Mountain Sage
Thanks, you all! The only language I speak is hillbilly!
That should get me by in any third world country....poor speak is poor wherever you go.
Naw, just kiddin'!
I am taking a workshop in June on disaster relief through Samaritan's Purse. I'm going to try to glean as much info as I can before then and will probably go wherever they may wish to send me....I guess wherever there is the most need.
Farm, I'll look into that Women's Missionary may be more tailored for women's missions, ya think?
Yes, I have been feeling this for some time but it feels really good to just let go of my inhibitions and step out with a plan and a goal.
Should be hard work, should lose a lot of this flab, should get really good and dirty and I should be good and tired when I lay down my head at night. Should be lotsa fun!!!
Gonna sell all my canning stuff, all my tools, my tiller, my fencing....well....gonna sell everything I can't pack into a couple of bags. My boss says she is "very worried" about me because she heard I was giving away all my stuff. I told her that I WAS giving away all my stuff but now I'm just selling all my stuff!

Naw, just kiddin'!

I am taking a workshop in June on disaster relief through Samaritan's Purse. I'm going to try to glean as much info as I can before then and will probably go wherever they may wish to send me....I guess wherever there is the most need.
Farm, I'll look into that Women's Missionary may be more tailored for women's missions, ya think?
Yes, I have been feeling this for some time but it feels really good to just let go of my inhibitions and step out with a plan and a goal.
Should be hard work, should lose a lot of this flab, should get really good and dirty and I should be good and tired when I lay down my head at night. Should be lotsa fun!!!
Gonna sell all my canning stuff, all my tools, my tiller, my fencing....well....gonna sell everything I can't pack into a couple of bags. My boss says she is "very worried" about me because she heard I was giving away all my stuff. I told her that I WAS giving away all my stuff but now I'm just selling all my stuff!