SSDreamin Blessings and curses


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Oh I hate the waiting game too, it's so annoying :barnie

On the barn, congrats! Those things are pretty easy to tear down, not so sure about putting one together again, but I can let ya know in a few weeks when we decide where we're putting ours :lol: What size did ya get? The used one we got is a 18x24, and has plenty of room! I love it already, though it is flat and eleventy million pieces right now in my front yard :p


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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We got the smallest OSB they had - 20 x 24. We should have space for everything, plus a little extra, if we do it right.

DH surprised me tonight too - he said he ordered some extra posts/concrete mix, so he can build me a clothesline! :celebrate I can't wait to be able to hang my clothes out on the line again!


Jun 27, 2011
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I'm so glad you are getting your barn and definitely your clothesline! Something else for me to look forward to!!!!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I love putting on clean clothes that have been lined dried. They smell so good.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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I had a very weird day today.

I went for another stupid test at the hospital :tongue I told the lady at registration I was sick of seeing her face :hide

Dh called, to tell me that a very nice man that he has worked with for years lost his son in a car accident night before last. He was 20 years old, and had just started a business with his older brother. DH wanted to call him (someone else had called to inform DH), but told me he didn't know what to say, and called me to find out what to say to this poor man, who was as close to his three boys as any Dad could be. DH explained that he had lost a stepson, but he didn't want to say something wrong. When DH called tonight, he still hadn't called his friend. I tried to explain that silence cuts more than an awkward word, so I made him call. So very sad.

The dr's office finally called with my biopsy results. I have fibroids. No cancer. So, that's two down, two more to go. Half way to a clean bill of health, cancer wise. It is a relief, but I'm too bummed to celebrate.

I decided to be a big girl (yeah, I AM a BIG girl, but anyway...) and went to the movies by my self. It was uncomfortable. I had no issue, but the people selling tickets, selling concessions and taking tickets seemed weirded out by my singular visit :/ I went to see 'The Hunger Games' and, if you haven't seen it yet, don't waste hard earned money on it! :sick I know, movies are almost never as good as the book, but Ugh! I had spent a whopping $4.50, for the twilight show, and seriously felt ripped off. Maybe I'm just in a negative mood, so pay me no mind :duc

I forgot to say that I made Carnitas, for the very first time, on Sunday. DH loved them. I was on fire from my mouth, to my stomach, to...well, you get the idea. They were quite easy, and very tender, so - other than needing to turn down the heat a bit, I will definitely be making them again! I can just hear DH now "These are OK, but I liked the first ones better" :rolleyes:


Jun 27, 2011
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Glad you're halfway to healthy but I know fibroids are no picnic either. I used to love going to the movies alone during the day (when we actually lived near a theatre). Don't know that I would want to go alone in the evening though. I think you gave good advice to your dh! Saying something is better than saying nothing.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 26, 2011
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So sad on that gentleman losing his son. Very very tragic. Glad the call was made.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Thanks Snap and Avalon. DH said he mostly just listened, which is what I suspected would happen.

I felt some better yesterday - I have been taking some natural stuff that was recommended to me, and it seems to finally be helping my energy levels a bit.

I dried up and sealed 7 quarts (10#) of taco rocks for hubby yesterday (that should hold him for a month or two! The man can, and does eat!! :lol: ) I even cleaned up after myself! :D

I swept and mopped the kitchen, bathroom and 'game room' too. They all needed it in the worst way :sick I ran out of steam, but plan to vacuum today, after school is done so I don't disturb the kiddo. Oh, and I washed every rug in the house too. They were nasty dirty!

I baked a small loaf of bread for DS#2 and I, then used the remaining dough for pizza's. I wasn't real pleased - I think the bread recipe the guys are hung up on is too sweet, hence the pizza tasted like a sweet roll covered in sauce and cheese to me, but DS loved it.

I did some rotating and a little more transplanting in my mini greenhouse this morning. I am not sure what's going on in there - several of the transplants from before have begun growing mold all over the soil/dixie cups I used. Need to look up what on earth I'm doing wrong, before I lose all my tomatoes and peppers!

I also made more dog food. I managed to get 5 pints out of the butt roast scraps/rice/veggies. Rocky, who has been very good about his eating habits lately, seems incapable of restraining himself with the homemade stuff! I mix it 1/2 and 1/2 with his regular food, and he inhales the entire bowl within minutes! :/ So much for bragging on him the other day!

Our broody hen is still doing a great job sitting on the eggs. Every time I go in, she's on them, so I hope, in a few weeks, we'll have some new Buff's. The BA's are still leery of me. I guess that's what happens when they aren't handled for the first six weeks of their lives. I have got them to come up to me with food now though, so I'm hoping they'll come around.

Our potatoes that we planted last month have yet to show any signs of growing. I suppose, considering the fact that we've had frost almost every night since they went in, they're just waiting for warmer weather. I dug one up, to check, and it looked just fine, so I'll leave them be and see how it goes.

This cold snap has put the skids on any more asparagus too :( My lilac tree began to put out buds last week, but I'm hoping the cold hasn't hurt them. This will be the first time in the 2 years I've had it, that it has attempted to flower. Lots of blooms on the Gala and Mutsu apple trees. I may be doing a lot of thinning on them this year, which is SO much better than in the past! Both pears seem to have a small number of starts on them. The nectarines/peach/nut trees all seem to have shut down though, so we'll see how they do once the weather warms up.

Yay! Checked on my blackberries from Dawn, that I over-wintered in the garage. Out of six plants, 4 have some green growing off them!! I was hoping for a 50% survival rate, so I'm tickled with this! Out of 4 blueberries that I transplanted here, only two are healthy and growing :( Looks like I'll need to buy a couple more. I'll keep the sad looking ones planted though, just in case they decide to get a second wind.

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