Sufficient Self's Bible Study Group


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Denim Deb said:
The Trinity is not something that we, as finite humans, can understand completely. The thing I like to use when explaining the Trinity is H2O, or dihydrogen monoxide. Normally, we just call this water, but it exists in 3 different states, as a solid-ice, as a liquid-water, and as a gas-water vapor. All 3 states have the same properties, freeze at 32 *F, boil at 212* F, etc. But, each is a distinct substance. Water is not ice or water vapor. It's the liquid stage of dihydrogen monoxide. Ice is not water or water vapor, but is the solid stage of dihydrogen monoxide. And, water vapor is not ice or water, but the gaseous stage of dihydrogen monoxide.

In the same way, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are all God, have all the same attributes, but are not the same person. God the Father is not the Son nor the Spirit, but the Father. Jesus is not the Father nor the Spirit, but is the Son. And the Spirit is not the Father nor the Son, but the Spirit. Each is separate, but part of a whole.

I hope that makes sense.
That's a very good example! :)

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I've heard people use an egg or a clover, but I like the use of dihydrogen monoxide better.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
BB, to answer your question: What do you think your home in Heaven will be like?

I've been reading about Heaven a good bit and also allowing my mind to go there frequently, as I like to be one step ahead of the game. I was country when country wasn't cool..... :p Now I am preparing for the next step before I go and so my studies have been bent on garnering knowledge about where I'm going.

What I've been reading states that God is designing a home specifically for each of us that is tailored to fit our personality and what our innermost desires of home are. I can't really picture such a place completely but I know what my soul responds to and so I know my home will include these things:

Bright water...the water here in the mountains always has the sun glinting off it in such wonderful ways and I never get tired of seeing it. It lifts up my spirit each and every time! I refer to it as "bright water" because it seems to shine into my very soul. I think my home will have bright waters running past or through it.

I love the sound of water, so my home will have water features or the land surrounding it will.

I love light of all kinds, so my home will have subtle and bold lighting from natural sources.

I love soft yellows, barn reds, milky greens and heather pinks and purples. I think my home will have beautiful colors. The sun will shine through jewels of such clarity and beauty into my home that it will bring my soul peace and joy.

I think it will be surrounded by flowers of all kinds, colors and scents.

I love the variety, color and softness of animals...I think the meadow by my home will have cows, horses, dogs, cats, chickens and any other animal that is pleasing to my eye and touch.

I think the seating, bedding, and dining furniture in my home will be broad and soft and arranged for fellowship and discussion with guests.

I think my home will be in a valley surrounded by mountains and I may also have a home on a sea shore. I think my home will be close to God and His other children, but a place in which I can be alone if I wish.

My home will be surrounded by the sounds of spring in the country.

I can't wait to get to my home!


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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Wannabefree said:
Denim Deb said:
The Trinity is not something that we, as finite humans, can understand completely. The thing I like to use when explaining the Trinity is H2O, or dihydrogen monoxide. Normally, we just call this water, but it exists in 3 different states, as a solid-ice, as a liquid-water, and as a gas-water vapor. All 3 states have the same properties, freeze at 32 *F, boil at 212* F, etc. But, each is a distinct substance. Water is not ice or water vapor. It's the liquid stage of dihydrogen monoxide. Ice is not water or water vapor, but is the solid stage of dihydrogen monoxide. And, water vapor is not ice or water, but the gaseous stage of dihydrogen monoxide.

In the same way, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are all God, have all the same attributes, but are not the same person. God the Father is not the Son nor the Spirit, but the Father. Jesus is not the Father nor the Spirit, but is the Son. And the Spirit is not the Father nor the Son, but the Spirit. Each is separate, but part of a whole.

I hope that makes sense.
That's a very good example! :)


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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Beekissed said:
BB, to answer your question: What do you think your home in Heaven will be like?

I've been reading about Heaven a good bit and also allowing my mind to go there frequently, as I like to be one step ahead of the game. I was country when country wasn't cool..... :p Now I am preparing for the next step before I go and so my studies have been bent on garnering knowledge about where I'm going.

What I've been reading states that God is designing a home specifically for each of us that is tailored to fit our personality and what our innermost desires of home are. I can't really picture such a place completely but I know what my soul responds to and so I know my home will include these things:

Bright water...the water here in the mountains always has the sun glinting off it in such wonderful ways and I never get tired of seeing it. It lifts up my spirit each and every time! I refer to it as "bright water" because it seems to shine into my very soul. I think my home will have bright waters running past or through it.

