Sufficient Self's Bible Study Group

Shiloh Acres

Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 29, 2010
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Maybe. :)

But I always considered John the Baptist to be "like Elijah" and fulfilling that prophecy.

I dunno ... If you remove the death at the end of one's natural life, then PERHAPS you could have such a thing -- in that case alone I can't think that Scripture would preclude reincarnation, which is what you are talking about.

Doesn't feel right to me tho.

But I can't honestly say without some study, and like I said while this is interesting and fun to speculate about, I have never concentrated study on it. :)


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
Beekissed said:
I think they will know who they are as The Witnesses. And.....they will be the only ones dressed in sackcloth! :D

As to the previous question....I believe that Jesus pointed out what He felt about getting too into enforcing laws as opposed to compassion, or grace. If one intends to set up a tree and Santa Clause with the intent of idolizing and worshiping them, then I would say it was wrong and indeed a pagan thing.

If one sets up a tree because it's pretty and it has become a seasonal ritual but does not actually symbolize one's faith or the reason one is celebrating the holiday, then I would say that is not true idol worship and therefore could hardly be deemed pagan worship.

One can get very bogged down in laws and build whole doctrines around a single law and actually name churches after a single law or idea in the scriptures....which is also a type of idol worship. When that law blocks out all the other messages in the Bible and becomes the primary focus of a religion, instead of God and His Son, Jesus, then some would call that a cult.
What she said.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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bambi said:
I hope I didn't say anything that offended anyone. I hope no one thought I was dabating. I was thinking it was a discusion.
It was a discussion-at that point in time. But, I've seen this type of thing turn into a debate real quick. Then, feelings get hurt and people say things in the heat of the moment that they wouldn't normally say. :hugs

As for the 2 witnesses, their power is like that of Elijah (shut heaven that it rain not) and Moses (turn the water into blood and smite the earth w/plagues as often as they want.)

I've heard people speculate as to who they are, but this is something we cannot know for sure since scripture doesn't identify them.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 31, 2009
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Sorry, I wasn't trying to start an issue. That scripture was in a mag I was reading and we were discussing it at home. I did not think it would cause an issue.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
I don't see any issues, hon! :)

It's good to discuss things in a healthy way.... it is inevitable that the people on this thread will not agree on every point of the Scriptures~people rarely do.

But we can show how true Christians act when they DO disagree by being slow to react, kind and courteous in our answers and remembering to not post at all if you cannot keep your cool about any given subject.

On a personal note....I was feeling a little desparate and discouraged about not getting any good info on the costs of missionary work, placement options, what type of missions are available, etc. Also because I hadn't heard back from one application I had placed.

Meanwhile, I had been reading a book about angels and instances when they have intervened when people needed help, guidance, etc. in their lives. So, I prayed that God would send an angel to show me a sign that I'm on the right path and that I'm not just doing wishful thinking on this missionary stuff.

I got online, only to find a return email from Samaritan's Purse about the medical mission field in Haiti!!!! Sent me an application and will email me further info on the type of work available!

I don't know if that counts as angelic intervention but it was just the thing I needed to give me hope...hope that I am doing the right thing and not just dreaming. Praise the Lord and Hallelujah! :celebrate

Now....what topic will we discuss next? :pop

How about angels? Anyone had any personal experiences with angels? What do you know or believe about angels?


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
I DO believe that God uses the internet. ;) :D

Congrats on the application for Samaritan's Purse!! :weee


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
Can I ask for some advice? I am really uncomfortable about this but I trust you guys.

I was talking to DH about joining a womens bible study and he was pretty much against it. He cited two reasons...for one, I have been sick as a dog and I have a few lingering projects here that I have just not put any time into, so his first comment was about time and time management :tongue

But the more serious comment was about church. He said 'I don't want to get too deep' and pointed out a few things that I had done, once I went with my 8 yr old to a worship night, I am planning to go to the womens retreat and now we are talking about going to Haiti. When I asked what he meant about getting too deep, he said well we go to church every Sinday and we go to bible study one night a week,I just don't want to go too far. I asked ' like so and so who is volunteering at every single function? But he did not answer me.

