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- #611
Almost Self-Reliant
We had a nice visit from DH's Aunt and Uncle and two of their kids on Thursday. His Aunt, L, fell madly in love with Ice Cream and begged Uncle R to PLEEEEEEEASE let her get one
Little Man is still very shy around strangers, so he hung back, but Ice Cream is an attention junky, so she sucked up on all the new people lovin' on her! It was nice to talk with people who have somewhat of the same mindset too - They live on 15 acres and raise chickens, goats, sheep, pigs, horses and turkeys. Aunt L gardens and cans. So we had lots to talk about! They were very interested in how our homeschooling was going, and asked THE question, the one EVERYBODY asks: "What about socialization?"
We had to go to 3 different farm stores to get the rest of the stuff we need for the pigs - nobody had anything for electric fencing, and the cheapest pig feeder we found was $80
That is ridiculous! I refuse to spend that much money for a cheap piece of metal! So, we are cobbling something together
Put the word out that we will take any produce that is unwanted. Got a few nibbles. DH is going tomorrow to pick the pigs up. I am very nervous about this, as we NEVER had pigs when I was growing up. I think this makes DH a little happy, as we are on equal footing with this.
Had to go to the court house today and file eviction paperwork. :/ The lady there said we should 'drive by' and check to see if they are still there. It's impossible to drive by, as that house is at the almost end of a private drive, but we went and checked. They have two long enclosed trailers backed up to the front and side doors, so hopefully they are leaving! We still have to file the paperwork, and pay a court appointed process server to serve them the eviction papers, so we can legally enter OUR house, that WE have been paying all the bills on for the last 15 MONTHS!
Then, I have to drill the locks, replace them all, and probably talk to the bank about a release
DH and I discussed it, and we plan to file against them for all monies owed/ordered by the court, that they refuse to pay (garanshee? SP?). We are allowed to take any tax refund, and levy their wages, until we are paid in full. Since this whole mess is going to trash our perfect credit, and they basically laughed in our face about getting to live there 'for free' for almost a year and a half, I don't feel bad about it at all.
Interesting incident to report: While standing outside visiting with Aunt L and Uncle R, a black helicopter flew slowly over our house. L & R thought that was weird, as black, with no numbers/ID, denotes not-good-things. In this area, with 1,000's of acres of State land all around, everybody is used to the DEA copters that fly low, but this black one freaked them out a bit. DH and I chuckled. Those helicopters have been flying over ( 1 or 2, every other day)since just after WE moved in! Neighbors confirmed it. Guess we aren't going un-noticed!

We had to go to 3 different farm stores to get the rest of the stuff we need for the pigs - nobody had anything for electric fencing, and the cheapest pig feeder we found was $80

Had to go to the court house today and file eviction paperwork. :/ The lady there said we should 'drive by' and check to see if they are still there. It's impossible to drive by, as that house is at the almost end of a private drive, but we went and checked. They have two long enclosed trailers backed up to the front and side doors, so hopefully they are leaving! We still have to file the paperwork, and pay a court appointed process server to serve them the eviction papers, so we can legally enter OUR house, that WE have been paying all the bills on for the last 15 MONTHS!

Interesting incident to report: While standing outside visiting with Aunt L and Uncle R, a black helicopter flew slowly over our house. L & R thought that was weird, as black, with no numbers/ID, denotes not-good-things. In this area, with 1,000's of acres of State land all around, everybody is used to the DEA copters that fly low, but this black one freaked them out a bit. DH and I chuckled. Those helicopters have been flying over ( 1 or 2, every other day)since just after WE moved in! Neighbors confirmed it. Guess we aren't going un-noticed!