Sufficient Self's Bible Study Group


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
savingdogs said:
Oh, I don't pressure him....

I'd like to find a way to make him happier about his spirituality though.
SD, I think that there is just such a great sense of joy and inner peace that we can develop as we dig deeper into our relationship with the Lord that we want everyone to feel it! I know that while my Hubby is a believer, I do not think that he feels what I feel......most days I am just so joyful and at peace! I want him to have that too......he is just not there yet.

I want my kids to feel that joy too, but they are struggling with what they believe. My 17 & 15 yr old have only been coming to church with us since off and on since last spring and consistently since Dec. They say they do not believe, yet my DD walks around singing worship songs, which tickles me :) my 8 yr old loves church and learning about Jesus....I think it is just easier at her age.

I pray over my older ones everyday, and my Hubby that the Lord will just work in their hearts. I guess that is all I can do, keep praying and keep being a light.

Thank you all for being my light and salt today :hugs


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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I knew you weren't trying to say hubby was a bad guy. You are just worried about him.

Just remember it is easy to focus on someone else instead of yourself. Gotta watch that :D

I have seen a lot of situations where one partner makes MAJOR changes in their life and tries to force the rest of the family along. Usually it is women (sorry gals) but I have seen men do it too. Often once the kids are born, someone goes back to the faith they followed as children even though when they got married, they weren't following any at all.

Suddenly the whole family is in turmoil. The battle for the kids hearts and minds begins. The fighting starts to get loud. This often ends up in divorce. Sad really since the book they claim to follow for instructions is quite clear on this matter.

I think a person quietly following their beliefs and actually becoming a living example of what they profess will NOT break up the family and lead to chaos.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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I hope I have been a better religious example but I'm not always. :hide And WZ, I'm way too absorbed in myself, not the other way around. I'm kind of still seeking God myself so I haven't quite reached the inner peace place many of you have, but I'm working on it and I see it is what I need to do.

We don't fight about religion, that isn't an issue. I'm one who believes religion is a very personal thing and if I get pushy with Hubby, it is regarding other issues where I feel it is more appropriate, I like to pick my battles with him. I cut my religious teeth with catholicism, but also studied judaism, buddism and indian religions, but remember I grew up on Venice Beach, the left coast and come from a "new ager" family for the most part. At some time in my 40s is when I realized I'm actually a Christian although some might call me a somewhat pagan one. ;) BB

But I see my husband is too afraid of death. I guess that is where I worry for his sake. He thinks it is just THE END and nothing happens after that and I wish I could help him with that. While I'm not "churchy" in the same way many of you are, I do not fear death and know there is life after it. I'm not sure always how to talk to God, but I'm very sure He exists and that he has a personal relationship with me and talks to me in special ways. I've been reading the Bible with you all, who have had a more traditional Christian study, to bring to myself a more rounded view and also hopefully find some of the personal happiness your faith brings to you.

Dace your discussion was more about an unequal amount of faith in a marriage and I turned it into a discussion about what if one partner has none, but if my perspective is helpful to this discussion, I'm glad. I realize I did not even bring up religion when we were deciding to marry, so it would not be fair to my husband to insist upon his conversion now, he is a good and moral man the way he is and not a "sinner" in deed.

This is the most I've ever revealed my personal beliefs in this thread, and don't usually discuss religion like this, so please be kind....I know I'm a little different but I'm not ever going to push it off on anyone.


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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I think you expressed yourself perfectly. Makes total sense to me. Like Dace, you are worried about him. Sounds like something an awesome wife would do :D

And while I do not believe in an afterlife, I am not afraid of death. The DYING part may very well suck, but it is just part of life. Birth, growth, is natural and unavoidable. Because of what I believe I make the most of every day.

Hopefully hubby will eventually learn to work through his fear in some way.


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
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Northern Ontario Canada
savingdogs said:
I hope I have been a better religious example but I'm not always. :hide And WZ, I'm way too absorbed in myself, not the other way around. I'm kind of still seeking God myself so I haven't quite reached the inner peace place many of you have, but I'm working on it and I see it is what I need to do.