Now I am feeling this huge disconnect. I assume that he is more comfortable being a more lukewarm Christian which is not what I want.
My heart is a little crushed because I thought we were both headed down the same path although I have recognized that I am taking things further as I read Christian books, my bible and listen to Christian talk radio....all because I have a burning desire to learn more. He only picks up his bible for church and bible study. And that is ok, I mean we are each on our own walk with the Lord.
I am just not really sure what to say or do. I have just been praying that God lead me thru this.

Does anyone have an feedback on this?

(Bee,CONGRATS...that is wonderful news :) many I will meet you there in crazy would that be?)


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 26, 2009
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Tucson Arizona USA
Shiloh Acres said:
Maybe. :)

But I always considered John the Baptist to be "like Elijah" and fulfilling that prophecy.
My husband teaches about the "Elijah Priniple" coming from this scripture.

Amos 3:6-7
6 If a trumpet is blown in a city, will not the people be afraid?
If there is calamity in a city, will not the L_RD have done it?
7 Surely the L_rd G_D does nothing,
Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.

Basically meaning, the Holy One ALWAYS gives warning before coming destuction.

Noah was the "Elijah" of his day.
Jonah was an "Elijah" to the people of Ninevah.

The OT prophets warned of coming judgement to Israel, if they contiuned to reject the Torah. One of them was Elijah himself.

John the Baptist was an "Elijah" warning of the coming destruction.

The Messiah Himself was an "Elijah" to the people, warning of coming destruction.

So an "Elijah" or one "like Elijah" warns of coming judgement.

The two witnesses, the 144,000 Messianic Jewish believers and countless numbers from the other nations will be the "Elijahs" in the days to come, warning the people of the Wrath of the Holy One that is about to come upoin the Earth.

Many times it appears there are mulituple "fulfillments" of a prophesy, but it may be what is happening is not so much a prophesy, as a principle.

Like the Destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, it has happened, on the same day in history (9th of Av) twice. And there will be a third Temple yet to come... and it too will be destroyed, and it wouldn't surpise me if it too happened on the 9th of Av.

But, each time we see it destroyed, there was a "herald" of coming destruction. When you see an image errected in the Temple, that is the "sign/herald" of coming destruction. Whenever you see an image in G_d's Temple, LOOK OUT! Destuction is on the way!

And before the Holy sends destruction, he sends His Prophets to give a warning to the people.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 26, 2009
Reaction score
Tucson Arizona USA
Dace said:
Can I ask for some advice? I am really uncomfortable about this but I trust you guys.

Now I am feeling this huge disconnect. I assume that he is more comfortable being a more lukewarm Christian which is not what I want.
My heart is a little crushed because I thought we were both headed down the same path although I have recognized that I am taking things further as I read Christian books, my bible and listen to Christian talk radio....all because I have a burning desire to learn more. He only picks up his bible for church and bible study. And that is ok, I mean we are each on our own walk with the Lord.
I am just not really sure what to say or do. I have just been praying that God lead me thru this.

Does anyone have an feedback on this?
My advice would be ... don't get "ahead" of your husband. He is to be your spiritual leader. If you get ahead of him, he may just 'abdicate"the spiritual leader role all together. Many husbands are quite happy to let the wife lead in matters of "church" or spiritual things. This is NOT good.

Woman many times find it easier to be interested in matters of the spiritual realm. In Judaisim, women are not "required" to attend symagogue, their main spiritual duty is to raise children who will follow the Holy One. And it is thought women have an extra measure of "spiritual desire" to please the Holy One. (not always the case as we probably all know many "unspiritual" women)

It is much easier for husbands if the wife will follow his lead, rather than for the husband to follow the wife.

Your husband may have some things going on that he has not shared with you... We all go through times of being "apart" from the Holy One, then drawing close... Maybe he is in an "apart" mode at the moment. Maybe he has a fear of something the Holy One may ask him to do. Who knows?

You can ask him to clarify what he means by "not going too deep."
You can make a "godly appeal" to him, expressing your desire to "go deeper" into your walk with the Holy One. But, make it clear you desire him to be the spiritual leader of the home.

Prayer is always a good thing, the Holy One is able to give you contentment in areas that are "lacking" at the momemt. Pray for your husband that he desrie to have a closer walk with the Holy One. But, DO NOT nag your husband. Do you pray together? I don't mean saying a grace at mealtime, I mean do you have a fixed time of prayer together? And that is something that is not an easy thing for most couples these days. Taking time to pray together.

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