Sufficient Self's Bible Study Group


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
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Northern Ontario Canada
miss_thenorth said:
That makes sense. In very simple terms it says "Don't be a hypocrite. Don't suddenly start being nice and a descent human just because you think the end is near. Be that way all the time and you have nothing to worry about!"
I agree. Me personally, I dont dwell on the signs of the times, or the like. We all know the world is gonna end. IF I were to preach to my kids --look at that, look at this, the end is near!! They would get depressed, thinking they won;t be able to live out their whole lives, here on earth. What a horrible thing to be stuck in the back of a childs mind!

Instead, we focus on being right and true with God, so that if it happens tomorrow, or a hundred years from now, we are good with our God.

I have to honestly admit, that I am not a serious prepper, thinking that teotwawki is right around the corner. maybe it is, maybe it isn't. I prep for one year to the next, possibly, or if I have had a good harvest, enough for two years. It's gonna come when it comes.

What I don't get is how this topic came up suddenly. Weren't we talking about the husband being the head of the household? I like that topic much better. I'm not really into debates, and I really would hate to see this thread shut down.
I am in complete agreement with this post Miss North


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
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Northern Ontario Canada
Bee, I think there are a few here to learn, they may be skeptical, and they may say things that some of us are not agreeing with, but please don't discourage them ;)

We were all there at one point, and most of even us who are Christians have some weakness SOMEWHERE in our faith.

At the same time...
You are a very very wise woman and I absolutely love reading your posts, I have admired you forever and a day!

Love you lots sister! :love


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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I respectively encourage those who truly want to learn about the Bible to stay and ask questions and those who visit to cause trouble, poke fun, voice skepticism and generally stir the pot to politely leave.

I enjoy hearing Wifezillas perspective and do not feel her post was correctly characterized here. I don't believe that culling anyone non-believing from this thread is the idea. This is a multi-person forum and there are bound to be differences when the topic is religion, even those who belong to the same one. WZ has never made any secret of being an athiest or made any effort to convert anyone to her way of thinking. I have run into the type of people that she described in her original post as well, and found her question interesting. I've always looked upon it much the way Farmfresh describes, but I've had a healthy dose of skepticism about churches that preach tomorrow the world will end. Shall you cull me from this thread as well for daring to say I have felt skeptical about some of these folks and what they had to say, as well, Bee?

I would prefer we change the topic from end times to anything less controversial before our thread is closed. But if THAT was stirring the pot, I guess we are not really having a very in depth discussion anyway.

I've been really enjoying this, too. But that treatment of WZ was just too harsh for me, not treating her very kindly. Sorry.


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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Biblically speaking, the word sinner is used as meaning nonbeliever. According to scriptures, anyone who does not believe in Jesus Christ as God and the Saviour of the world is indeed a sinner. People who do, in effect Christians, though we still sin, are no longer termed as "sinners". No sin will enter into the gates of Heaven, but we will. Our sins have been redeemed by Jesus' blood from the moment we accept Him as our saviour.

Yes, we do sin...each and every day. Our sins have been washed by the blood of The Lamb and are as white as snow....past, present and future sins. We are Christians. Anyone who is not a Chrisitian, with faith in Jesus Christ as the one true way to the Lord and to everlasting life is not only an unbeliever, but a sinner still and will remain a sinner until they do start to follow Christ. At which time they will become a redeemed sinner....a whole different creature than a nonbelieving sinner who is lost in sin.

This shouldn't really be up for's pretty clear cut if you believe that God's Word is true.

What is sad is that one could take that one word from all that was stated and turn it into a judgement of others. That is what the world likes to do...make Christians seem judgemental and delusional, prideful and hypocritical.

I respectively encourage those who truly want to learn about the Bible to stay and ask questions and those who visit to cause trouble, poke fun, voice skepticism and generally stir the pot to politely leave.

I believe that was asked at the beginning of this thread...if you want to visit to disagree with the Christian faith, please post elsewhere. This thread is called BIBLE study...the Bible being the WORD of GOD. We are learning, discussing, revealing the Word of God....not disputing it, tearing it down, laughing at it or mocking it.
I think you need to go back and reread my posts. I am not mocking god or the bible. I am talking about HUMANS and THEIR INTERPRETATIONS of biblical messages. The story of the Hinkle follower is a great example of what can happen if you take the concept of end times and use it to destroy not only YOUR life, but the lives of others (like that guy's poor kids). If you see it as an attack then you are totally off base and injecting your insecurities on my posting. The fact that you identify with people who believe that they can guess the end of the world when the bible clearly states NO, SORRY, THAT ISN'T FOR YOU TO KNOW then that is your issue.

