SSDreamin Blessings and curses

Corn Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Dec 26, 2010
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Icu4dzs said:
SSDreamin said:
Two dogs - a pit mix and what looks like a chow mix- attacked my pig girls this morning!! Ice Cream started bellowing like crazy, so DH went out to check. The pigs were screaming! The dogs had broke down the triple wire electric fence! He ran out there and put both dogs down (they were both still inside the pig pasture, still attacking). Our biggest pig was pretty tore up :hit - DH took her to the vet. The smaller one is scratched up a bit, and won't stop shaking from fear!! Both dogs had tags - we called animal control, they contacted the owner (who lives a quarter mile from here). The guy came right over, and took his dogs. Animal control said the owner will be liable for all costs associated with the pig/fence repair. We decided to have her checked, to see if we can save her, but I'm not holding out much hope - she had chunks missing :( DH is really upset - the pig girls follow him around like puppies. Now, if we lose the big girl, the guy agreed to pay for a replacement pig. Those girls were so attached to each other, I don't know how the smaller one will do, or if she'll fight with a new pig, or what - but I'm also worried about if she'd survive the winter alone. Right now, she's sitting (actually sitting - which would be cute if it wasn't so sad) at the gate, waiting for her sister pig to come back :hit
Let's be clear about this. Those dogs weren't "put down" they were terminated with predjudice for attempting to kill your animals. DH was well within his rights to do so and for that matter, the owner/caretaker SHOULD accept all responsibility for the injury and loss both to livestock and property. It won't make him happy but he will have learned a very difficult lesson on the subject of caring for someone else's animals i.e. his daughter's dogs.

The Pit/mix is another reason to have terminated them. They appear to kill for sport and once they start killing they will attack nearly anything they think they can intimidate.

I had two dogs come on my farm at night andI could see (and hear) that they were killing a cat. I shot both of them from the house in the dark. That was a trick in itself. I am better with a rifle than a pistol.

I felt only a minimal amount of remorse for having to shoot them, but they had come on my farm, killed my cat and would have done it again as soon as the got to any other of my cats or animals. Animal control is the responsibility of the owner and in this case your pig may need to be put down but I would recommend letting the butcher do it so at least you get something back for its life considering that is their ultimate purpose in most cases unless you intend to breed them. The dog owner should buy you a new pig and the feed to bring it to the weight of the current pig. He should accept the cost of the fence repair and any vet bill as well.

I am very sorry for your loss and know how that feels. I have had at least 3 sets of hens decimated by varmints in the middle of the night and have never been able to catch a one of them.
It is very un-nerving for a long time.

ETA: I did a little catching up here and I have to say that is a beautiful kitchen but where I come from that is clearly a "ONE-butt" kitchen. No room for helpers...LOL
The other thing is to let you know that there are more of us in "THAT" club than you may imagine. My ONLY son would have been 32 last month. His twin sister survived but is blind, handicapped and will never have an independent life. We extend to you, the warmth of the knowing that we will see them again, but just not here.

Saepe Expertus, Semper Fidelis, Fratres Aeterni
Trim sends
Put down, terminated, killed, SSS, what ever you want to call it DH was well within his rights to to protect his livestock. I have stood on my property with the police, telling them to shoot the dog that had killed my hens and still had one in its mouth, they wouldn't do it. I used "put down" because there are others that may consider dogs as children. We all know the entire situation could have been avoided. And BTW sorry for your loss. I'm part of "That" club as well. I hope that Big Pig makes it. I am really "rooting" for her pun intended. And the neighbor should bear all costs associated with this whole mess.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Thanks everyone for the comments/ideas!

Pig girl is still here. Last night, when I did last check on her before bed, she looked so cute I took a picture of her! She had yanked the blanket off the carrier, and bundled herself up in it! She was sound asleep, until I snapped the pic - Oops! She still can't put all her weight on her back legs yet, but she 'sits up' to drink and is VERY mobile! :) She still refuses to eat. Pushed the soupy oatmeal away with her snout, so I ran it through the blender (making oatmeal gruel). Still no-go. Wouldn't even eat the yogurt :/ Well, I was determined, so I added 1 teaspoon of yogurt per 1 cup of water (shaken well in a jar) to her water bowl, and she slurped it all up! :weee Going to stick with that ratio for today, then slowly raise the amount of yogurt.

Pinky - I KNOW that a visitation would help both pig girls, but they are both too big for me to handle, should there be any problems. Bummer. Once she tolerates a thicker 'water' (at that point, I'll offer separate plain water for her), I'll try mixing in some peanut butter. Thanks for the idea!

Here is pig girl - not too pleased that I disturbed her sleep :)
(the purple stuff is Blu Kote - It's what I had on hand, to cover the scratches and stuff, to protect them from infection.) Please forgive the dirty blanket - she gets upset when I try to take it to wash it :p



Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Made myself some southern fried chicken for dinner, and chess pie for dessert :drool I may have gained 10 pounds, but it was worth it! :gig

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Gives a whole new meaning to pigs in a blanket. :lol: Glad she's doing better and hope she makes a complete recovery.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Bless her little piggy heart! Now - after all this TLC - how are you ever gonna send her to the freezer?????

Corn Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Dec 26, 2010
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frustratedearthmother said:
Bless her little piggy heart! Now - after all this TLC - how are you ever gonna send her to the freezer?????
I was thinking the same thing. I would have to turn her into a breeder because I don't think I would have the heart after she has shown such a will to survive the attack. She sure looks cute in that blanket. :love


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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shes a beautiful pig...
people just dont realize how inteligent these creatures are, pigs amaze me regularly. mabe when hubbies around you could try a visit.

the good news is i havent yet met a piggy who dint like peanut butter once they get a taste for it lol.
sounds like shes not go any plans to go anywhere any time soon...keeping the figners crossed for her!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Corn Woman (& FEM) - I wish we could keep her for breeding, but the vet said the dogs had damaged her vulva, so she can't breed :( It will be very difficult for me, but I think it will be harder on DH. He is a 'converted' city boy, and is now realizing why I struggle with butchering/eating the animals. The other day I commented that I'd go in and sort the chickens, so he could butcher some (right now we have 13 chickens, and get between 0-4 eggs/day :/ ) He started telling me that we should give them a few more weeks, to see if they come around :rolleyes: We've already given them a few months! Me thinks he's getting too attached :p

Deb - I thought the same thing! Crazy pig girl :lol:

Pinky - I talked to DH about that very thing when he called tonight. I think they'd both benefit from a visit, but I definitely think he needs to be here to lend me a hand.

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