Sufficient Self's Bible Study Group


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
Reaction score
I have been working in copying and print shops for the last 15 years or so doing a lot of printing for small churches. The "end times" have come and gone several hundred times already don't ya know :D.

In one sad case a man sold all his family belongings and prepared for the end of the earth. He had his kids totally immersed in the doctrine that the world would be destroyed by earth quake on June 9, 1994 (Hinkle follower). Well in September in 1994 I ran in to that guy again. He looked like he hadn't showered in days and he reeked of alcohol.

I have an elderly customer now that is a pastor. He seems more and more annoyed that the world hasn't ended yet.

This site has a list of a lot of the end times predictions. Very amusing.


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
Reaction score
Northern Ontario Canada
Well, Christians aren't the only ones who are full of predictions, it seems to be the way people have always thought, for some reason. Yes, the Bible talks about end times and tells us to always be ready (saved and living righteous lives)
I was raised by a father who also went way overboard on these thoughts and making sure us kids knew the end was did nothing but discourage us from ever really succeeding in this world because the 'end' was always right around the corner anyway.
I don't think that is what God intended :rolleyes:
I DO belive what the Bible says and I DO believe that the Lord could come any day...but I DON'T believe any of the predicted 'ends' Like anyone else, I would go insane if I did


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Wifezilla said:
I have been working in copying and print shops for the last 15 years or so doing a lot of printing for small churches. The "end times" have come and gone several hundred times already don't ya know :D.
In one sad case a man sold all his family belongings and prepared for the end of the earth. He had his kids totally immersed in the doctrine that the world would be destroyed by earth quake on June 9, 1994 (Hinkle follower). Well in September in 1994 I ran in to that guy again. He looked like he hadn't showered in days and he reeked of alcohol.

I have an elderly customer now that is a pastor. He seems more and more annoyed that the world hasn't ended yet.

This site has a list of a lot of the end times predictions. Very amusing.
To someone who is not a believer, I'm sure what you read is confusing and somewhat amusing to you. You find it ridiculous that anyone could believe that God will be instrumental in the dramatic end of this Earth.

Yes, over the years there have been many who do not actually read the scriptures and take some verses out of context and think they can predict the date of the Rapture or the very end, when Jesus comes back to claim His Kingdom. If they hadn't chosen one text or verse to dwell upon, they would find that the Lord states no one, not even Jesus Christ himself, knows the final hour. That information is reserved for the Lord only.

Your amusement, though understandable, is a little sad and does indeed express the general attitude of the secular population and, in itself, is one of the signs of the end times. Your mockery of things predicted in the Bible has also been predicted....

And as were the days of Noah, so shall be the coming of the Son of man. Matthew 24:37
In the times of Noah, it had never before rained upon this Earth. Imagine Noah building an enormous boat and telling the people of the earth that it was going to rain~water will fall out of the sky~for 40 days and 40 nights. Imagine their mockery and superior amusement at his seeming crazy ignorance?

Also in the days of Noah, there were many of the same types of people such as yourself~those who would blaspheme and mock God's message and word, others who indulged in all manners of sin that is rampant in the world today~sodomy, murder, idol worship, etc.

Coming from a non-believer's standpoint, the verse I quote means nothing to probably don't believe there was a worldwide flood either.

There are more verses devoted to end time's prophecy in the Bible, both old testament and new, than any other topic discussed therein. They were given and written as a warning for believers so they would not be caught unawares.

So they would be doing the Lord's work of spreading his Gospel, trying to minister to those who do not believe that Jesus Christ died to save the world~ not condemn it, to be reaping a soul harvest before the end of our time here on the old, sinful Earth.

Of course your elderly pastor becomes annoyed...any true Christian, witnessing the horrible sins rampant in this world today, would be angry, hurting and begging for God's judgement against this sin and against the devil, against Jesus Himself. In the Bible it describes the saints gathered around the Throne of God, begging and asking when He will pass judgement on this world and finally make the earth clean again.

It is no shame to grow impatient for His states in the Bible that even the creatures of this earth~simple animals~ and the Earth itself, will groan for His coming. If even these things anticipate His coming, why wouldn't we, with the knowledge He put forth in His Word, be any different?

Mock, if you is to be expected from sinners during the end times. It only confirms for me that the scriptures are accurate and that we are very much closer to a time I am eagerly anticipating...actually praying and begging for each and every day. No, I do not even pretend to know the hour...I can, however, read the signs and am adjusting my driving~my life~in accordance with what lies ahead.

