Almost Self-Reliant
lol, congrats. At least he was laughing. J gave me a very stereotypical male reaction (EEEEWWW!). So naturally, I tortured him with the (clean, brand new!) thing until he got over it. I'd leave it hidden in his desk, on top of his favorite novel...everywhereBettacreek said:Whelp, I got mine in today, and, I of course had to try it out. Andy was laughing at me, and looked very skeptical when he saw what it was. I cleaned it up and tried it on for size. I LOVE it! After one quick adjustment after "installation", it wasn't noticable. Now, for almost the first time in my life, I can say that I'm anxiously awaiting my visit from Aunt Flo, just so that I can try this thing out for real. Shame that I'm at the OTHER part of my cycle, lol.