Sufficient Self's Bible Study Group


Power Conserver
Nov 17, 2010
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....sometimes i get down when i hear people talk about christianity in a bad way..
I can certainly relate to that, but the absolutely wonderful thing is, so can Jesus, so can Paul.

When I was a new believer, brand spanking new, and didn't know the Word as I should, I ran across a woman who was an atheist, and did I ever meet my match. I said a silent prayer to God during the course of an argumentative conversation with the woman, and He didn't come to my rescue. There are a couple of things that I know now, but didn't then. One, it is very important to arm yourself with the knowledge of the Word of God. And the other lesson, very difficult to learn, is that you are not to cast pearls (the Word of God) before swine (Pure evil people). What I didn't know was that this woman was more than atheist, it went way beyond that. It took me a long time, and a lot of maturing before I realized that when Jesus was tempted by Satan, he did not allow himself to be baited, which, I believe now is the reason that God did not answer my silent plea. I allowed myself to be led into a discussion that 1) I wasn't ready for, 2) Was not my battle to fight and 3) Caused me to have doubts.


Frugal Homesteader
Jul 12, 2008
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SW Ontario, CANADA
sheaviance1 said:
....sometimes i get down when i hear people talk about christianity in a bad way..
I can certainly relate to that, but the absolutely wonderful thing is, so can Jesus, so can Paul.

When I was a new believer, brand spanking new, and didn't know the Word as I should, I ran across a woman who was an atheist, and did I ever meet my match. I said a silent prayer to God during the course of an argumentative conversation with the woman, and He didn't come to my rescue. There are a couple of things that I know now, but didn't then. One, it is very important to arm yourself with the knowledge of the Word of God. And the other lesson, very difficult to learn, is that you are not to cast pearls (the Word of God) before swine (Pure evil people). What I didn't know was that this woman was more than atheist, it went way beyond that. It took me a long time, and a lot of maturing before I realized that when Jesus was tempted by Satan, he did not allow himself to be baited, which, I believe now is the reason that God did not answer my silent plea. I allowed myself to be led into a discussion that 1) I wasn't ready for, 2) Was not my battle to fight and 3) Caused me to have doubts.
Awesome story.

The kids and I were talking the other day, --my ds has a friend who says "how can God be everywhere?" And ds didn't have an answer for him. ( btw, ds's answer was "he just is" . We got talking and I said if there is ever anything that I don't know the answer to, I'll tell them some the things I do know. If ever anyone says "how can there be a God? I say "How can there NOT be a God? Just take a look around you. Take a look at yourself. Do you honestly think you evolved from a rock?


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 26, 2009
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Tucson Arizona USA
In Chapter 2, what jumped out to me was verse 24.

It reminded me of the phrase...

"Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die."



Power Conserver
Dec 25, 2010
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yea i didnt try to argue it just hurt my feelings because this person is close to me and they know how religon is my life but u know u said sheviance..its not my battle to fight. ill tell this person as much as i can about how wonderful God is and i remind them of how im glad im saved all the time..but that wont MAKE them enjoy church


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
It does hurt to hear someone mocking or actively expressing hatred of Jesus Christ. The same as it would hurt if someone did the same to anyone else you loved....only worse, I think, because we know what Jesus sacrificed for these self-same people.

It's become more prevalent now, so we encounter it more frequently....on a daily basis if you visit these forums. Here in my small community folks are not so outspoken against religion or beliefs, particularly Christianity.

I learned years ago to not argue points of Christianity with nonbelievers and even most professed believers. You can't convince anyone by beating them in the face with the truth or even gently pointing out the truth in the scriptures....sheaviance1 is correct, sometimes your pearls of God's wisdom fall in front of swine and will be trampled.

If someone is honestly questioning your doctrine, they will be open to hear what you have to say, even if they don't accept it for the truth. If they are just trying to make you angry, you can pretty much tell the difference.

Christians don't have to get angry....we know the truth and we know the end of the story. It still hurts to hear our Lord be insulted but all deeds will be judged justly and rewarded accordingly by the Lord.

At that time, every knee will bow and every tongue confess.....even the person who has hurt you by mocking God. They WILL see the truth, they WILL confess the truth, they WILL bow to the one true God. That information gives me solace.

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