it is not business as usual. Open your eyes and expand your horizons.
My question is since when do we give prisoners of war the same civil liberties that we as citizens of this country have & deserve? Answer: NEVER!!!!!!!!!!! We need to keep Gitmo open, thank you! It is not to bright to plan to close it up & not know what you are going to do with the prisoners first. As to National health care, why should i pay for your healthcare through taxes when we already pay for healthcare of our own thrugh my dh's employer? National healthcare does not work, look at all the countries that do it. Education assistance is there, you just have to look for it & expend some energy getting it. there are tons of organizations that give away millions & millions of $$ each year for education. Why does the gov't need to provide everything for us?


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 9, 2009
Reaction score
Homesteadmom said:
Big Daddy said:
Obama meant change as in closing Gitmo, restoring liberties, national health care, education assistance, less greenhouse emissions. He is doing all those things. So no it is not business as usual. Open your eyes and expand your horizons.
My question is since when do we give prisoners of war the same civil liberties that we as citizens of this country have & deserve? Answer: NEVER!!!!!!!!!!! We need to keep Gitmo open, thank you! It is not to bright to plan to close it up & not know what you are going to do with the prisoners first. As to National health care, why should i pay for your healthcare through taxes when we already pay for healthcare of our own thrugh my dh's employer? National healthcare does not work, look at all the countries that do it. Education assistance is there, you just have to look for it & expend some energy getting it. there are tons of organizations that give away millions & millions of $$ each year for education. Why does the gov't need to provide everything for us?
You're right, prisoners of war do not enjoy the same civil rights as Americans. But remember that little piece of paper called the Geneva Convention? Something my own biological father used as a method to get paid after the war when his Geneva Convention rights were violated. Yeah, water boarding and torture? Not allowed by the Geneva Convention which we have agreed to uphold.


A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Jul 11, 2008
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central WI
Homesteadmom said:
Big Daddy said:
Obama meant change as in closing Gitmo, restoring liberties, national health care, education assistance, less greenhouse emissions. He is doing all those things. So no it is not business as usual. Open your eyes and expand your horizons.
My question is since when do we give prisoners of war the same civil liberties that we as citizens of this country have & deserve? Answer: NEVER!!!!!!!!!!! We need to keep Gitmo open, thank you! It is not to bright to plan to close it up & not know what you are going to do with the prisoners first. As to National health care, why should i pay for your healthcare through taxes when we already pay for healthcare of our own thrugh my dh's employer? National healthcare does not work, look at all the countries that do it. Education assistance is there, you just have to look for it & expend some energy getting it. there are tons of organizations that give away millions & millions of $$ each year for education. Why does the gov't need to provide everything for us?
I don't think anyone here was suggesting prisoners live in the lap of luxury, or necessarily should.

But, to be sent away with no actual charge being made? No legal representation? I refuse to believe that is what America is made out of.

Nope, it wouldn't be too bright to just open the doors of Guantanamo and say "See ya." That's why our government isn't doing that. They are working with other nations to find reasonable homelands for these people.


Moderator Extraordinaire
Jul 12, 2008
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Hanson, MA Zone 6a
It's called war, and prisoners of war are not US citizens deserving of any constitutional rights. I don't want to hear a word about us torturing. Do those people still have their heads? Were their wives and daughters raped and killed in front of them? Are there eyes still in their attached heads? That's torture. Scaring someone by pretending to pour water down their throats is awful, but they live through it just fine, with no permanent scars. Raping a wife in front of a husband while demanding he talk is torture, and it's done all the time in third world countries. If one American military person's life is saved because of waterboarding, or keeping them awake, or playing loud rock music to them then I'm just fine with it. Sorry, I know that horrifies some of you, but it's the way it is.


Our Frustrated Curmudgeon
Jul 25, 2008
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Urban Idaho.
An awful lot of intolerence and vitriol on this thread.

I ask that it be locked.


Moderator Extraordinaire
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
Hanson, MA Zone 6a
If you don't like a thread, then please don't open it. This isn't BYC, we're all supposed to be adults discussing issues that interest us. As long as the discussions remain respectful they can continue.