Thanks everybody. DS#1's best friend from high school went to the cemetery with me. Such a good kid! He came by the house here too, and we had my son's favorite meal - fajita's. Poor DH was grilling them, out in the rain.
Today is the anniversary of his passing (his accident was yesterday and, for some reason, has always been treated like the day we lost him). Went in for the extra tests today - comprehensive mammograms hurt WAY more than the 'regular' ones!! Plus, my 'issue' is way back against my ribcage Believe it or not, the intensive sonogram hurt too! Maybe it was because they had just finished the other, maybe it was because my 'issue' was buried, but it felt like they were fileting me! :/
It was very interesting though. When I walked in for the first one, my previous pictures were posted on a lit up wall. She pointed out what they found and wanted better pictures of then, after each new torture, I mean picture (there were four), she let me come over and see the picture on her screen. Thankfully, she only messed up once (she missed my spot) so there was only one wasted picture. The sonogram ladies let me watch them too. It was like seeing it in a more 3D way. I wondered why they didn't just use the sonogram I didn't ask. Everybody got there pictures of my insides looked at and cleared by a doctor, and finally sent me home. I felt like this...
Doctors office will call in a few days with instructions on what to do next. I do know now, that what they thought was pea sized, is actually slightly bigger than marble sized.
As a final insult, I had to get gas on the way home