Now, not to take one verse out of context, let's include the rest of that thought:

<< Matthew 24 >>
New International Version

38For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; 39and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 40Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. 41Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left.

42Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. 43But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. 44So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.

45Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom the master has put in charge of the servants in his household to give them their food at the proper time? 46It will be good for that servant whose master finds him doing so when he returns. 47I tell you the truth, he will put him in charge of all his possessions. 48But suppose that servant is wicked and says to himself, My master is staying away a long time, 49and he then begins to beat his fellow servants and to eat and drink with drunkards. 50The master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he is not aware of. 51He will cut him to pieces and assign him a place with the hypocrites, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.


<< Matthew 24 >>


Frugal Homesteader
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
SW Ontario, CANADA
Beekissed said:
Wifezilla said:
I have been working in copying and print shops for the last 15 years or so doing a lot of printing for small churches. The "end times" have come and gone several hundred times already don't ya know :D.
In one sad case a man sold all his family belongings and prepared for the end of the earth. He had his kids totally immersed in the doctrine that the world would be destroyed by earth quake on June 9, 1994 (Hinkle follower). Well in September in 1994 I ran in to that guy again. He looked like he hadn't showered in days and he reeked of alcohol.

I have an elderly customer now that is a pastor. He seems more and more annoyed that the world hasn't ended yet.

This site has a list of a lot of the end times predictions. Very amusing.
To someone who is not a believer, I'm sure what you read is confusing and somewhat amusing to you. You find it ridiculous that anyone could believe that God will be instrumental in the dramatic end of this Earth.

Yes, over the years there have been many who do not actually read the scriptures and take some verses out of context and think they can predict the date of the Rapture or the very end, when Jesus comes back to claim His Kingdom. If they hadn't chosen one text or verse to dwell upon, they would find that the Lord states no one, not even Jesus Christ himself, knows the final hour. That information is reserved for the Lord only.

Your amusement, though understandable, is a little sad and does indeed express the general attitude of the secular population and, in itself, is one of the signs of the end times. Your mockery of things predicted in the Bible has also been predicted....

And as were the days of Noah, so shall be the coming of the Son of man. Matthew 24:37
In the times of Noah, it had never before rained upon this Earth. Imagine Noah building an enormous boat and telling the people of the earth that it was going to rain~water will fall out of the sky~for 40 days and 40 nights. Imagine their mockery and superior amusement at his seeming crazy ignorance?

Also in the days of Noah, there were many of the same types of people such as yourself~those who would blaspheme and mock God's message and word, others who indulged in all manners of sin that is rampant in the world today~sodomy, murder, idol worship, etc.

Coming from a non-believer's standpoint, the verse I quote means nothing to probably don't believe there was a worldwide flood either.

There are more verses devoted to end time's prophecy in the Bible, both old testament and new, than any other topic discussed therein. They were given and written as a warning for believers so they would not be caught unawares.

So they would be doing the Lord's work of spreading his Gospel, trying to minister to those who do not believe that Jesus Christ died to save the world~ not condemn it, to be reaping a soul harvest before the end of our time here on the old, sinful Earth.

Of course your elderly pastor becomes annoyed...any true Christian, witnessing the horrible sins rampant in this world today, would be angry, hurting and begging for God's judgement against this sin and against the devil, against Jesus Himself. In the Bible it describes the saints gathered around the Throne of God, begging and asking when He will pass judgement on this world and finally make the earth clean again.

It is no shame to grow impatient for His states in the Bible that even the creatures of this earth~simple animals~ and the Earth itself, will groan for His coming. If even these things anticipate His coming, why wouldn't we, with the knowledge He put forth in His Word, be any different?

Mock, if you is to be expected from sinners during the end times. It only confirms for me that the scriptures are accurate and that we are very much closer to a time I am eagerly anticipating...actually praying and begging for each and every day. No, I do not even pretend to know the hour...I can, however, read the signs and am adjusting my driving~my life~in accordance with what lies ahead.

Now, not to take one verse out of context, let's include the rest of that thought:

<< Matthew 24 >>
New International Version

38For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; 39and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 40Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. 41Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left.

42Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. 43But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. 44So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.

45Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom the master has put in charge of the servants in his household to give them their food at the proper time? 46It will be good for that servant whose master finds him doing so when he returns. 47I tell you the truth, he will put him in charge of all his possessions. 48But suppose that servant is wicked and says to himself, My master is staying away a long time, 49and he then begins to beat his fellow servants and to eat and drink with drunkards. 50The master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he is not aware of. 51He will cut him to pieces and assign him a place with the hypocrites, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.


