Sufficient Self's Bible Study Group


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
Can I ask a really dumb question?

How does one go about studying the bible?

I have you guys and love coming here because I learn a lot of interesting things and feel free to ask silly questions.

I am in a small group and we read a Christian based book together and discuss it, I learn some there.

I go to church every Sunday and feel up lifted and learn there.

I listen a lot to Christian talk radio and learn the most there.

I have a chronological bible that I am working on, I learn there.

But I really am at a loss as to how to tackle a book in the bible and really break it down to a real understanding. Does that make sense?

I know that you can buy study guide for many of the books in the that what I should do? Reading about Wanna working on Revelation and going back to reference other parts of the bible really confirms that I do not know how to learn and study from the bible!

Thoughts? Suggestions?


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Dace whenever I have a question about the TRUE meaning of a verse, I look at the references out to the side of that verse. Then I go back and pick apart word for word the meaning, THEN I put all those ideas together to get the truth out of it. I really very often go verse by verse to squeeze out every last little bit of information.

When you put the verses together like that, then add them into the context of the chapter, you get a better idea of what the author is saying. I also look at the author and time period to gain meaning from verses/chapters/books. For example,

John...was the disciple specifically pointed out the Christ loved. He tried to be closer to Christ, without regard to what others would think or what THEY were doing. He had a close personal relationship. That impacts his writings.

Paul, killed Christians for a living until God chose him to be the disciple to the gentiles, again, different person, different writing style, etc. Paul was also very educated and studied abroad.

Luke...was a physician, very intelligent man, very well educated, pays close attention to minor details...again completely changes how he writes

If you want to squeeze every detail from every verse, pay attention to who is writing, pay attention to the time frame, the setting, and the cultural background, whether they were a Jew or Gentile, as that will change witing style and meanings as well. There is a WHOLE LOT of different ways to study. There are so many perspectives, so many cultural differences, and so much yet to learn. We are really all just scratching the surface. I study a lot, I am a habitual studier :lol: I don't just study bible, I study SS, specific species of animals, and am never satisfied with just learning the basics of anything. Just like there are a hundred writing styles there are a hundred learning styles too ;) I'm a book geek, word geek, have to know it all geek. Some folks aren't. it doesn't mean either of us are right or wrong, just different.

SOOOOO, figure out your niche and run with it ;) Collectively we will all learn from each other I hope. That's the whole point :D


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Dace said:
Can I ask a really dumb question?

How does one go about studying the bible?

I have you guys and love coming here because I learn a lot of interesting things and feel free to ask silly questions.

I am in a small group and we read a Christian based book together and discuss it, I learn some there.

I go to church every Sunday and feel up lifted and learn there.

I listen a lot to Christian talk radio and learn the most there.

I have a chronological bible that I am working on, I learn there.

But I really am at a loss as to how to tackle a book in the bible and really break it down to a real understanding. Does that make sense?

I know that you can buy study guide for many of the books in the that what I should do? Reading about Wanna working on Revelation and going back to reference other parts of the bible really confirms that I do not know how to learn and study from the bible!

Thoughts? Suggestions?
The way you learn is the way that I learn also. Some people can read a book or verse and commit it to memory, study its every meaning and take that verse away from that kind of study with it locked into their heart....something they can bring out in pertinent times.

I learn like a sponge....I soak it all in from all directions. Then, when I need it, it may just come out like it went a splash of general knowledge about it, but unable to refer to specific points. More of a bath of knowledge and learning than a drink of the same. Not very effective, I realize, but that is how I am built and how I've always learned.

Some people are more methodical and direct in their learning...I wish that I could learn in that manner. I guess that is why God made us all some could take care of details, some could take care of the overall impression without getting too confused with all the smaller, working parts.


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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Dace said:
Can I ask a really dumb question?

How does one go about studying the bible?

I have you guys and love coming here because I learn a lot of interesting things and feel free to ask silly questions.

I am in a small group and we read a Christian based book together and discuss it, I learn some there.

I go to church every Sunday and feel up lifted and learn there.

I listen a lot to Christian talk radio and learn the most there.

I have a chronological bible that I am working on, I learn there.

