City Biddy
As far as using it away from home I just remove it while on the toilet. Dump into the stool. Wipe it off and out with TP and reinsert. Works while I am at work just beautifully. I use TP to wipe off any drips on my hands so I can get to the sink without "looking like an ax murder".
Talk about TMI. I am at THAT age and some of my periods I feel like someone is butchering a calf instead of having a period. I was going through a heavy duty tampon every HOUR!!! (the up side to this is my period is lasting about three days instead of a week.
) The cup makes it a BUNCH easier.
The only time I DON'T use it is at night. Again possibly just the way I am built or how I sleep, but I tend to get leakage at night so I just use a tampon then.

Talk about TMI. I am at THAT age and some of my periods I feel like someone is butchering a calf instead of having a period. I was going through a heavy duty tampon every HOUR!!! (the up side to this is my period is lasting about three days instead of a week.
The only time I DON'T use it is at night. Again possibly just the way I am built or how I sleep, but I tend to get leakage at night so I just use a tampon then.