

Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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My wife all about hiding the garden. This year we planted lilac bushes to hide it from the road. It'll take several years for it to be hidden.

I'm of the opinion, if someone needs food then, you're more than welcome to pick the garden. Just ask first, so I don't have to call you a thief.

I have a hard time dealing with a thief. But am more than willing to help someone who needs it. So "raiding the garden" is a mixed bag for me.

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Things are never black and white, are they? Just varying shades of gray.

Agreed on the always willing to share with the truly needy. I like to read up on efforts to teach kids to garden. Too many times, the efforts aren't pilfered, just vandalized. No one benefits.

Tried to help someone learn at their place. They were in need. They stated it was too much work, couldn't they just pick from mine? The then wife bullied me into it by letting them have at it while I was at work. Their lack of knowledge damaged a lot of my peppers and tomatoes. Yeah, that turned out well.


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
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Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
Things are never black and white, are they? Just varying shades of gray.

Agreed on the always willing to share with the truly needy. I like to read up on efforts to teach kids to garden. Too many times, the efforts aren't pilfered, just vandalized. No one benefits.

Tried to help someone learn at their place. They were in need. They stated it was too much work, couldn't they just pick from mine? The then wife bullied me into it by letting them have at it while I was at work. Their lack of knowledge damaged a lot of my peppers and tomatoes. Yeah, that turned out well.
No they aren't! I don't know what's in a person's heart (can't see in there). Maybe a person was too embarrassed or too ashamed to ask, maybe they are truly in need. It's so hard to know.

Keep up the good work Mr FJ, I have a lot of respect for you.

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
I have a hard time dealing with a thief. But am more than willing to help someone who needs it. So "raiding the garden" is a mixed bag for me. can have, I'll share. In this case they weren't just taking "some". In fact, several of us talked and agreed that if they needed help, no issue! But when almost every collard plant went the week before Thanksgiving, it was not good! :mad: 😁

You are right, those who DO need will most often not say that. Used to have a neighbor like that and I almost apologized when I asked about "pawning off" a lot of excess on them, from garden and products from food demos. Only when she was moving a couple years later did I learn how truly desperate they often were, as she thanked me for those dumps of foods to them. You just never know! I was so very surprised....yet glad I had unknowingly been able to help them, consistently, meaningfully and with no embarrassment.


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide can have, I'll share. In this case they weren't just taking "some". In fact, several of us talked and agreed that if they needed help, no issue! But when almost every collard plant went the week before Thanksgiving, it was not good! :mad: 😁

You are right, those who DO need will most often not say that. Used to have a neighbor like that and I almost apologized when I asked about "pawning off" a lot of excess on them, from garden and products from food demos. Only when she was moving a couple years later did I learn how truly desperate they often were, as she thanked me for those dumps of foods to them. You just never know! I was so very surprised....yet glad I had unknowingly been able to help them, consistently, meaningfully and with no embarrassment.

We need a hand clap jester because of this post. Ioving eyes ain't good enough.

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
Most people who are needy for even the most basics of food will not lift their hand to plant a garden, it's too much work. Able bodied, nothing wrong with them, no debilitating health issues and they will not lift a hand to feed themselves or their family. That is just incomprehensible to me. I don't mind telling them to get off their lazy backside and take responsibility for themselves.

That said, I have neighbors that I have always shared the wealth with. One couple has 4 boys, they work long hours and have money, but deeply appreciate fresh vegetables. Another couple is disabled and they need the food. Various neighbors have various issues, I always tried to share what I had. I will miss not having a garden next year.


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
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mid-Michigan, USoA
i grow stuff and often Mom gives it away - i grow it primarily for us, then for others in the family and then for friends. sometimes Mom just does stuff and i find out about it later. grr... :)

at least this morning she did ask about giving some squash away and we talked about it. compromised, i said she could give away some of the green ones that i don't want the seeds from. she wanted to get rid of the large ones but i don't think they're ready yet for another few weeks at least. i have a bunch of others i'll have to process over the next few months, but they're good and i'm ready to do it by the time they're ready. today, i'm not ready to process anything other than breakfast.