But I really am at a loss as to how to tackle a book in the bible and really break it down to a real understanding. Does that make sense?

I know that you can buy study guide for many of the books in the that what I should do? Reading about Wanna working on Revelation and going back to reference other parts of the bible really confirms that I do not know how to learn and study from the bible!

Thoughts? Suggestions?
I need to talk and talk (well post and post) to get my head around something as complex, yet simple as this. ???? :idunno


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
Dace firstly no cumb questions or dumb answers here!! Secondly something that always helps me is if I pray that I will get the meaning that I should out of this chapter/section/verse. Then if I find words I have trouble with I google them.......... :)


Power Conserver
Nov 17, 2010
Reaction score
Dace said:
Can I ask a really dumb question?

How does one go about studying the bible?

I have you guys and love coming here because I learn a lot of interesting things and feel free to ask silly questions.

I am in a small group and we read a Christian based book together and discuss it, I learn some there.

I go to church every Sunday and feel up lifted and learn there.

I listen a lot to Christian talk radio and learn the most there.

I have a chronological bible that I am working on, I learn there.

But I really am at a loss as to how to tackle a book in the bible and really break it down to a real understanding. Does that make sense?

I know that you can buy study guide for many of the books in the that what I should do? Reading about Wanna working on Revelation and going back to reference other parts of the bible really confirms that I do not know how to learn and study from the bible!

Thoughts? Suggestions?
When I study, I ask who, what, when, why, how about everything. Who is writing, who are they speaking to, who does this apply to, what are they saying, when did they say it, why does it need to be said, how does this apply to my world. I have tried the "inductive" method where you make marks in the Bible to help you see the big picture, but I have found that I end up just making a bunch of marks and not really learning anything. I also write a lot, when something is revealed to me in study, I take notes, some in my Bible, some on paper if there is a lot revealed. Once I have identified the main theme of a chapter, I go to the concordance and see if I can find other references. I also have an encyclopedia to help with what life was like in Biblical times, which has helped TREMENDOUSLY, especially with passages like Deut: 22.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
Dace said:
Can I ask a really dumb question?

How does one go about studying the bible? Thoughts? Suggestions?
Dace you are a fairly new Christian. Don't despair.

I study the Bible much like I study any other text for something I want to learn how to do.

First I sit down all cozy and pick up a Book to read. I take my time and read it all of the way through. Sometimes I read it all of the way through several times. Then I go back and re-read parts that I had trouble with. Sometimes I listen to a Book on tape while I am doing my chores around the house. Things seem to soak in better that way sometimes. THEN I look up any references, quotes etc. I try to learn about the "language" of what I am studying. Then I take time to pray about it. Then ... and this is most important ... I spent some quiet time just listening.

Then I try to jump in with both feet and DO what ever it was that I was trying to learn.

I think it is most important to read Books as a whole. Get the competed idea fairly well digested and then start breaking it down. There can be a lot of confusion if you only get bits and bobs out of context.

Fortunately for us all the Bible is written for us and made easy to understand. Plus we Christians have the Holy Spirit within us to help us with the understanding. :D


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
I also want to comment about studying Revelations.

I understand that a lot of you are very excited to start this study, but I am really not all that interested. I have done a study in Revelations before and it was long and difficult. In the end I learned a bit about what is going to come to pass in the future.

In my opinion I prefer to study other parts of the Bible. Parts that can help me with my life more in the here and now. I am comfortable and confident that the end will be here soon and can pretty much take care of itself.

We do live in a democracy, however so majority rules. :)


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Farmfresh said:
I also want to comment about studying Revelations.

I understand that a lot of you are very excited to start this study, but I am really not all that interested. I have done a study in Revelations before and it was long and difficult. In the end I learned a bit about what is going to come to pass in the future.

In my opinion I prefer to study other parts of the Bible. Parts that can help me with my life more in the here and now. I am comfortable and confident that the end will be here soon and can pretty much take care of itself.

We do live in a democracy, however so majority rules. :)
I'm kind of feeling the same but am warming up to the idea a bit. ;)


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
Lets do it this way. Since FF mentioned that we are a democracy so lets vote.
I know Miss_thenorth and savingdogs are for it.

So where does everyone else satnd?

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