Sufficient Self's Bible Study Group


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I haven't. They've never tried to cast spells on far :lol: To me it's as simple as make believe :hu


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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My pastor doesn't allow his kids to watch it either. He won't let them watch Spongebob, or most of the cartoons :hu I don't get it :hu


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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Im fine with Harry Potter, it has Pagan origins but turns it into a different story. A story of unbreakable love....its a good tale if you take the time and read it. :)


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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MorelCabin said:

Anyone with any background in the occult sees the occultic challenge in Harry Potter. Been there, done that, not going back...
Never been in the occult myself so I wouldn't have a clue. I don't understand.

The biggest problem I have with that entire article is where she states "what happens when these kids grow up?" I can tell her. My eldest, was BIG TIME into HP, shirts, books, movies, you name it, when she was 10 and on up. She is now 20, just turned 20 as a matter of fact. She has been a Sunday School teacher for the past year :hu She read these books over and over and over and was fanatic about HP forever, prior to becoming a Christian or being in church. We got in church when she was 16. She made her decision. The end.

We have gone to every movie. We have t-shirts, all the books, etc. etc. from when she was so into it. She didn't turn out to be Wiccan, and she never believed HP was reality. I personally don't think we give kids enough credit to distinguish reality from fiction. They are truly smarter than we ever give them credit for in a lot of ways. :hu

I heard some of the same extremism over my music when I was a kid. It was satanic, etc. etc. I turned out okay too. Maybe it's a fluke :hu

People are told dancing is of the devil, birth control is of the devil, etc. etc. I just never have understood it :hu


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
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Northern Ontario Canada
Wannabefree said:
MorelCabin said:

Anyone with any background in the occult sees the occultic challenge in Harry Potter. Been there, done that, not going back...
Never been in the occult myself so I wouldn't have a clue. I don't understand.

The biggest problem I have with that entire article is where she states "what happens when these kids grow up?" I can tell her. My eldest, was BIG TIME into HP, shirts, books, movies, you name it, when she was 10 and on up. She is now 20, just turned 20 as a matter of fact. She has been a Sunday School teacher for the past year :hu She read these books over and over and over and was fanatic about HP forever, prior to becoming a Christian or being in church. We got in church when she was 16. She made her decision. The end.

We have gone to every movie. We have t-shirts, all the books, etc. etc. from when she was so into it. She didn't turn out to be Wiccan, and she never believed HP was reality. I personally don't think we give kids enough credit to distinguish reality from fiction. They are truly smarter than we ever give them credit for in a lot of ways. :hu

I heard some of the same extremism over my music when I was a kid. It was satanic, etc. etc. I turned out okay too. Maybe it's a fluke :hu

People are told dancing is of the devil, birth control is of the devil, etc. etc. I just never have understood it :hu
Some people CAN get involved and walk away from it, just like drugs...but it can hurt them later in life...ever read about curses in the Bible? Generational curses? Not something to play with.


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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Morel, I mean this in the absolute nicest way possible, but what are you eluding too?


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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MorelCabin said:
Wannabefree said:
MorelCabin said:

Anyone with any background in the occult sees the occultic challenge in Harry Potter. Been there, done that, not going back...
Never been in the occult myself so I wouldn't have a clue. I don't understand.

The biggest problem I have with that entire article is where she states "what happens when these kids grow up?" I can tell her. My eldest, was BIG TIME into HP, shirts, books, movies, you name it, when she was 10 and on up. She is now 20, just turned 20 as a matter of fact. She has been a Sunday School teacher for the past year :hu She read these books over and over and over and was fanatic about HP forever, prior to becoming a Christian or being in church. We got in church when she was 16. She made her decision. The end.

We have gone to every movie. We have t-shirts, all the books, etc. etc. from when she was so into it. She didn't turn out to be Wiccan, and she never believed HP was reality. I personally don't think we give kids enough credit to distinguish reality from fiction. They are truly smarter than we ever give them credit for in a lot of ways. :hu

I heard some of the same extremism over my music when I was a kid. It was satanic, etc. etc. I turned out okay too. Maybe it's a fluke :hu

People are told dancing is of the devil, birth control is of the devil, etc. etc. I just never have understood it :hu
Some people CAN get involved and walk away from it, just like drugs...but it can hurt them later in life...ever read about curses in the Bible? Generational curses? Not something to play with.
As I am to understand all those pertain to times prior to the blood of Christ. I'm not saying that is something to play with, but I don't think God would curse us over a work of fiction.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
I didn't have a problem with Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter. They were well written fiction of the eternal battle between good and evil that happened to contain the element of magic. They didn't necessarily promote the worship of such, just the existence and use of it within the boundaries of the tales. J.R.R. Tolkein was supposedly a very devout man of God. As was C. S. Lewis, who wrote Alice in Wonderland, another book that was chock full of magic and odd happenings not found in reality.

The Bible also depicted witchcraft, sorcery, seers and other forms of dark "magic", if you will. They were defeated by the power of God and His people in every the evil were defeated in the books mentioned above.

My dad wouldn't let us watch Bewitched but he let us watch The Wizard of Oz...go figure. Six of one, half dozen of the other.

Legalism is a tricky thing when it comes to religion and it can cloud the real issues. Jesus said as much when He was here and trying to reason with the religious leaders of the time.

Everyone has to decide for themselves what is godly or wholesome for their children, according to their understanding and leading in the Scriptures, but I would hesitate to judge another or dictate to another about the same. We all work out our Salvation:

Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, Philippians 2:12
If churches would concentrate on just doing God's work, living as Christ did, they wouldn't have time to argue or split over legalism or the laws of the Old Testament. Jesus was truth(the law) and grace(love), one without the other won't work. Too loving and one forgets the laws, too legal and one forgets to love.

I brought my children up in the love of Christ and to obey God's commandments. The reading of few children's books cannot shake that foundation. I'm not condoning evil practices or readings, by any means, and I've not let my children watch certain movies or read certain material that I felt was evil....but I really didn't feel the books mentioned promoted evil as good or developed any fascination for the powers of evil in my children.