<< Matthew 24 >>
The only thing I would change bout what you just wrote is the wod sinners, and change it to unbelievers. We are all sinners.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
The other thing that really opened my eyes was when I realized that the "end times" actually started the day Jesus ascended to heaven - AFTER being crucified, rising from the dead and appearing to a few chosen people for a period of forty days. (Acts 1:3)

Each and every day since then has been a day in the end times. When the last day of that is scheduled to happen is something that no one knows.

Jesus himself said in Acts 1:7 He said to them: "It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority."

Here is some very interesting scripture about the very end of days. I think the parable (verses 29 -31) is most interesting.

Luke 21:8-31 (New International Version)

"8 He replied: "Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am he,' and, 'The time is near.' Do not follow them. 9 When you hear of wars and revolutions, do not be frightened. These things must happen first, but the end will not come right away." 10 Then he said to them: "Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. 11 There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven. 12 "But before all this, they will lay hands on you and persecute you. They will deliver you to synagogues and prisons, and you will be brought before kings and governors, and all on account of my name. 13 This will result in your being witnesses to them. 14 But make up your mind not to worry beforehand how you will defend yourselves. 15 For I will give you words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict. 16 You will be betrayed even by parents, brothers, relatives and friends, and they will put some of you to death. 17 All men will hate you because of me. 18 But not a hair of your head will perish. 19 By standing firm you will gain life. 20 "When you see Jerusalem being surrounded by armies, you will know that its desolation is near. 21 Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those in the city get out, and let those in the country not enter the city. 22 For this is the time of punishment in fulfillment of all that has been written. 23 How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers! There will be great distress in the land and wrath against this people. 24 They will fall by the sword and will be taken as prisoners to all the nations. Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled. 25 "There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. 26 Men will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken. 27 At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28 When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near." 29 He told them this parable: "Look at the fig tree and all the trees. 30 When they sprout leaves, you can see for yourselves and know that summer is near. 31 Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that the kingdom of God is near."


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
WZ, true Christians know not the day nor the hour.......those are false reports and predictions. Out of the Trinity only the Father knows.........


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
miss_thenorth said:
The only thing I would change bout what you just wrote is the word sinners, and change it to unbelievers. We are all sinners.
Good call!
Part of what many unbelievers don't understand is that while we are Christians we are still sinful people on this Earth. :/ The difference is that OUR sin is FORGIVEN by the blood of Christ. :D

I have heard too many non-believers that have found a sin in a Christian and then feel justified for their own sins. While we live here we still are far from perfect - hopefully we ARE striving to be our best though.


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
Reaction score
I'm sure what you read is confusing and somewhat amusing to you. You find it ridiculous that anyone could believe that God will be instrumental in the dramatic end of this Earth.
Confused? Hardly. Amused? Yes! Why? Because as Buff said...
WZ, true Christians know not the day nor the hour.......those are false reports and predictions. Out of the Trinity only the Father knows...
It says in the bible you aren't going to know. So the whole idea of predicting the end if you are a Christian is particularly amusing.

What I find scary is that some people look forward with glee to the end of the earth. Somehow the thought of all that destruction makes them happy. It is seriously sick IMO.

Facts are not blasphemy nor are they mockery. And last time I checked the bible, which I do read, you aren't the one to be judging me now are you? As for whether or not I am a sinner, is that up to you either? Seriously? Christianity isn't a license to be arrogant and prideful... I think there might be a passage or two about that a well.

If you are happy and secure in your belief, my opinions shouldn't bother you then, should they?

Maybe I will just check back in this thread in a couple of decades. If the world has ended due to supernatural reasons, you can tell me "I told you so!"

the Bible talks about end times and tells us to always be ready (saved and living righteous lives)
That makes sense. In very simple terms it says "Don't be a hypocrite. Don't suddenly start being nice and a descent human just because you think the end is near. Be that way all the time and you have nothing to worry about!"

To someone who is not a believer, I'm sure what you read is confusing and somewhat amusing to you. You find it ridiculous that anyone could believe that God will be instrumental in the dramatic end of this Earth.

Yes, over the years there have been many who do not actually read the scriptures and take some verses out of context and think they can predict the date of the Rapture or the very end, when Jesus comes back to claim His Kingdom. If they hadn't chosen one text or verse to dwell upon, they would find that the Lord states no one, not even Jesus Christ himself, knows the final hour. That information is reserved for the Lord only.

Your amusement, though understandable, is a little sad and does indeed express the general attitude of the secular population and, in itself, is one of the signs of the end times. Your mockery of things predicted in the Bible has also been predicted....

