SSDreamin Blessings and curses

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Tell them to read Romans 14. While it doesn't talk about prepping, it does talk about judging others.

As for finding verses in the NT about prepping, off the top of my head, I can't think of any. But, the purpose of the NT is different from the OT. The OT was basically written as history, prophecy and instructions in daily living, the NT was about the life of Christ, the church, prophecy, and Christian living. Throwing out the OT in favor of the new is basically throwing out the baby w/the bath water.

I just thought of 1 verse, but can't remember where it's found. Basically, it states that it's require of a steward to be faithful. And, caring for your family, putting aside what God has provided all comes under being a good steward.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Thanks everybody for your responses!

When the inlaws said what they did, I immediately thought of the ant, the faithful servant, the 10 virgins (which, to me seems to be an excellent example, but counter to how you explained things WBF - can you help me out with that? I read it as be prepared and, if you are not, those who are will be under no obligation to help you, you will have to rely on the kindness of others and the generosity of their hearts - ie, they ask the 5 to share the oil, they say no, go get your own and, when they return, the bridegroom has already come and the doors are locked to them :hu ) DH and I discussed this tonight when he called. He said that his Dad hinted around that they had apparently decided to 'pass along' our Christmas gift - an emergency preparedness kit, because it went against what they believe (read that as, their preacher thought it would be better off in somebody else's hands) :ep

WBF, I do think you are right about them not reading the bible for themselves. When people start a conversation by saying "My preacher says" I tend to tune right out and end the discussion. I'm no scholar, but I have been tossed out of a church for quoting scripture proving the preacher wrong :p I enjoy hearing multiple views on certain passages, and more than once have had things clarified and changed my mind, but when people go along blindly and then treat me like I've got 3 heads, I get frustrated, ya know what I mean?

BTW: I was right. First, stepmother ignored us, which was rather pleasant. Then, she switched tactics and they both started ridiculing our lifestyle, and bad mouthing my house :rolleyes: Stepmother asked why on earth I would want a cow 'as a pet' :/ Uh, because she'll give me 2-3 gallons of milk per day, AND throw either beef for the freezer, or money in the bank! She scoffed, saying '2-3 pints a day, maybe'. Lets see, cow=stupid useless pet, chickens=waste of time, pigs=disappointment in the quality of meat, boyfriend for cow = another useless pet, homemade bread = are you a wannabe Amish or something??. House = ugly, long and low, why hasn't DH finished fixing it up yet? Also got the 'we thought you moved jab - I responded that we hope, by moving frequently enough, NOBODY will be able to ever find us. :barnie Which explains why I visit so seldom!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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They sound like such pleasant people...from say oh...300 miles away ;) Sorry you had to endure. :hugs We love you AND your cow!

I think the bridegroom lesson was more of a parallel of how some folks see Christianity, to not wait to get your life in order, like some folks say/think, I'm young, I'll follow Christ's example AFTER I've had my "fun" rather than start out following. The ones who have to go get their lives in order at the last minute, lose a great opportunity to be with the bridegroom. The point of that is God may not wait as long as you, so either get with it or forget it. When the opportunity presents, carpe diem ;) God has a plan for our lives, on HIS time, not ours. He's the boss, He gets to decide when, and we'd best be ready for it.

Honey I get frustrated with our pastor and teachers in our church for deriving lessons from others, who I feel are off the mark, rather than making their own lessons from what God is showing them in their own lives. Reading the bible is of the utmost importance if you're gonna go around teaching and/or quoting scripture. The BIBLE, not some books folks make money off of selling to churches to teach their Sunday school classes out of :/ So yeah, i TOTALLY understand the frustrations on more than one level.


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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I'd be tempted to kick them out, I couldn't stand that. But I have one, he ain't that bad though. He just hates the poop they leave around

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I HATE to hear someone say, well my preacher says....I'd rather hear them say well, the Bible says. My minister has told us several times if he's wrong about something let him know. He KNOWS he can be wrong. And, he also knows if he's wrong, I'll tell him!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Wannabefree said:
They sound like such pleasant people...from say oh...300 miles away ;) Sorry you had to endure. :hugs We love you AND your cow!

I think the bridegroom lesson was more of a parallel of how some folks see Christianity, to not wait to get your life in order, like some folks say/think, I'm young, I'll follow Christ's example AFTER I've had my "fun" rather than start out following. The ones who have to go get their lives in order at the last minute, lose a great opportunity to be with the bridegroom. The point of that is God may not wait as long as you, so either get with it or forget it. When the opportunity presents, carpe diem ;) God has a plan for our lives, on HIS time, not ours. He's the boss, He gets to decide when, and we'd best be ready for it.

Honey I get frustrated with our pastor and teachers in our church for deriving lessons from others, who I feel are off the mark, rather than making their own lessons from what God is showing them in their own lives. Reading the bible is of the utmost importance if you're gonna go around teaching and/or quoting scripture. The BIBLE, not some books folks make money off of selling to churches to teach their Sunday school classes out of :/ So yeah, i TOTALLY understand the frustrations on more than one level.
Well now, looking at it your way, that won't help prod them along at all :lol: I kind of wonder about their church anyways. The sermon I heard when we went on Sunday was... interesting. DH commented that he's never heard the bible interpreted quite like that :p


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Denim Deb said:
I HATE to hear someone say, well my preacher says....I'd rather hear them say well, the Bible says. My minister has told us several times if he's wrong about something let him know. He KNOWS he can be wrong. And, he also knows if he's wrong, I'll tell him!
That's exactly my point Deb! Don't talk to me about what someone told you, talk to me about what you read and what you thought it meant! As for the preacher who tossed me, I called him on something that was part of the church's teachings as a whole. I was told that, if I couldn't accept the teachings in their entirety, I should leave. It wasn't the only church I've been 'asked to leave'. :/ I'm NOT a bad person, honest - twice I was told that I needed to reconcile with my husband or leave the church, as I set a bad example (and showing up to church with cuts and bruises was a GOOD example?!). I think my problem is that I refuse to follow blindly. I question, a lot, want to know the why's and how's of things. Most church's don't really like that.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I know it doesn't really help light a fire under them :hu but that's what I got from it. It'd be nice if some folks would get a clue.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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The Bible says to study it in several places. I don't know of any one place where we're told to blindly accept what someone else says. And if you read Acts, the Berean (sp?) Christians were held up as examples because they studied the scriptures to see if what they were being taught was correct.


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
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So sorry to hear about how things go with your family :hugs

The Bible is to be considered as a whole, not picked apart with verses (or entire books!) chosen above others to follow. Ignoring the Old Testament leaves out huge parts of God's character, and how can we know the Son without knowing the Father? Not to mention 2 Timothy 3:16-17

16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.

I love the lessons of the Old Testament, I love reading about Godly people like Enoch, Esther, and Joseph. I love reading about people who made mistakes like Moses and David, and how they still found favour in God's eyes. How can anyone discount all that is in the OT in favour of "going by" only what is in the NT? I can't imagine.

Not to mention all the times the OT is quoted in the NT ;)

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