SSDreamin Blessings and curses


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Nobody knew that DH got to come home on Friday (after a 13 1/2 hour workday - he got home at 10:30pm, poor guy :( ), so we got a peaceful Saturday.

Went and checked on the possible 'one night stand' for Ice Cream Saturday afternoon. DH is beginning to panic. We knew she'd be small when we bought her - the guy said she wouldn't get any taller than 38 inches, and she's 34 inches right now. Looking at a miniature bull, who is 42 inches, lets just say I won't do that to my baby girl! The guy was BRAGGING about the large calves his bull produced too - uh, not for her first calf, or any calf, thank you very much! :p We could take her back to the farm we got her from - he has several different lines going, but DH is flipping out because it's a 7 hour round trip :rolleyes: I told him I'd take her myself, because there is NO way I'll leave her with that big bull!!

The guy was very nice, and showed us around his farm, and gave us some great ideas for set up. He had come up with a great idea for a milk stand for the miniatures - sturdy, easy to make, and cheap! DH & I were thinking we'd have to build some sort of modified goat stand, which would not only be expensive but could be dangerous, since little girl is kinda pudgy (although, DH said she would look skinny next to the miniature milk cow they had :lol: ). He showed us how he divides his pasture up too, which was neat. He had quite a few miniature and regular size horses there too. One of the miniatures was AWESOME! The perfect horse for ss living!! The guy said he was a gelding (bummer! Those would be excellent bloodlines to work with :( ) and he used to be at the draft horse/Clydesdale farm up the road from him, used to let them know when the girls came in to heat. This mini was solid muscle! The guy called him 'the bulldog'! Amazing animal! He looked like he could work twice as hard as any horse there! I really wanted to take him home - guess that's why DH took the car :lol:

We had a nice drive home, taking back roads and seeing some beautiful farmland. DH stopped at a military surplus store on the way back home. What a cool place! They had reasonable prices on just about everything too! DH and DS#2 will need to make a drive over there for super insulated long underwear for hunting season, and maybe some nice warm winter boots for DS. They even had old Army vehicles for sale!

Sunday was spent on various projects. DH worked some more on the barn (which I HAVE been taking pictures of, but I still can't post them :somad ), plus finished putting up the fence around the SFG's and burned off a bunch more brush we've accumulated. I had one job. Just one. And I couldn't complete it! :p We have a very invasive, thorny bush thingy that keeps trying to reclaim our yard. So, my job was to dig them up, take an axe to the roots - some of which were close to tree branch size - and throw them on the burn pile. I kept having to stop and rest, which stunk and slowed my progress to a crawl. :he Let's see, I probably got about 50 of them out, which only leaves about five hundred thousand to go! :lol:

DH got DS#2's go cart running, so we saw very little of the kiddo all weekend - he went through two tanks of gas out on the 'race track' out back :lol:

Oh, those of you in the South, can you PLEASE stop sending the heat up here? It was 97 on Sat/98 on Sun - that's just too much for this Yankee girl to handle! :lol:

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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It was close to 100 here yesterday! That's WAY to hot.

Oh, and you can take home a mini in the car-you just stick them in the back seat. :D


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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We have severe thunderstorms right now. I'd prefer the heat! :old


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Denim Deb said:
Oh, and you can take home a mini in the car-you just stick them in the back seat. :D
I can just hear DH! He has the only car in the family (a Malibu), which might just fit her, with LOTS and LOTS of plastic, but would the smell ever come out? :sick :lol:


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Wannabefree said:
We have severe thunderstorms right now. I'd prefer the heat! :old
We have severe T-storms 'scheduled' for tonight. Ushering in a cool front -89 today, 71 expected for a high tomorrow :p


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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I played with my new toy today! First, I mowed the front yard (Ice Cream could, but DH won't allow her out there :/ ), then I hooked up the sweeper my father gave me (so, the visit wasn't a total bust), and swept my lawn! Quick and oh so easy! Then, I dumped it in the compost pile. It is definitely a 'hippo friendly' piece of equipment ;) I also cut down a whole mess of overgrowth that DH said 'couldn't be done' - now that I DID it, I have the feeling that A) He knows me too well, and B) I've been had :lol: Left the branches and limbs to clean up tomorrow, then I MAY finish mowing those spots. I hate it when he uses my 'I'll show you it can't be done' attitude against me! :gig


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Today it is chilly, and I don't feel like doing much of anything, so I'm not! :p The cow, somehow, managed to slide her halter off her nose last night, and had most of it in her mouth, chewing away, when I did last check last night :rolleyes: Now, her reward is to have to stay in her pen, while I let the halter dry out and make any necessary repairs.

My chickens have become bullies. They pick on the BA's pretty badly, although they haven't stripped them of their feathers...yet. I have to trick the buff's to come out into their pen, shut the pen door, then let the BA's eat. Tried putting the BA's in at night when we first moved them. When that didn't work, I vinegar'd everybody. That didn't work. So frustrating! Don't the buff's remember how horrible it was to be picked on themselves? Geesh! :p

I didn't get around to cleaning up the fallen limbs/leaves or finishing the mowing yesterday, and I am a lazy hippo today, sooooo...tomorrow it is! :D

Wish I could get my pictures to upload. I have some, honest! Even one of DH. He turned away from the camera, but didn't give any un-postable finger gestures! Also have the before pix of my lowly attempt at a garden this year. Oh well, I guess I'll just describe them for you: Picture a very handsome, but very bushy bearded mountain man looking guy, avoiding eye contact with the camera, as he works on a really odd looking barn structure. Then, picture a sand pit (this area was once known as the 'desert of MI'), tilled up, with some awesome SFG's in the foreground, and a huge poo pile along side (I tried to cut that out, sorry). Got it? Good. I feel better now :lol:


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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if you end up with nekkid chickens i reccomend nu-stock, its primarily pine tar and smells pretty strong but it not only works to keep them from pecking at eachother it helps the feathers grow back! mum had a few that ere getting picked on pretty bad to the poin thtey were pretyt much nekkid on their tushes and we didnt think the feahters woudl grow back, nu-stck stopped the pecking and the feathers grew in super thick lol.

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