SSDreamin Blessings and curses


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
Reaction score
I decided to stay up all night last night, so I could can cheese. You see, DH is working on the kitchen all day, so doing anything in there then is impossible. So, after he knocked off for the day, dinner and dishes were done, I started canning! I managed to get 25 half pints done. I still have about 12 more to do. :( Guess that will have to wait, because I sure can't stay up again tonight!

Pig girl has figured out that the fence will zap her if she touches it - again. She knew it before, but her stint in the barn seems to have wiped her memory and, when we put her back outside, the fence wasn't working properly. She escaped about 20 times before DH got things figured out and squared away. She didn't really go anywhere, just went around checking on the other animals, thankfully. Her sister is getting BIG, it shouldn't be too much longer before we'll be figuring out how to butcher a pig.

WBF commented that she was planning this Spring's garden and I caught the bug - I spent some time yesterday looking through the mountain of seed catalogs I've gotten, circling things and earmarking pages. There are only a couple things I definitely plan to get: multiplier onions and a mulberry bush. The list of wish-I-could-get's was VERY long though :p I found cranberries I can grow here! I also want some more tomato trays, and about six or seven different herbs I have a perfect spot for (I envision a lovely 'flower' garden, with calendula, lavender, echinacea, chamomile, feverfew, yarrow, and mint ) and a butternut tree, and a cherry to pollinate the two I was given this past fall. And, and, and :p

Guess I should get off here. I need to finish up laundry and go paint something. I think it will be my coffee table. It's blue and creamy, butter yellow right now. Does NOT fit in with my beige life, so it must be changed! :D


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Well, I am thoroughly ticked off. What has happened to open minded discussion of ideas? Twice, when I have posted on a different thread on this forum, I have been jumped on and slammed for my choices. The 'thread' running through most of the comments is that I am bent on poisoning my family with my choices. :rolleyes: This time, they crossed a line with me - starting a new thread, and immediately slamming me in the first post (not calling me out by name, of-course.). I am doing my best to keep this post non-profane, so it will be short. Life is far too short to waste any of it fuming over comments by know-it-all's. I am going to take a break from this forum, so I can stop wasting this precious gift of life being angry at people who aren't worth it. I will check in, and try to keep up with everyone's journals (because, who am I kidding? I love reading all of the cool stuff you are all doing :D ), but I need to keep my posts to an absolute minimum for a while. :hit


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
SSDreamin said:
Well, I am thoroughly ticked off. What has happened to open minded discussion of ideas? Twice, when I have posted on a different thread on this forum, I have been jumped on and slammed for my choices. The 'thread' running through most of the comments is that I am bent on poisoning my family with my choices. :rolleyes: This time, they crossed a line with me - starting a new thread, and immediately slamming me in the first post (not calling me out by name, of-course.). I am doing my best to keep this post non-profane, so it will be short. Life is far too short to waste any of it fuming over comments by know-it-all's. I am going to take a break from this forum, so I can stop wasting this precious gift of life being angry at people who aren't worth it. I will check in, and try to keep up with everyone's journals (because, who am I kidding? I love reading all of the cool stuff you are all doing :D ), but I need to keep my posts to an absolute minimum for a while. :hit
yeah...:hide :hugs

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Don't know which threads it was, but sorry to hear that. I enjoy reading your journal. My way of dealing w/know it alls is to ignore them. Like you said, life is too short to waste time on them. That's why you won't see me getting involved in discussions where people start to fight.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Denim Deb said:
Don't know which threads it was, but sorry to hear that. I enjoy reading your journal. My way of dealing w/know it alls is to ignore them. Like you said, life is too short to waste time on them. That's why you won't see me getting involved in discussions where people start to fight.
Oh yeah Deb?! Ms. Goody two shoes... :rant



Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Cindi, wanna come hang out with me and eat some peach cobbler? It's still warm :)


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
Wannabefree said:
Denim Deb said:
Don't know which threads it was, but sorry to hear that. I enjoy reading your journal. My way of dealing w/know it alls is to ignore them. Like you said, life is too short to waste time on them. That's why you won't see me getting involved in discussions where people start to fight.
Oh yeah Deb?! Ms. Goody two shoes... :rant

Nah, Deb's practicing self-restraint. She'd obliterate the competition


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
SSDreamin said:
Well, I am thoroughly ticked off. What has happened to open minded discussion of ideas? Twice, when I have posted on a different thread on this forum, I have been jumped on and slammed for my choices. The 'thread' running through most of the comments is that I am bent on poisoning my family with my choices. :rolleyes: This time, they crossed a line with me - starting a new thread, and immediately slamming me in the first post (not calling me out by name, of-course.). I am doing my best to keep this post non-profane, so it will be short. Life is far too short to waste any of it fuming over comments by know-it-all's. I am going to take a break from this forum, so I can stop wasting this precious gift of life being angry at people who aren't worth it. I will check in, and try to keep up with everyone's journals (because, who am I kidding? I love reading all of the cool stuff you are all doing :D ), but I need to keep my posts to an absolute minimum for a while. :hit
Sorry, maybe I shouldn't be here, intruding on your journal, but ... really? Open minded discussion? You say something, and others have a different idea, and say so. But they don't apologize upfront that their idea is different from yours. So? You get offended that others think differently. Makes little sense to me. If you want open minded discussion then you need to allow others to discuss. And, if you were to return to the other thread, you might notice that I apologized for not making it clear that my opinion was simply my opinion. No one, so far as I could see, slammed you for your choices; I said I did things differently, and the question was raised as to WHY you chose what you chose, but that, I think, is only a sign of curiosity about the ways of others. No doubt you saw it differently. So far as I am aware the only person saying anything about poisoning your family has been you. What you do is your own concern; if you write about it in a public forum you shouldn't be surprised if others, who do things differently, either question what and why you do it, or state how they choose to handle the same matter. Sorry if I offended you, but really, you might consider lightening up.

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