We don't fight about religion, that isn't an issue. I'm one who believes religion is a very personal thing and if I get pushy with Hubby, it is regarding other issues where I feel it is more appropriate, I like to pick my battles with him. I cut my religious teeth with catholicism, but also studied judaism, buddism and indian religions, but remember I grew up on Venice Beach, the left coast and come from a "new ager" family for the most part. At some time in my 40s is when I realized I'm actually a Christian although some might call me a somewhat pagan one. ;) BB

But I see my husband is too afraid of death. I guess that is where I worry for his sake. He thinks it is just THE END and nothing happens after that and I wish I could help him with that. While I'm not "churchy" in the same way many of you are, I do not fear death and know there is life after it. I'm not sure always how to talk to God, but I'm very sure He exists and that he has a personal relationship with me and talks to me in special ways. I've been reading the Bible with you all, who have had a more traditional Christian study, to bring to myself a more rounded view and also hopefully find some of the personal happiness your faith brings to you.

Dace your discussion was more about an unequal amount of faith in a marriage and I turned it into a discussion about what if one partner has none, but if my perspective is helpful to this discussion, I'm glad. I realize I did not even bring up religion when we were deciding to marry, so it would not be fair to my husband to insist upon his conversion now, he is a good and moral man the way he is and not a "sinner" in deed.

This is the most I've ever revealed my personal beliefs in this thread, and don't usually discuss religion like this, so please be kind....I know I'm a little different but I'm not ever going to push it off on anyone.
You are a woman of heart :) I can't see anyone being unkind in response to this post. Jesus is the way to God SD...that is why so many have such a hard time finding the peace that comes with faith, they don't recognize the role Jesus plays, and "God" on it's own is too open ended...Even the devil believes in God, but he has no interest in being freinds with Jesus. Understand what I am saying?;)


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
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Northern Ontario Canada
John 3:16"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

John 14:6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through me.


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
Ah, SD bless you sister :hugs

We all come to walk with God in our own way and our own time....I say this as a reminder to myself as well as I so easily forget that.
I have learned so much from the wise and more spiritually mature folks here. How could anyone judge you? We are each on our own journey and sometimes we need to lean on each other for a moment to refocus and find the path again.

I am so blessed to have a group such as you all to come to with always have the right answers and SD, I hope that you will find the same thing :hugs

I think that as Christians we all delight in knowing that someone we care about is moving closer to the Lord, even if in a nontraditional way. God knows your heart SD.


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
Reaction score
Southern California
MorelCabin said:
John 3:16"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

John 14:6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through me.
I have an 8 yr old who is in our church's AWANA program. We have a little cd with verses on it and John 3:16 was one of the first ones they learned.....they also learned a little song and dance. I CAN NOT read that verse without singing it.......for God so loved the world....dada da da da dada da......


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Wow! Great discussion on this thread tonight! :D I realize I've been pretty blessed in my single life with not having to slow down or speed up my spiritual walk to suit anyone else, which has been wonderful.

I can't imagine waiting upon a man to lead me, though I know the scriptures indicate this is proper and right. I guess if I had a wise and God fearing man I would be all too willing to let him be the spiritual leader.

I'm an impatient person in a lot of ways, so maybe this is why God has allowed me to stay in my single state.

I've been able to observe what a stumbling block my dad has been in my mother's spiritual walk, though, and can honestly say that, though I chomped at the bit at watching that, God brings things around in His own time and not mine.

I believe He has a perfect plan and will bring everyone to ripeness in the fullness of His own time and according to His plan and not ours.

I agree with the advice to just pray, watch, learn and set an example of your peace of mind gained through your spiritual walk....and see if your hubby finally wants what you have. I'm sure God will move him in just the right time to where He wants him to be.

That has been one of the hardest lessons I've ever had to learn in my life....God's will, not mine, God's time, not mine. Still learning it every day and still don't manage to have the hang of it most of the time.