Sufficient Self's Bible Study Group

Shiloh Acres

Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 29, 2010
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Hmmmm ....

Well, first off ... wow ... I feel like I'm going out on a limb here.

I can see some things that NEED to happen but ...

This is a family church. As in the pastor, his kids, his grandkids and great grandkids. A few very old family friends.

I'm pretty much the outsider here. I can't IMAGINE coming in and ... well, you know.

Yes, the pastor has a son who preaches sometimes. He's actually pretty good. I don't think he has any training or education in it, and sometimes he might not know something that you would expect anyone who preaches to know .... he has a lot of insight, and ... well, I think he has something better than education.

But ... various people preach. His daughters have passion, but not the insight I've seen from his son. And another man preached once ... I was cringing by the time it was over. He had no plan, no point, was all over the place, and sometimes misread Scripture and then proceeded to explain what it meant ... based on his misreading.


I can see a lot that NEEDS to happen, but ... I think they all love and respect the older man too much, or maybe he doesn't want to step down. I don't know. But the church seems to be dying now. I love the pator too, he's SUCH a dear man ... but he can't come to services much of the time, and the meetings just aren't happening, there is a lack of communication and fewer and fewer people come. It was 20-ish or so to start with so ....

But yes, the steeple being broken off was SO sad to me too. And seemingly so symbolic of what is going on.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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Maybe encouraging the young son would be the thing to do.....perhaps he needs to study. Point out to him where you see his talent.........plant a seed!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Sometimes, a church gets so set in its ways, that there's nothing you can do about it.

The church that I grew up in was started by my grandfather. I attended that church until I was 30. Then, I asked the minister over, and told him we were leaving, and why. He agreed w/me 100%. (There's not much a minister can do if the congregation won't follow.) I had no fellowship in the church. I was one of several mothers w/young children. I suggested at one point in time that those of us w/young children get together occasionally so that the kids could play together, and we'd have a chance to talk to someone higher than our belly buttons. I was told, oh, we all ready do that. Period. No oh, I'm so sorry no one ever told you. I've wondered why you weren't there. The next time we're getting together is such and such a date at such and such a time, I hope you'll come. There was nada.

My husband works construction, and is half Italian. (Or wop sided as I like to tease him) He was looked down on for both.

A woman in the church started a prison ministry. At times, there would be ex cons in the congregation. The "good" people of the church were horrified. They didn't want to sit next to the jail birds. I'm not sure who all was involved, I know it wasn't the minister, but she was asked to leave.

There were other things that happened, don't recall all of them now, but these were the major ones that I know of. The church is no longer in existence. God will not honor a church that will not follow His leading and direction. The church that I attend now is very small, but there is love there. No one is ever made to feel unwelcomed, no matter the color, the clothes, or the odor. (And we've had some come in that really smell. :sick) We are normally above budget on the offerings. The extra money goes into a building fund. We are slowly growing, and trying to follow God's guidance and direction, and God is honoring that. Visitors all say the same thing, they can feel the love and the Spirit.

Shiloh Acres

Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 29, 2010
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Meant to say thanks, Savingdogs ... you are right he should be encouraged. :)

Been up working through that list you gave me about organizations to help animals. so I'm very tired, but I got an email back from one at least that might be able to push their process, I hope!

I'm going to the vet in about 30 min, I have an appointment. This one's in another town, and won't take payments either, but ..... at least I can pay for the exam.

Maybe then I'll have a starting point. So ... sorry, I don't wanna hijack this thread, I wrote in my journal instead, but I did want to ask prayer here if y'all would. That it turns out to be something treatable, and that there's a way to manage it. Thanks so much, all. :)

And hopefully soon I'm going to get some real sleep. :)


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
I'm saying a prayer that things go well with your day right now, Shiloh.

Shiloh Acres

Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 29, 2010
Reaction score
Thanks for the prayers, Savingdogs. :) I posted the update on my blog, but the important part is that she DOES most likely have asthma (not confirmed though) but he was willing to write me a prescription for emergency meds in case she has an acute attack again. :) That makes me feel a LOT better. :)

Thanks again!


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Had a couple of personal miracles happen today and a pretty clear message from God wrapped up in one of them.

Ever feel like everything you do in life is wasted and useless, no matter how hard you try to exhibit the love of God and give God the glory for all things? Well, I've felt like that pretty much lately....that all the effort I put into my work and the people in the area was just hitting a hard wall. I felt defeated and angry.

I've been praying pretty hard about the shake up at work and wanting God to take that angry feeling from me. One morning this week I awakened with a direction and the feeling is growing and growing and feels so incredibly right. Peace like a river!

Everything happens for a reason. God is working everything out for those who love Him....I know this and yet I forget so quickly. This week I had a reminder!

I am spending this spring and summer exploring the field of missions, saving money towards missions, delving deeper into the scriptures and have decided to free fall into faith. It's scary and I never dreamed I would ever just do this.....but I plan to sell everything that I am not giving to my kids and use the money as a start towards planning a life in the mission fields.

Had a meeting with the kids and they were all for it...God is with me. My mother is for it....God is with me. My co-workers think I've lost my mind but are starting to see the light....God is with me. Now to tell my church.....I have a feeling they will be the folks who will be the most skeptical, if that makes any sense. :p

I feel good! :weee


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
:ya :weee

I, for one, think you are making the right choice!

God has been working on you for some time now. If you have any questions, remember I have a friend at church who was a single woman in the mission field to Korea for MANY years. She served through Woman's Missionary Union. I am sure she would be willing to help you get started. :thumbsup

Shiloh Acres

Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 29, 2010
Reaction score
Wow Bee, that is sooooo awesome to hear -- most especially the peace you feel about it.

Any idea of where? You have any particular place that's been on your heart, or do you speak any other language?

Very happy for you. I think you'd be great in it. :)

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