SSDreamin Blessings and curses


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Hmm chairs...not a bad idea. I could get more done with a few chairs out there myself ;)


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Finished with the biopsy. I admit it. I cried. I was just so nervous! The Dr (who was wonderful, by the way! So were the two ladies in the room. Love that hospital!) numbed me up - it wasn't a knock-me-out procedure, like we thought (yay!), then he poked me with a pointy straw, to test for numbness. Overly dramatic me, thought it was the needle for the procedure (and felt it, quite a bit!), and immediately started crying!! :rolleyes: The sonographer asks if I'm OK, and asks the Dr if she can give me a hug, the Doc asked if I had felt it, I said "Yes, I'm not sure how well I'm going to do if the needle will feel like that the whole time!" That's when he said it was just a pointy straw :lol: He gave me extra numbing stuff (and probably WISHED he could've knocked me out!). He told me each step of the procedure, BEFORE he did it, even if he was just repeating something he'd just done. I quit looking at the monitor thing, and told him told him not to say "See it, right there on the screen?" - unlike normal people, if I don't see it coming, I handle it much better :p

On the down side, DH was NOT allowed anywhere in the area while I was having the procedure done. It was a 'women's center', within the hospital - no men allowed, unless they were Dr's. I sent him to WalMart, so he (and the hospital :lol: ) would have an easier time of it!

They put me through the masher again after too (Ow! You just cut me open, now you want to mash me?!). They had to verify the little marker pin they placed was in the right spot. When I was all done, an angel (or lady who worked there) brought me a big Mountain Dew! :drool

Also got to see the specialist yesterday, for the other pieces and parts that are malfunctioning. He gave me five different appointments, with various people/places :/ That's just to 'clear the decks' before he'll even discuss surgery! :barnie He was a pretty smart guy though - knew when to shut his mouth and move on ;) I liked that.

On the way home, I asked DH to stop by the farm store - they had the CUTEST little bunnies! I was in love! Thought I might've even suckered DH, when he went and priced feed and temporary housing for them, but he just pointed out how expense if would be for even a temporary pen, then told me to quit torturing myself :( We stopped by and picked up our new BA's on the way home too! The farmer had called, and DH kept it a secret and surprised me! They are kind of skittish, because they haven't been handled (he hatches out 1,000 at a time, raises them to 6 weeks, then sells them for $5 each - and I bet there were at least 750 still in that building when we picked ours up!! He said they are all sold, and he is getting ready for another hatch here shortly! :ep )

DH made dinner (tacos - HIS favorite! :p ) and even went to the local store and bought me ice cream! What a good guy. Sometimes :D


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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*BIG hugs* and yay for hubby buying you icecream! :D

now heres to hoping.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Glad that part is over for you :hugs I'll be prayin!!!!!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Another test down! Not even a bad one, so it was gravy ;)

No results yet on the biopsy. They did call and tell me that my thyroid number was high (?), which I looked up on line. It indicates hypothyroidism and, I had almost all the symptoms listed for it. It will mean taking a stupid pill every day from now until ??? but it should make me feel tons better, so :woot

Our new BA's are adjusting to their new home just fine. They are separated out, in our quarantine pen, an will stay there until they are bigger. Our broody hen is in our makeshift brooder box (the dogs crate :lol: ). She loves it there and is setting really well. We put 6 eggs under her to begin with, and she is now snuggled down over 10 of them! Not bad for a Buff, after only 5 days! Unfortunately, we have realized she is our best layer of the Buffs - out of five others, we have only gotten 1 or 2 eggs/day! Slackers! :lol:

My MIL called this week to tell me the Wyandottes are not only adjusted, but she's getting consistent production out of them :/ Maybe we spoil them too much, or over feed them. Can you do that? Make them so fat and happy they won't lay? Well, if you can, I do I guess :lol:


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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:weee They delivered the barn today! :weee OK, just the pieces, but :ya

We tried to find one on CL but, as described in an earlier post, DH said there was no way :( So we bought a small OSB (open sided building - I thought it was OSB, as in the wood, which didn't seem like a great idea to me, but DH corrected me :p ) kit. Ice Cream and her boyfriend (who, even though we haven't even met him yet, I have decided WILL be named Beauregard, Beau for short, just cuz I like saying it :lol: ) will have lots of room, plus a calf pen, and a nice milking parlor and feed room on concrete. We will be tearing down the old metal shed with a concrete floor, and building the barn there, so the floor will be 'free'. I am very excited, even though I know it will be at least June before DH can even get started. With him on six days a week, there is no way he'll have time now, so he plans to work on it when he takes off for my 'big' surgery, that we are assuming will be in June.

Unbelievably, my horse-dog was very well behaved! I had put him in the house, but DS#2 let him out :rolleyes: He never barked, stood right by me, and was more interested in sniffing the new stuff in his yard than the guy delivering it! The delivery guy asked if he was friendly. I was honest. He is very friendly, but also very protective. The guy decided not to try to pet him ;) I was so proud of the dog, I gave him extra lovin's and a treat after the delivery guy left!

We are having an issue with our Buffs. In the past three days, we have gotten exactly two eggs, from five ladies. The brooder has quit laying too, but maybe that's because she's out of room to set on them :D They are not molting. The only thing that has changed is the addition of the three BA's, in the separate pen. Maybe they are revolting because I've brought in new recruits?! :lol:

No news from the Dr's office. Well, they've called three times - twice for new tests they want me to take before I am put on thyroid meds, and once today to tell me they did check, but my biopsy results still are not back :/ I hate playing the waiting game - it stinks!!

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