And as were the days of Noah, so shall be the coming of the Son of man. Matthew 24:37

In the times of Noah, it had never before rained upon this Earth. Imagine Noah building an enormous boat and telling the people of the earth that it was going to rain~water will fall out of the sky~for 40 days and 40 nights. Imagine their mockery and superior amusement at his seeming crazy ignorance?

Also in the days of Noah, there were many of the same types of people such as yourself~those who would blaspheme and mock God's message and word, others who indulged in all manners of sin that is rampant in the world today~sodomy, murder, idol worship, etc.

Coming from a non-believer's standpoint, the verse I quote means nothing to probably don't believe there was a worldwide flood either.

There are more verses devoted to end time's prophecy in the Bible, both old testament and new, than any other topic discussed therein. They were given and written as a warning for believers so they would not be caught unawares.

So they would be doing the Lord's work of spreading his Gospel, trying to minister to those who do not believe that Jesus Christ died to save the world~ not condemn it, to be reaping a soul harvest before the end of our time here on the old, sinful Earth.

Of course your elderly pastor becomes annoyed...any true Christian, witnessing the horrible sins rampant in this world today, would be angry, hurting and begging for God's judgement against this sin and against the devil, against Jesus Himself. In the Bible it describes the saints gathered around the Throne of God, begging and asking when He will pass judgement on this world and finally make the earth clean again.

It is no shame to grow impatient for His states in the Bible that even the creatures of this earth~simple animals~ and the Earth itself, will groan for His coming. If even these things anticipate His coming, why wouldn't we, with the knowledge He put forth in His Word, be any different?

Mock, if you is to be expected from sinners during the end times. It only confirms for me that the scriptures are accurate and that we are very much closer to a time I am eagerly anticipating...actually praying and begging for each and every day. No, I do not even pretend to know the hour...I can, however, read the signs and am adjusting my driving~my life~in accordance with what lies ahead.


Frugal Homesteader
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
SW Ontario, CANADA
That makes sense. In very simple terms it says "Don't be a hypocrite. Don't suddenly start being nice and a descent human just because you think the end is near. Be that way all the time and you have nothing to worry about!"
I agree. Me personally, I dont dwell on the signs of the times, or the like. We all know the world is gonna end. IF I were to preach to my kids --look at that, look at this, the end is near!! They would get depressed, thinking they won;t be able to live out their whole lives, here on earth. What a horrible thing to be stuck in the back of a childs mind!

Instead, we focus on being right and true with God, so that if it happens tomorrow, or a hundred years from now, we are good with our God.

I have to honestly admit, that I am not a serious prepper, thinking that teotwawki is right around the corner. maybe it is, maybe it isn't. I prep for one year to the next, possibly, or if I have had a good harvest, enough for two years. It's gonna come when it comes.

What I don't get is how this topic came up suddenly. Weren't we talking about the husband being the head of the household? I like that topic much better. I'm not really into debates, and I really would hate to see this thread shut down.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
The only thing I would change bout what you just wrote is the wod sinners, and change it to unbelievers. We are all sinners.
Biblically speaking, the word sinner is used as meaning nonbeliever. According to scriptures, anyone who does not believe in Jesus Christ as God and the Saviour of the world is indeed a sinner. People who do, in effect Christians, though we still sin, are no longer termed as "sinners". No sin will enter into the gates of Heaven, but we will. Our sins have been redeemed by Jesus' blood from the moment we accept Him as our saviour.

Yes, we do sin...each and every day. Our sins have been washed by the blood of The Lamb and are as white as snow....past, present and future sins. We are Christians. Anyone who is not a Chrisitian, with faith in Jesus Christ as the one true way to the Lord and to everlasting life is not only an unbeliever, but a sinner still and will remain a sinner until they do start to follow Christ. At which time they will become a redeemed sinner....a whole different creature than a nonbelieving sinner who is lost in sin.

This shouldn't really be up for's pretty clear cut if you believe that God's Word is true.

What is sad is that one could take that one word from all that was stated and turn it into a judgement of others. That is what the world likes to do...make Christians seem judgemental and delusional, prideful and hypocritical.

I respectively encourage those who truly want to learn about the Bible to stay and ask questions and those who visit to cause trouble, poke fun, voice skepticism and generally stir the pot to politely leave.

I believe that was asked at the beginning of this thread...if you want to visit to disagree with the Christian faith, please post elsewhere. This thread is called BIBLE study...the Bible being the WORD of GOD. We are learning, discussing, revealing the Word of God....not disputing it, tearing it down, laughing at it or mocking it.