Sunsaver, Livining Off-Grid In Suburbia- Happy Taconight America!



Thanks for all the welcomes back Yall! I should be able to get in here more often, now that i have regular work. As soon as i get a new computer, im going to be back on here writing my stories again and having real time conversations with you folks. Welcome Gypsi! nice to see a newbie going back and reading older posts. I miss being able to hang out here as long as i want. Well, i cant stay long, got food in the truck, and need to get it in the ice box. It looks like the euro is going to collapse and cause another resession in the US. Better get yall's pantrys filled before TSHTF! I'll be interested to hear what my fellow preppers are stocking up on. Yall take care, and i'll chat with ya later!:)


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 15, 2011
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I, have read all most all of your thread,and WOW you sure know how to weave a story;) Looking forward to reading more. Hope you get that new computer soon.


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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sunsaver said:
Thanks for all the welcomes back Yall! I should be able to get in here more often, now that i have regular work. As soon as i get a new computer, im going to be back on here writing my stories again and having real time conversations with you folks. Welcome Gypsi! nice to see a newbie going back and reading older posts. I miss being able to hang out here as long as i want. Well, i cant stay long, got food in the truck, and need to get it in the ice box. It looks like the euro is going to collapse and cause another resession in the US. Better get yall's pantrys filled before TSHTF! I'll be interested to hear what my fellow preppers are stocking up on. Yall take care, and i'll chat with ya later!:)
go to the elevator and buy as much wheat as your p/u truck can hold, take it home and store it in a clean dry place. Go back and get every kind of bean and do the same thing. You'll be well on your way to not worrying about anything, regardless of what those idiots in Eurozone do.
Honey is more expensive but stores indefinitely. Get lots. Corn is also just as useful. Barley, ditto. Get all you can afford and store it in 5 gallon food grade pails. Add Food grade Nitrogen to the bucket and they will store for more than 10 years. You'll use it up before then.
You may get tired of bread and beans, but you won't go hungry!
Your garden in the summer will supplement your winter supplies. Don't forget everything you buy should be able to be sprouted so you can have fresh greens in the winter! I love the mix of lentils, mung beans, alfalfa and broccoli sprouts. Yummy! Next we'll talk about hydroponics and fish farming...There is a good group that does this project where they grow fish in tanks(barrels), run the water through their hydroponic garden and what the fish leave in the water makes great fertilizer! I think it is called Aquaponics or (Barrelponics) and you are definitely in the right agricultural zone to do it, as well as you have the smarts to do it. The guy who started it uses a toilet tank valve mechanism to control the water. It is really a cool system. I'll send you a PM with the particulars as to how to learn about it
Really good to see you back here buddy.
Trim sends


Super Self-Sufficient
Aug 7, 2011
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Wow..I am impressed. I just spent the last 2 days reading your journal..Sunsaver. Mighty good read. I am new to the whole SS/BYC forum I don't know all the good places yet. I stumbled upon your journal listed in the index yesterday. ^5....keep up the good work.....I'll be waiting with baited breath for your next installments.
DH and I are half off grid. We bought this place last yr, paid in full...and chose not to get cable/satellite. We have well water, but are going through issues with it. The place is drafty, and is seriously lacking in insulation. We found that out last winter....bbbrrrrrrr.

I like your ideas and ingenuity. Creativity?... DH has dyslexia...all 3 of my children have it as well as their father. I taught them at home, then sent them to school to learn socialization skills. ADD/ADHD with dyslexia, make things difficult enough on the home front...let alone graduating HS and making a living with a job etc.

Anyway...mind if I tag along and read? You're my new hero :weee


M_CN, im impressed that you took the time to read, did you say my entire journal? You must have an infinity of patience! I am delighted that you find my writings entertaining, and i apologize for the unfinished story. I will get back to it when i can. :)


The library was warm, quiet and sparsely populated. I was too ill to build a fire, unable to squat in front of the old cast-iron, box wood stove. But i felt that i could drive in comfort; and so i fed the cats, shut off the solar power inverter to save electricity, and headed back to the library. The head matron greated me with a smile, now getting familiar with my almost daily visits. I smiled back, hobbling like an octagenarian. I took a guest pass from the front counter and made my way back to the computer area. I had them all to myself, so i took my favorite locale with a view to the entrance, and proceeded to hack my way onto the forbidden website,! How exciting it was to be typing away, contributing to the vile and sacraligious enfamy of alternative culture, whilst only feet away stood the towering figure of authority!
'I better cool it!' I thought. Surely at any moment someone would realize that it's me sitting here, typing away. ME! Sunsaver, the thorn in the side of big oil. ME! The champion of alternative energy and lifestyle, the bane in the existance of all fossil fuel producers everywhere!'
'Ridiculous!' I thought. 'I'm just being paranoid, or even worse, having delusions of grandure. Nobody cares what i say on here.' I thought. 'It's not like my words will live on forever in some meaningful way. I mean, they erase this stuff every night, right?' :cool:


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 15, 2011
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Good to hear from you again :) Love reading about your adventures.


Dessert Dreamer
Nov 20, 2011
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Mojave Desert
Sunsaver - It's really great to see you back on the forum. I'm pretty new here but, I am another who has been reading back through your journal and I must say it has been a blast! You really know how to tell a story and I've actually learned a few things! Thanks and best wishes for a full recovery. I still have a lot to learn!


Super Self-Sufficient
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
sunsaver said:
M_CN, im impressed that you took the time to read, did you say my entire journal? You must have an infinity of patience! I am delighted that you find my writings entertaining, and i apologize for the unfinished story. I will get back to it when i can. :)
Well, do make for a good read :bun And, I have an affinity for Louisiana men....*wink*

Does this mean you are feeling a little better? And, yes, I myself have done the library internet thing a few times. And, yes, they do limit what you can get :plbb


Thanks all. I never left, just haven't been around as much as back when i had a computer. I've been around here more lately because of my health issues: i'm not able to do much else but sit at the library. I have a customer who wants me to build and run an online store, and they are planning to buy me a new lap-top, so hopefully i will soon be back to my old ways of hanging around all day, tossing in my two cents when i think i know the answer. Until then i'll just come here when i can, and being that i am disabled for now, it will be more often than lately.
I found out this week that i have advanced cirrhosis of the liver. I took my last drink of vodka on sunday, but i don't know how much damage was done. The doctor said that if the scarring is extensive i will need a liver transplant. On Friday i was swollen up like the Michelin Man. I thought i was about to die, and made my peace with God. The blood test results came back on Tuesday:
"You're the sickest man i've seen in years!"
"Yeah, that's what my ex-wife said."
"If you have any change for the worse or more swelling, go to the emergency room immediatly!"
That's like getting a brick tossed in your face unexpectedly. "What the! Why did you you do that!?"
"Because i wanted to." I enjoyed my vodka. I did this to myself. I ate, drank, and was very merry for a very long time. Every day was Chistmas Day, every night new years eve, every year the same. Now the party's over. Turn out the lights. Time to get some rest and start eating healthy, local organic. Time to start practicing what i preach. No processed foods and no chemicals, only real food. Cut back on the fried chicken and other fried foods (that's very difficult for a Louisianna man: we fry everything), and limit salt which has to be processed by the liver.
It's seems that my life is gradually becoming more green than i ever expected it to. It began with the attacks on 911, escalated when the evil powercompany cut me off with no warning, and now ramping up towards a clean, zero carbon footprint lifestyle, by a diagnosis of death by ethyl alcohol poisoning.

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