I love the sound of water, so my home will have water features or the land surrounding it will.

I love light of all kinds, so my home will have subtle and bold lighting from natural sources.

I love soft yellows, barn reds, milky greens and heather pinks and purples. I think my home will have beautiful colors. The sun will shine through jewels of such clarity and beauty into my home that it will bring my soul peace and joy.

I think it will be surrounded by flowers of all kinds, colors and scents.

I love the variety, color and softness of animals...I think the meadow by my home will have cows, horses, dogs, cats, chickens and any other animal that is pleasing to my eye and touch.

I think the seating, bedding, and dining furniture in my home will be broad and soft and arranged for fellowship and discussion with guests.

I think my home will be in a valley surrounded by mountains and I may also have a home on a sea shore. I think my home will be close to God and His other children, but a place in which I can be alone if I wish.

My home will be surrounded by the sounds of spring in the country.

I can't wait to get to my home!
Bee, my Granny had a dream several years back and she LOVES flowers. She dreamed she was in Heaven gardening in the flower gardens of Heaven. She has also saw her deceased Husband (my grandpa) and the son she lost when he was a baby, this was in a different dream. I think God is working on home similar to yours Bee, I too would like what you listed minus the colors. We may be neighbors...


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 26, 2009
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Tucson Arizona USA
One of the "missions" my husband has in his ministry is putting the Holy One "back together". Many Jews have the impression we Christians worship some kind of "three headed" deity. The manifestations of the Holy One are not three "separate" beings. There is ONLY ONE.

There is a daily Jewish prayer, recited at least once a day. The Shema and the V'haftah. The prayer comes directly from Deuteronomy 6:4-5

4 Hear, O Israel: The L_RD our G_d, the L_RD is one! 5 You shall love the L_RD your G_d with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.

Here is a mind blower for you to consider...

The Holy One is INFINITE in ALL dimensions. He has manifested Himself to us, as three manifestations, so far as we can perceive it, in this realm. At least we, at times, have a partial grasp of those three manifestations.

But, even by only using the three common manifestations, we can have smoke coming out our ears when we try to wrap our mortal minds around the concept of the three manifestations we see being ONE.

He is NOTHING like us. Yet, we are created in HIS image.... That is another mind blowing thought.

That is why we were told not to make any images of HIM.
WE are to be His image here. When people see us, they should see HIM.

We get from Him our sense of Justice, Love, Goodness, Kindness and any other things that reveal His nature in this realm.

The sense of Justice is one that you never have to teach your children. They are able at a very young age to figure out what is "fair". Try cutting a sandwich in half, or pouring glasses of a drink, the kids will notice if the other person gets more. And they will say "Hey, that is not fair!"

Our own sense of Justice can get violated when things don't go as we planned, even though the Holy One may have a better plan. We still struggle at times with things just not being FAIR in this realm.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
Rebbetzin once again you come through for us!

It is impossible in our linear physical lives to understand truly who GOD is.

After all HE can exist in the past, present and future at the same time and physical space does not hold HIM captive either. How mighty and GREAT is our GOD that with all of the power HE possesses HE still cares about a fallen sparrow and personally LOVES each of his children.

If we could really wrap our heads around HIM, here on Earth, we would not be able to get anything done. We would just stand, or more probably kneel, in awe and worship.

By the way... my idea of heaven is being a simple farm hand on the Master's homestead. I can't wait either...

... Of course we first have this war to win for HIM.



Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
BarredBuff said:
Wannabefree said:
BarredBuff said:
I see. So they are three different entities that you can see that make up God, right?
Define see :p You can't see a spirit or a mind. Not necessarily three different entities either, just three different elements of the same single entity. We still worship one God. But HE is made up of Father/Son/Spirit. That's how i SEE it ;)
So really there is one throne that the Son sets on, right?

Trinity makes my head hurt.........
I view the Trinity this way...God is the mind ( influencing how I think), Jesus is the flesh(influencing my 'works') and the Holy Spirit is the spirt/soul ( filling my heart with abounding joy). Together they make up the Trinity.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 31, 2009
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Wow you guys put things into words so easily and visually. If someone asked me to explain the Trinity it would probably come out sounding kinda like Rebbetzin's 3 headed thing! I am really enjoying reading what you all have posted and it helps me get a better hold on what I believe. Right now I am in more of a don't try to understand it, just do it phase. I know the 3 are one and how it works is just extra. Following the bible and leaving the details to him to reveal in his time.

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