Now if everyone here would rather live in an echo chamber and not hear other perspectives, I can leave. But it isn't up to you Bee so don't bother trying to bully me. I will leave it to the whole group to decide.


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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savingdogs said:
I respectively encourage those who truly want to learn about the Bible to stay and ask questions and those who visit to cause trouble, poke fun, voice skepticism and generally stir the pot to politely leave.

I enjoy hearing Wifezillas perspective and do not feel her post was correctly characterized here. I don't believe that culling anyone non-believing from this thread is the idea. This is a multi-person forum and there are bound to be differences when the topic is religion, even those who belong to the same one. WZ has never made any secret of being an athiest or made any effort to convert anyone to her way of thinking. I have run into the type of people that she described in her original post as well, and found her question interesting. I've always looked upon it much the way Farmfresh describes, but I've had a healthy dose of skepticism about churches that preach tomorrow the world will end. Shall you cull me from this thread as well for daring to say I have felt skeptical about some of these folks and what they had to say, as well, Bee?

I would prefer we change the topic from end times to anything less controversial before our thread is closed. But if THAT was stirring the pot, I guess we are not really having a very in depth discussion anyway.

I've been really enjoying this, too. But that treatment of WZ was just too harsh for me, not treating her very kindly. Sorry.
Thank you SD, I concur. I think the original post was fine, because I think it made a good point, but then the shouting began. :he


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
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Northern Ontario Canada
I don't think anyone is trying to bully anyone, Bee is just standing up for her faith and Wifezill you are sharing an opinion of what non Christians think. I don't think either of you are wrong, you both are strong women and are bound to have disagreements :D
And I really think we need to change the subject...:hide


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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Sounds good to me. We left off on marriage. How about the next logical step.... children.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
Wifezilla said:
Confused? Hardly. Amused? Yes! Why? Because as Buff said...
WZ, true Christians know not the day nor the hour.......those are false reports and predictions. Out of the Trinity only the Father knows...
It says in the bible you aren't going to know. So the whole idea of predicting the end if you are a Christian is particularly amusing.

Facts are not blasphemy nor are they mockery. And last time I checked the bible, which I do read, you aren't the one to be judging me now are you? As for whether or not I am a sinner, is that up to you either? Seriously? Christianity isn't a license to be arrogant and prideful... I think there might be a passage or two about that a well.

If you are happy and secure in your belief, my opinions shouldn't bother you then, should they?

Maybe I will just check back in this thread in a couple of decades. If the world has ended due to supernatural reasons, you can tell me "I told you so!"

the Bible talks about end times and tells us to always be ready (saved and living righteous lives)
That makes sense. In very simple terms it says "Don't be a hypocrite. Don't suddenly start being nice and a descent human just because you think the end is near. Be that way all the time and you have nothing to worry about!"
I agree with you Wifezilla! I also want to commend you for obvious knowledge of the Bible and your willingness to participate here even as an un-believer. Brave girl!

I personally don't sit and plot and plan for the end. I just try to live a day at a time the way the Bible says I should being (or trying to be) the person that most honors the Lord.

You said "What I find scary is that some people look forward with glee to the end of the earth. Somehow the thought of all that destruction makes them happy. It is seriously sick IMO."

I agree with THAT as well. We, as Christians, should be trying our best to reach the unsaved in the little time that we have left. When the end comes, whenever that is, we should be sorry and feel the pain of those that are lost, not glad that they are "Finally getting what they deserved." Like it or not I know some Christians that feel that way. Remember they are still sinners (actively sinning folk) and I think they will stand accountable for those thoughts when they stand before God in the day.

God is PERFECTLY HOLY. That means sin can not be anywhere near him. This means, I believe, in the end we will have judgment. We EACH and EVERYONE will someday be held accountable for the all of sins that we have committed, including arrogance, pride, being judgmental and being a hypocrite. Personally I have done them all at some point. Some of us will have our sin debts marked as "Paid" and some will have to pay the price themselves.

I am a firm believer that the words of the Bible are FACT. They are Truth. They will hold up no matter how hard you look at them. The Truth is there. We just have to get beyond our human egos and frailties to seek it out.


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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as in what are your kids doing to torture you now?????
Hee hee hee

I swear that thought has NOTHING to do with my son screaming at the top of his lungs right at the moment. Really :D