We even have an about-to-be-famous writer who likes the idea! Now, we need to think up a catchy title, that won't scare away city folks (cuz all I can think up off the top of my head is 'Mis-adventures in farming' or 'Farming isn't for Sissy's' - not exactly city people worthy ).
Sorry I'm slacking with my journal. Haven't had constant/easy access to the computer lately. We (OK, DH) is almost done with the walls/ceiling in the livingroom - we ran into some major issues once we got into it, so things are moving slower than I wanted - DH says I'm a slave driver Still have the floors/trim/painting to go in there, then can move on to the kitchen
Inside pig girl escaped her pen - three times!! Thankfully, her only exit is into the electrified pasture - and she's trained to that fencing, but she keeps plowing up our over seeded pasture :/ We can't put her back with outside pig yet (she'll need to be closer to 100% before we can put them back together), so we just did our best to build a fortress for her in the barn! You wouldn't know those pigs were from the same litter anymore- inside pig girl has a lot of catching up to do, size wise and believe me, she's doing her best! She eats anything you put in front of her!! DH finally admitted he is *slightly* attached, and putting them down will be difficult. He has already pleaded for a 2nd chance (or3rd? 4th? ) for the chickens. What a crazy city boy!
Time to go - I am making homemade cinnamon rolls for the neighbors as Christmas 'gifts' and the dough is ready for me!
Thats odd, our goats or chickens or anything gets out I swear they meet us at the front door begging for food. We must have the most greedy animals ever because they never stray far from the food.
I have always said our animals are weird, just like us!
She escaped yet again, and DH & I both agreed it was time to put her back with outside pig girl. They are both SOOOO happy right now - flinging dirt, running around, barking up a storm!
Pig girls are doing great together! No nipping, and they are back to being inseparable. Ice Cream is having 'her time' again DH was preemptive, and put up a third electric wire a few weeks ago. She seems very upset by that! Once again, she has mooed herself hoarse :/
Took the homemade cinnamon rolls (with fluffy, yummy cream cheese icing ) to the neighbors last night. The one's we've had most of our issues with were very nice and seemed alright with it. The other people took them, said thank you (good manners ARE important, even when being rude) and promptly slammed the door in my face.
Speaking of neighbors, our ex-neighbors sent DS#2 a present! My entire family/90% of DH's family completely blew off his birthday, and our old neighbors remember him enough to send a gift?!? Wow! Not just any gift either, they had talked with him about his interests when they were here visiting, and sent something he had mentioned he wanted, but had trouble finding! How incredibly thoughtful was that?!!