Corn Woman
Almost Self-Reliant
So sorry, I hope they will be alright.
Too bad the dogs had to be put down because the owner didn't keep track of them. Let us know how your pigs are doing.

Thanks for this FEM! Wonder if I should try her on something like that? We know her windpipe is OK, and DH said her esophagus 'felt' OK when he inserted the *mycin. Hmmmm... Maybe it would help boost her strength. She won't touch grain either - I've been thinking I should get some yogurt for her - it's her favorite, but soupy oatmeal is something I can make with stuff I have on hand. Will let you know how it works outfrustratedearthmother said:Ahhh, this breaks my heart. But, never underestimate the healing power of Mother Nature and some kind of "mycin"!![]()
I had a goat who was attacked by a bobcat and had major throat trauma. Her throat was ripped open, but the esophagus and windpipe were intact. She didn't want to eat grain (don't blame her - it's rough) but she drank water. I made really soupy oatmeal for her and fed her out of a 60cc syringe for a couple days just to keep some nutrition in her. It took awhile, and she lost some weight - but she recovered fully. Well, except for her voice, it's raspy now - but who cares??? She's alive and healthy.
Let's be clear about this. Those dogs weren't "put down" they were terminated with predjudice for attempting to kill your animals. DH was well within his rights to do so and for that matter, the owner/caretaker SHOULD accept all responsibility for the injury and loss both to livestock and property. It won't make him happy but he will have learned a very difficult lesson on the subject of caring for someone else's animals i.e. his daughter's dogs.SSDreamin said:Two dogs - a pit mix and what looks like a chow mix- attacked my pig girls this morning!! Ice Cream started bellowing like crazy, so DH went out to check. The pigs were screaming! The dogs had broke down the triple wire electric fence! He ran out there and put both dogs down (they were both still inside the pig pasture, still attacking). Our biggest pig was pretty tore up- DH took her to the vet. The smaller one is scratched up a bit, and won't stop shaking from fear!! Both dogs had tags - we called animal control, they contacted the owner (who lives a quarter mile from here). The guy came right over, and took his dogs. Animal control said the owner will be liable for all costs associated with the pig/fence repair. We decided to have her checked, to see if we can save her, but I'm not holding out much hope - she had chunks missing
DH is really upset - the pig girls follow him around like puppies. Now, if we lose the big girl, the guy agreed to pay for a replacement pig. Those girls were so attached to each other, I don't know how the smaller one will do, or if she'll fight with a new pig, or what - but I'm also worried about if she'd survive the winter alone. Right now, she's sitting (actually sitting - which would be cute if it wasn't so sad) at the gate, waiting for her sister pig to come back